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MHS SPEECH TEAM INTEREST MEETING Nov. 10-14 at 11:30 A252 Time to Suit Up!

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Presentation on theme: "MHS SPEECH TEAM INTEREST MEETING Nov. 10-14 at 11:30 A252 Time to Suit Up!"— Presentation transcript:

1 MHS SPEECH TEAM INTEREST MEETING Nov. 10-14 at 11:30 A252 Time to Suit Up!

2  A Competitive Speaking/Performance Activity  13 Different Categories Public Address Interpretation  “An Intellectual Sport”  Tournaments Regular Season SW Conference Awards Sections State Nationals What is Speech?

3 “There’s nothing that prepares you better for work and life, than high school Speech.” Oprah Winfrey “If I could pick one factor in selecting a student who will excel in college, it would be participation in high school Speech.” John Sexton, President, NYU How is Speech good for you?

4 Speech teaches you how to:  be confident  act professionally  compel an audience to listen  use criticism  perform under pressure  think at high level  dress for success  win or lose with class! How is Speech good for you?

5  Our Mission: To be a classy team committed to learning, having fun, and striving for excellence.  Nearly 70 team members in 2014. Why is MHS Speech special?

6  In 2013, MHS Speech was ranked in top 5% of teams in the nation by the National Forensic League.  In 2012, MHS Speech qualified 13 students for the MSHSL State Speech Tournament.  MHS Speech has 25 State MSHSL Speech Champions since 1975 -- the 4 th most in Minnesota. Why is MHS Speech special?

7  Practice:  30-60 min per week w/ coach = flexible!  More on your own time = flexible!  Team Meetings:  1-2 per month, held in the morning.  Tournaments:  See tournament contract for all dates and locations. What is the time commitment?

8  We audition all new members so the coaching staff can place you in a category that best suits your talents and our team needs.  NO CUTS!  Auditions are held on Nov 17-20 in A252.  Sign-up for a 6-minute audition time outside room A252. Why do we have auditions?

9  Show off your talents!  Come prepared in all 4 areas.  Don’t forget to come with writing for area #4.  No memorization required but be prepared.  Start with the area you think is your strength.  Think about the 13 categories and which ones could best suit your talents and communicate that to the coaches at your audition.  Be flexible with category placement. Know that the coaches understand the activity very well and they want what is best for you and our team as a whole. How do auditions work?

10  Application w/ photo  Rate Yourself Sheet  Contract signed by parents (there’s an extra copy of this for you to keep) What do I turn in at my audition?

11  Varsity (V), Junior Varsity (JV), Novice (N)  Placement is based on:  Experience and past success  Audition preparation and performance  What is the difference between N, JV, and V?  V and JV members may be expected to practice longer, may attend different tournaments.  Level placement is not a criterion for placement on Playoff teams. What are the levels on the team?

12  ASAP = Sign-up for an audition!  Nov 10-17 = Auditions  Nov 21 = Team Posted during lunch  Nov 24 = Season Kickoff Team Meeting 3:10 in A252  Dec 1 = Practices Begin  Dec 6 = Speech Workshop at MHS 9-noon  Dec 8 = Parent Meeting 6:30 What is the timeline?

13  Spread the word! All can audition!  Others who are not at the interest meeting can pick up a packet and sign-up to audition.  Learn more!  choose Speech from the Activities menu. Or, scan below: See you at auditions!

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