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CHEMINET KIARA COSTON ADVISOR: DR. CHERYL SEALS. Name: Kiara Coston From: Washington DC School: North Carolina A&T State University Graduation: May 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEMINET KIARA COSTON ADVISOR: DR. CHERYL SEALS. Name: Kiara Coston From: Washington DC School: North Carolina A&T State University Graduation: May 2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 Name: Kiara Coston From: Washington DC School: North Carolina A&T State University Graduation: May 2012 I graduated from the School of Engineering, Computer Science department and earned a Bachelor of Science degree. I am a member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon and the National Society of Black Engineers. I am currently fulfilling a research project at Auburn University in the Computer Science and Software Engineering department under the direction of Dr. Cheryl Seals. ABOUT ME


4 Technology is playing a key role in classrooms across the nation Budget cuts are causing educational leaders to think outside of the box when it comes to incorporating technology within the classroom Budget cuts threaten the ability of educational leaders and school districts to implement new technologies o Survey done by American Association of School Administrators unveil that 57% of schools plan to delay or eliminate technology purchases in 2010-2011. Web-based applications can allow users access 24 hours a day

5 PROJECT INTRODUCTION The ChemiNet application was designed to reinforce basic chemistry by providing a dynamic web-based environment for students to explore concepts that may or may not have already been introduced through traditional instructional methods The project objective is to create a web-based application that is engaging, interactive and provides an excellent user experience to support STEM education(e.g. chemistry)

6 BACKGROUND ARTICLE TOPICS E-learning Web: interactive and multimedia education Multimedia systems in education: effects of usability on learning Online educational design instructions Software Engineering HCI – Design Usability Games to support education

7 BACKGROUND ARTICLES CONT. Topic: Usability & HCI – Design “The Psychopathology of Everyday things” Stressed the key concepts of design, usability, and functionality. A product has no use if it has all the right functionality and the design not usable or it has a great and simple design, but is not functional. Good conceptual models allow the user to predict the effects of our action. This article relates to the project in such a way that ChemiNet has to have the proper functions with a simple and easy to understand design in order to be useful.

8 BACKGROUND ARTICLES CONT. Topic: Web: interactive and multimedia education “Adaptive Web-Based Learning Environments” These adaptive online learning environments have great potential to enhance learning, because of the ability to adapt to fit the learning style of many different students. The four versions used were Logical/Mathematical, Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial, and Musical/Rhythmic. With these four versions the researchers thought the students would gravitate to their particular types of resources and learning materials. Potential of these learning systems are significant, but there are some inconsistences on how to appropriately gauge the results. This article relates to the project because the project is a interactive web based learning environment.

9 BACKGROUND ARTICLES CONT. Topics: Games to support education & Multimedia systems in education: effects of usability on learning “Cultural Framing of Computer/Video Games” Some advocates of digital game-based learning imply that developing educational games is a moral imperative, as kids of the "videogame generation" do not respond to traditional instruction. Edutainment games such as SimCity and Civilization are intriguing educational materials, the most promising developments in educational gaming might come through games that are explicitly design to support learning. ChemiNet is a project that is explicitly made to support learning which is how this article relates to the project.

10 BACKGROUND ARTICLES CONT. Topic: Software Engineering “Secure Software Development Life Cycle Processes” The four focus areas in the software design life cycle: security engineering activities, security assurance activities, security organizational and project management activities, and security risk identification and management activities. Discussed several models, processes, methods, and evaluation standards that have helped organizations become more aware of and develop more secure software. This article relates to the ChemiNet project in such a way all information should be secure and be compared to the models and evaluation standard for secure systems.

11 PROJECT PURPOSE The goal of this project is to introduce students to a new way of learning by providing a web-based learning environment that allows students to reinforce standard objectives. Present enhancements 1-2 Lessons 1-2 Quizzes Future enhancements Full database functioning More lessons More quizzes

12 FRAMEWORK NET framework is an excellent framework when building web applications  It facilitates rapid application development NET framework provides access to many new technologies  These technologies include: ASP.NET AJAX, Language-Integrated Query (LINQ), Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation, and Windows CardSpace The most popular and widely used technologies of the.NET framework is the ASP.NET AJAX library  For example, a developer can use an UpdatePanel control if they only need to refresh a certain section of the page instead of refreshing the whole page

13 LANGUAGE The C# programming language is the main programming language of the Microsoft.NET framework C# is an object-oriented programming language where all code reside within classes. Current version of C# is 4.0 C# programming language have many features such as the ability to create generic collections and use lambda expressions

14 PROTOTYPE Home Page Lesson Intro Lesson Page Quiz

15 PROPOSED PROTOTYPE Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids Intro lesson page

16 PROPOSED PROTOTYPE CONT. Page 2 of the Metals,Nonmetals, and Metalloids lesson

17 WORK CITED Adams, C., Seals, C (PowerPoint). Online Learning Tool: A Web-Based Learning Environment to Support STEM Education Norman, Donald A. The Design of Everyday Things. New York: Doubleday, 1990. Print. Noopur, Davis. "Secure Software Development Life Cycle Processes." Secure Software Development Life Cycle Processes. Carnegie Mellon University, 26 June 2012. Web. 27 June 2012.. Perry, Victoria. "Adaptive Web-Based Learning Environments." Home. US Department of Health & Human Services, 2008. Web. 06 June 2012.. Squire, Kurt. "Cultural Framing of Computer/Video Games." Game Studies 0102: Cultural Framing of Computer/video Games. By Kurt Squire. N.p., July 2002. Web. 18 June 2012..

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