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A healthy Body is a Happy Body Focus: Department Supervisor (Health and PE) Kate DeSantis.

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Presentation on theme: "A healthy Body is a Happy Body Focus: Department Supervisor (Health and PE) Kate DeSantis."— Presentation transcript:

1 A healthy Body is a Happy Body Focus: Department Supervisor (Health and PE) Kate DeSantis

2 Components to a healthy body.. How to achieve overall health is endless. But there are a few key components that are essential to staying healthy. o Weight to height ratio o BMI o Blood Pressure o Heart Rate

3 Goal: To educate students on what some key components to staying healthy are, how to achieve them and how to maintain. With the purchase of a few products, students can be hands on during health classes to help properly educate them.

4 Height Rod Height and weight go hand in hand. Depending on your height, your proper weight can be determined. By having a height rod, students can know there height and be able to determine other health components using that number. Cost: $89.00 each ( (The height rod mounts to the wall)

5 Scale A scale is used for seeing how much someone weighs. By having a scale in a health class, students can see there weight and they can know whether they need to gain, loose, or maintain. Cost: $28.95 each (

6 Blood Pressure Monitor Blood Pressure is the force of blood against the walls of the arteries in your heart. Knowing what your blood pressure is, is critical because high or low blood pressure can lead to serious problems. Cost: $46.16 each (

7 BMI Caliper BMI is calculated by weight (in pounds) / [height (in inches) x height (in inches)] x 703. Using a BMI Caliper can show how much fat a person has on there body measured by the caliper itself. Students can do the BMI formula and then use the caliper. Cost: $5.15 each (

8 Heart Rate Monitor Heart rate is important to monitor during exercise. Overexertion can lead to heart problems or even death. For moderate-intensity physical activity: Target heart rate should be 50 to 70% of his or her maximum heart rate. This maximum rate is based on the person's age. An estimate of a person's maximum age-related heart rate can be obtained by subtracting the person's age from 220. For vigorous-intensity physical activity Target heart rate should be 70 to 85% of his or her maximum heart rate. Cost: $33.22 each (

9 Overall Cost Height Rod: $89.00 Scale : $28.95 Blood Pressure Monitor: $46.16 BMI Caliper: $5.15 Heart Rate Monitor: $33.22 Overall Cost = $202.48 (One of each product)

10 Effectiveness By having these five health tools in health classrooms can improve students knowledge of there health and help set goals to being healthy young adults.

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