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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Nouns VerbsVerbs IIVocabCulture.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Nouns VerbsVerbs IIVocabCulture

2 What are the five noun cases?

3 Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

4 What two cases are used for nouns following prepositions?

5 Accusative Ablative

6 Write down the noun chart.

7 Case1 st 2 nd 3rd Nomaus/r---- Genaeiis Dataeoi Accamumem Ablāoe Nomaeies Genarumorumum Datīs ibus Accasoses Ablīs ibus

8 Give the correct declension number for each of these nouns: dominus, i flamma, ae mater, matris lapis, lapidis

9 dominus, i – 2 nd declension flamma, ae – 1 st declension mater, matris – 3 rd declension lapis, lapidis – 3 rd declension

10 Correctly Identify what case would be used for each of these words if this sentence were in Latin: The girls donate the dolls to the daughters of their slave-women in the villa.

11 The girls (nominative) donate the dolls (accusative) to the daughters (dative) of their slave-women (genitive) in the villa (ablative).

12 What does “number” mean in regard to verbs?

13 Identifies how many subjects there are

14 Give the two tenses that use the third principal part as their root

15 Perfect and Pluperfect

16 Give three ways in which you can translate the perfect tense.

17 _______ed did ______ has/have______ed

18 How do you translate each of these verbs? Prin. Pts.: video, vidēre, vidi 1. vidisti 2. videbant 3. videratis 4. videmus

19 1. Vidisti (You saw) 2. Videbant (They were seeing) 3. videratis (You all had seen) 4. videmus (We see)

20 Put this verb into the following three forms in Latin: amo, amare, amavi 1. They love. 2. We loved. 3. He had loved.

21 1. They love. (amant) 2. We loved. (amavimus) 3. He had loved. (amaverat)

22 What does “est” mean?

23 He/She/It is

24 What does “potest” mean?

25 He/She/It is able

26 What does “voluimus” mean? (volo, velle, volui)

27 We wanted.

28 What does “ibant” mean?

29 They were going.

30 What does “Noli dormire!” mean?

31 Don’t sleep!

32 Give the correct meaning of this word: puella, -ae

33 girl

34 Give the correct meaning of these words: epistula, -ae ingens, ingentis

35 Letter huge

36 Give the correct meaning of these words: clamo, -are traho, -ere facio, -ere

37 To scream to drag to do, make

38 Give the correct meaning of these words: ubi cave bonus, a, um pes, pedis

39 Where/when be careful! Good foot

40 Give the correct meaning of these words: sub bellum, -i mater, matris tempus, temporis moveo, movere

41 Under war mother time to move

42 In what year was Rome founded?

43 753 BC

44 On what hill did Romulus have his hut?

45 The Palatine

46 List three functions of the Roman Forum.

47 1. Wall Street 2. Religious Center 3. Legal Center 4. Government Center 5. Cultural Center

48 Name four generals of the Punic Wars (Roman or Carthaginian).

49 Hamilcar Hannibal Hasdrubal Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Cato the Elder (acceptable)

50 Tell me these items in Latin: Largest Racetrack in Rome Center Barrier Turning Post 4 racing factiones Name of the Emperor who built the largest racetrack

51 Circus Maximus Spina meta Russati, Albati, Prasini, Veneti Trajan

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