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Introduction for BIGS. Thank you for participating! Exciting national program: Relationship - “Plus” Cutting edge science: Skills to reach for full potential.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction for BIGS. Thank you for participating! Exciting national program: Relationship - “Plus” Cutting edge science: Skills to reach for full potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction for BIGS

2 Thank you for participating! Exciting national program: Relationship - “Plus” Cutting edge science: Skills to reach for full potential Research-based activities that are fun and useful

3 Why did you sign up to be a BIG? You are here to Start Something

4 Share Your Experiences with Your Little

5 What does it mean to thrive?

6 Forward, purposeful motion towards achieving one’s full potential. No finish line. Life skills that position youth for a hopeful future to be all they can be… Thriving

7 Helps you learn about Step-It-Up-2-Thrive Activities to do with your Little All of this and more available at Your Bigs’ Binder

8 Be a friend; Build trust Tap into your Little’s intrinsic desire Need multiple conversations to unpack past hurts & adopt new framing Aspiration in Tough Environments

9 Protective shells that help them disconnect from life aspirations “You don’t understand me. That doesn‘t apply to me and my world.” What We Can Expect…

10 #1: Acknowledge norms that have been a part of your Little’s experience. Your Little may need to adopt new norms & behaviors different from peers. So What Do We Do?

11 #2: Draw out unspoken feelings or events in your Little’s world and the worthwhile price that he/she pays to advance dreams. What do we do?

12 #3: Give your Little permission and the courage to grow up differently than peers and to be what he/she aspires to be. What do we do?

13 #4: When drawing out Little’s passions & dreams, draw out the barriers. What will it take and what might get in the way? What do we do?

14 “I’m giving you this feedback because I have high standards and I know you can meet them.” Wise feedback


16 Those inner passions, interests & talents that start the drive for personal growth. Start the Engine With Sparks

17 Video: Billy Elliot © Clip

18 2/3s of Youth know their spark by age 10. Just 1/3 of those youth have spark champions. Sparks Statistics

19 Sparks Conversation Role Play

20 Sparks Ideas

21 Sparks Champions

22 Sparks Resources Sparks Anchor Paper Sparks Conversation Sparks Champion Mapping Sparks movie clips & discussion guides

23 Exploring Sparks with your Little Find Grow Champion

24 Let’s “Rev it Up” With a Growth Mindset

25 Fixed Mindset & Growth Mindset Fixed Mindset: Belief that intelligence, abilities or personality are primarily fixed or inherited. Growth Mindset: Belief that intelligence, abilities or personality are primarily grown through effort.

26 Eyes in the Forest…

27 Michael Jordan Video

28 Effort-based praise experiment 5 th graders - easy puzzle “You must have worked hard” “You must be smart at this” Seek challenge Avoid challenge Scores improve Scores get worse

29 Group Activity I: Growth Mindset Months 3 or 4

30 Tune into your Gas Gauge Helping your Little reflect on “thriving indicators” and risk factors

31 The Thriving Wheel

32 Remind Little that he or she has a choice about all of these (except for Littles with an unhealthy family environment). Risk Factors Wheel

33 Through Conversations… Discover & apply strengths grown, and Find new skills to develop …along the road to Thriving.

34 Goal Management Skills (GPS): Launch Navigation System G: Goal Selection: Where am I going? P: Pursuit of Strategies: How do I get there? S: Shifting Gears: When the going gets tough!

35 What’s Ahead…

36 Recommended! Articles: Thriving in Youth, Sparks, Mindset, Growing Aspiration in Tough Environments, Behavior Change & Goal Management Your Match Support Specialist! Everything in your binder and more is available at Thanks for your feedback on this session!

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