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The Odyssey. What is an Epic? A long narrative poem about a legendary hero. Epic Hero-The central figure in a long narrative who possesses larger-than-

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1 The Odyssey

2 What is an Epic? A long narrative poem about a legendary hero. Epic Hero-The central figure in a long narrative who possesses larger-than- life qualities such as bravery, loyalty, and heroism. Epic Simile- a detailed comparison in the form of a simile that is many lines in length (uses like or as)

3 Homer poet thought to be blind, but describes events as a seeing person lived around 1200 B.C.E ( Before the common era)

4 Homer Wrote The Illiad and The Odyssey - stories about the war between the Trojans and the Greeks which happened between 900 and 700 B.C.E.

5 How the Trojan War Starts: Goddess of Conflict- Eris- puts out a Golden Apple for the Most Beautiful- Hera (Zeus’ wife), Athena, and Aphrodite (Zeus’ children) quarreled over it They ask Zeus to choose- he declines Tells them to ask Paris- Prince of Troy; awards apple to Aphrodite because she promises him Helen, from Greece

6 Then… Paris and Helen fall in love and run away to Troy Odysseus and Menelaus, Helen’s husband, demand her return back to Greece Trojans refuse Siege of Troy ensues- 1000 ships set sail, led by King Agamemnon, Odysseus, and Achilles Lasts 9 years

7 Illiad- Homer’s 1 st Story Story of the last 50 days of the Trojan War- 10 th year Trojans were winning because Achilles leaves war Odysseus comes up with idea of Trojan Horse- a fake peace offering from the Gods Odysseus and his men hide inside the horse Trojans accept the horse and wheel it into Troy

8 The Trojan Horse

9 Greece (Odysseus) Wins the War When Trojans fall asleep at night, Odysseus and his men jump out and defeat Troy and burn it to ruins Greece wins

10 The Odyssey Odysseus claimed he won the Trojan War all by himself The story of the journey of Odysseus and his men trying to get home after the Trojan War After spending 10 years stranded on an island, it takes another 10 years to get back to Ithaca because he is cursed by Poseiden for his arrogance. Also, Odysseus stabs his son, the Cyclops in the eye an epic about humans on the journey of life overcoming temptations along the way.


12 Themes in The Odyssey Xenia-the Greek ideal of hospitality, the guest-host relationship. Nostos- homecoming, peace Kleos- glory, name, reputation earned in war Odysseus has all three as the epic hero

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