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Chapter 8 Genetic technology offers the promise of a diverse array of good, questionable, and bad technology applications. Can redesign existing organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Genetic technology offers the promise of a diverse array of good, questionable, and bad technology applications. Can redesign existing organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Genetic technology offers the promise of a diverse array of good, questionable, and bad technology applications. Can redesign existing organisms Change genetic structure at the microscopic level Can reproduce helpful and useful genetic material within a population. Can treat and cure genetic diseases Can identify defective genetic sequences

2 Genetic Disease Single gene defect Dominant – cannot be masked by second chromosome – Huntington's Disease Recessive - only when both chromosomes have the defect – Sickle-Cell Anemia - Cystic Fibrosis Sex-linked defect Y chromosome (recessive) is shorter then the X chromosome and is masked – Hemophilia Chromosome abnormalities additional chromosomes – Down Syndrome – 3 chromosomes at chromosome 21 (duplication, deletion, or rearrangement)

3 Genetic Counseling Everyone has 3 to 8 genetic defects Most do not seek genetic counseling before conception Means to discover deformities and defects in the womb Laparoscopy-flexible fiber optic scope Prenatal tests – sampling amniotic fluid Chorionic sampling (CVS) Blood test maternal serum alfa-fetoprotein (MSAFP) (spinal cord, brain) Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) (eugenics mind set?) Value of Children reduce to genetic make-up Certain people become undesirable PDG becomes family balancing

4 Gene Splicing Recombinant DNA Creating new strains of DNA – New Genetic deck of cards Powerful in society will create an advantage for themselves Danger of creating a pathogen by mistake Frankenstein Effect rDNA Produce medically important substances (insulin, interferon,, human growth hormone) Agriculture: improve the genetic fitness of planet species Aid industrial and environmental processes (organisms that can eat an oil spill) Genetic organism can be patented (Should life be patentable?) Life is a creation of God, any and all life) Broader theological question (If genetic engineering should be used at all)

5 Genesis 1:28 - God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Modern Science rests on the Theory of evolution Science can better develop evolutionary process than nature each stage of artificial evolution will embolden the next until?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Genetic engineering gives man the technology to act like gods but lacking the wisdom We do not have the right to rewrite the fifth and six day of creation Genetic engineering within the Biblical framework 1. genetic repair 2. cure diseases 3. Maybe minor modifications? Genetic disease is not part of God’s plan, did not exist before sin Christians should be concerned about the creation of novel life forms When God created, there were natural built in barriers created between species (geographically, genetically)

6 Cloning Dolly the Sheep Artificial twinning of human embryos/cell differentiating/state of quiescence Will Scientists Clone Humans? Need different procedures to do so. Reasons to do it 1. Spare parts 2. Replace lost children 3. Research 4. Alternate method of reproduction Has the same problems and perils as abortion. Prolife stance against it Clearly goes against the stance as God the sovereign and giver of life

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