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Due December 2 nd.  Create a speech about the topic you chose for History Class. Your speech will give a basic overview of the problem, and you will.

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Presentation on theme: "Due December 2 nd.  Create a speech about the topic you chose for History Class. Your speech will give a basic overview of the problem, and you will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Due December 2 nd

2  Create a speech about the topic you chose for History Class. Your speech will give a basic overview of the problem, and you will give your solution. You will need to persuade your audience; show them the importance of the problem, and why your solution is the best one for the problem. The speech should take between 2-3 minutes to speak. Use what you have learned about rhetoric to help you achieve your goals.


4  There are many ways to organize a persuasive speech.  However, the most basic way is very similar to the organization of an essay:  Introduction  Body  Conclusion

5  Just like with an essay, the first step is to organize the speech with an outline.

6  Attention Getter  Grab the audience’s attention with a question, short anecdote, quote…etc.  Thesis  Include the main point of your speech. What are you trying to accomplish?

7  Explain the problem:  Give details to explain the problem you are trying to solve.  Use Rhetoric to help you  Describe the Solution:  Use details to explain how you would solve the problem  Use rhetoric.

8  Briefly explain the main points again  Use a strong closer: a call to action, the end to your anecdote…etc.

9 I Introduction: A. Attention Getter B. Bond with the audience: create ethos C. Thesis II Body: A. Problem a) Details b)Details c) Details B. Solution a) Details b) Details c) Details III Conclusion A. Thesis B. Closer

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