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Zebra Mussels Solution By: Shannon Gilbert Invasive species.

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Presentation on theme: "Zebra Mussels Solution By: Shannon Gilbert Invasive species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zebra Mussels Solution By: Shannon Gilbert Invasive species

2 Removal Once zebra mussels become established in the water they are impossible to get rid of. Many chemicals can kill zebra mussels, but they are so tolerant and tough that everything in the water would have to be poisoned in order to destroy the Zebra Mussel’s. Most sailors rely on chemicals such as chlorine, filters, or mechanical scraping to remove mussels from their intake pipes and facilities, which can help but not remove all the Zebra Mussels!

3 Solution Because removal was not option scientist’s came up with a solution that is more of a prevention! Sailors and shipmen can help with the scientific prevention! All they have to do is follow these simple procedures and Zebra Mussel’s will be gone soon enough!

4 Step 1 in Prevention… First you have to inspect your boat! Thoroughly inspect your boat's hull, drive unit, trim plates, trolling plates, prop guards, transducers, centerboards, rollers, axles, anchor, anchor rope and trailer. Scrape off and trash any suspected mussels, however small. Remove all water weeds hanging from the boat or trailer before leaving any water body.

5 Step 2&3 in Prevention… Drain Then you must drain water from the motor and any other water from your boat and equipment while on land before leaving the water. Dump Next dump all the leftover bait on land, away from water, before leaving the water this way you will not infect any of the uninfected waters!

6 Steps 3&4 in Prevention… Rinse When you get home before launching your boat into uninfected waters thoroughly rinse and dry the hull, drive unit, live wells, bilge, trailer, bait buckets, engine cooling system and other boat parts that got wet while in the infected waters. Dry Let your boat, motor and or trailer dry thoroughly in the sun for at least five days before boating again.

7 Other Solution Some sources say that scientists have discovered a bacteria that may be able to kill them but their not positive. They believe it may not harm any other animals.

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