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Planning your actions Forum on management of mobilizing projects for the development of young children Mai 15 & 16 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning your actions Forum on management of mobilizing projects for the development of young children Mai 15 & 16 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning your actions Forum on management of mobilizing projects for the development of young children Mai 15 & 16 2013

2 Where are we in our planning process? Our assets Our 3 priorities Our vision Our objectives Our annual work plan

3 Why plan ?

4 Planning our journey… to reach our destination

5 Plan our project… to achieve our objectives

6 Planning… an example Vision Objectives Action Families in our community live a healthy life Workshop to promote awareness about healthy traditional foods Increase the number of families who adopt healthy nutritional habits

7 Actions Target group Desired change through this action Workshop to promote awareness about healthy traditional foods Parents and extended family The parents and extended families of children will have better knowledge about healthy traditional foods. Planning… an example

8 Actions Action target Lead person and partners Workshop to promote awareness about healthy traditional foods 6 x 25 parents will learn about the benefits of healthy traditional foods Nutritionist, Collaboration of the MCH nurse and the family visitor The action target is the precise change that you wish to make among a certain number of beneficiaries following the action. Planning… an example

9 Actions Intensity Place Workshop to promote awareness about healthy traditional foods 3 hours x twice a year for 3 years Community hall Planning… an example

10 Actions Calendar Year 1Year 2Year 3 Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 3Q4Q 1Q 2Q3Q4Q 1Q 2Q3Q4 Workshop to promote awareness about healthy traditional foods x x x x x x Planning… an example

11 Planning … 3 aspects to keep in mind Sustainability Commun implementation Action intensity

12 Simulation exercise Planning your actions

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