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Welcome to Speech Semester Class Ms. Hale. Attention Getter We usually need.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Speech Semester Class Ms. Hale. Attention Getter We usually need."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Speech Semester Class Ms. Hale

2 Attention Getter We usually need speech for everyday things like: Work elayvictory.htm Life/ passion School s.html

3 How did that make you feel? Was anyone stirred, moved, anyone wrestle with any emotions? We can all acquire this gift/talent One of the most important LIFE SKILL Is communication

4 Objective: Understand that effective speaking is empowering in that it builds confidence and can move people to action.

5 “The Power Behind Words”

6 If King had not spoken well – this speech would have been filed away and that moment in time would have been lost in history.

7 Because Mr. King took the time to research, practice, work on his delivery and technique, this speech 47 years later, still evokes a lot of emotion, continues to empower, and is still as powerful as the day he gave it back in 1963. In addition, Mr. King’s speech is considered one of the best speeches of our U.S. history.

8 My desire for you in this class is for each of you to see and hear the power of your own words.

9 How many of you have found yourself in an argument with someone, i.e. your parents, friends, teachers??? Pt85U&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffresnobeehive%2Ecom%2Farchives% 2F2008%2F04%2Fget%5Freel%5Ffilm%5Ff%2Ehtml&feature=player _embedded

10 How many of you have tried to argue with your parents and have failed? Perhaps used poor language, skill, or wording. Found yourself confused, poorly organized thought, etc…

11 With the skills and techniques that will be taught/learned in this class, you will increase your chances of possibly winning those disagreements, capture their attentions, impress, and at the very least “Be Heard” And this is what most of us want most of all.

12 Note Cards Name Grade Date of Birth Parents Name Back Hopes for this class Fears for this class Outside Activities School Activities

13 Index Card: Think about your strengths/Weaknesses – write them down Strengths: research, practice, organize, creative Room for improvement – nervousness, fumble with words, talk to fast

14 Homework – Due Friday 8/20 – A period Monday 8/23 – C Period Introduction Speech “I am a _____________ person” Example: I am a busy person Now give three reasons (3 points) with examples why Example: I work, I play sports, I have a job. Give a little detail (supportive evidence) with each.

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