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Cheetahs Main idea,how cheetahs grow and live in there environment. Mrs.B By : Melanie m/wallpaper/animals/photos/big-

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2 Cheetahs Main idea,how cheetahs grow and live in there environment. Mrs.B By : Melanie m/wallpaper/animals/photos/big- cats/cheetahs/

3 Cheetahs looks and sounds o There are a total of 36 different types of cheetahs o All cheetahs have two permanent black stripes like tears. o King cheetahs have bold dramatic patterns. o Cheetahs cant growl they purr. o The cheetah can run 65 – 70 mph. A endangered king cheetah

4 Cool facts you should know o Cheetahs can be trained easily. o when trained they can be taught to kill only male antelope. o The cheetahs relatives include lions,tigers,jaguars, and,leopards. o The Cheetahs strong muscle legs built for speed. A hyena is one of the cheetahs relatives

5 History of cheetahs o Cheetahs have been used as a symbol of power. o Lots of cheetahs are in Hieroglyphic. o the name cheetah is originated in H’ndu chita means the spotted one. Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic

6 Video and sound This is a video of a cheetah running at full speed. Then click video and sound! http://kids.nationalgeographic. com/kids/animals/creaturefeat ure/cheetah/?source=sem_G2 205&s_kwcid=cheetahs A baby king cheetah A baby cheetah

7 Resources http://animals.nationalgeogra hotos/big-cats/cheetahs Thank you

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