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Unitec Teaching & Learning Symposium 25 September 2007 Engaged student learning: Analysing immigrants’ business information sources Prue Cruickshank Unitec.

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1 Unitec Teaching & Learning Symposium 25 September 2007 Engaged student learning: Analysing immigrants’ business information sources Prue Cruickshank Unitec Business School

2 Presentation Describes a communication team project (Professional Communication 5430 - Bachelor of Business) which incorporates students’ own cultural knowledge, and curriculum learning in a ‘real world’ situation of immigrant business people.

3 Goals  Deliver generic communication curriculum  Value diverse knowledge  Challenge all students  Extend critical thinking  Develop critical self analysis  Appreciate immigrants’ challenges

4 “Just in time learning” over 10 weeks ‘Just in time’ delivery of curriculum – ommunication process, – communication process, – intercultural, –interpersonal including assertiveness, active listening & interviewing, –team development, –negotiating, –conflict resolution, –business writing, –presenting. Assessment –Reflective self analysis of own communication performance in first 3 weeks in teams –Team report (Mark shared but subject to peer assessment) –Team presentation to class – marked individually. –Final exam: may include question on team process

5 Learning about ourselves & others Work/Project Self awareness Class discussion Team discussion Different cultures, experiences, languages, values Practical discussions in class, in teams, in the workplace.

6 Team Project Requirements  Form diverse teams of 4 (culture, gender, age, languages, experience, etc)  Set own standards of behaviour & performance  Find a willing immigrant business person  Research potential relevant information sources  Interview business person  Write a report for that person (Considerable effort & skills necessary to achieve this)  Present information to the class

7 International Team Examples Students from ….  Russia, Myanmar, NZ, & China, analyse the journey of a Chinese immigrant thwarted in employment, who opens his own restaurants.  NZ, Philippines, India, Romania, & Nigeria, analyse a Polish immigrant’s progress in operating a plastering business.  India, Iraq, China, Thailand track success of a Chinese fruit retailer.  China, & Solomon Islands analyse a Chinese Satellite TV developer.

8 Interviews reveal…  Immigrants’ information sources: –Before arriving in New Zealand –On arrival in New Zealand –Opening & operating their business –Expanding their business  Role of –family and friends –The Internet –Agents  Barriers encountered & strategies used.

9 Communication Team Project  Provides meaningful interactive learning environment -  Requires application of all communication skills  Requires students active participation  Highlights the importance of communication skills in business  Values immigrants’ contributions & challenges

10 The HEAL Project Holistic, experiential, action learning  Emotional involvement – interacting with team members under pressure.  Holistic: Emotional involvement – interacting with team members under pressure.  Experiential: Learning by doing – communicating with team members, researching, writing. Critically reflecting in writing on their communication skills, attitudes & adjustments. Proving feedback to non-performing peers.  Action Learning: Critiquing daily communication & improving whenever possible. Cyclical. Encouraged to learn from others’ best practice. Providing constructive critical feedback on other teams’ draft reports - share knowledge.

11 Learning outcomes  Curriculum –Students required to effectively apply a wide range of communication skills within teams to complete the project. (Peer assessment).  Inclusiveness –Teams encouraged to develop a positive, inclusive culture which respects and values others. (Guidelines)  Real world action learning –Seek immigrant business person to interview. Team interview. Performance in diverse team. Gain knowledge of immigrants’ challenges & how overcome. Report sent to person interviewed for feedback. (Final report to interviewee) & Presentation to class.

12 Bibliography  Howard Gardner (1983) Frames of the Mind; (1993) Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice  Daniel Goleman (1995) Emotional Intelligence  (self awareness, persistence, motivation,empathy & social deftness.)  Patricia Cross (1992) Pedagogical advantages of vocational education  Linda Conrad (1995) Value of authentic assessment  McNeill & Payne (1996) Value of co-operative learning  Molnar (1993) Tinto (1987) Value of social integration

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