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11 Walking-Working Surfaces Avoiding Slips, Trips and Falls Material is OSHA Compliant, Reviewed and Approved This material was produced under grant SH-19507-09-60-F-6.

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Presentation on theme: "11 Walking-Working Surfaces Avoiding Slips, Trips and Falls Material is OSHA Compliant, Reviewed and Approved This material was produced under grant SH-19507-09-60-F-6."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Walking-Working Surfaces Avoiding Slips, Trips and Falls Material is OSHA Compliant, Reviewed and Approved This material was produced under grant SH-19507-09-60-F-6 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Delivered by Thomas D. Bright of Bright Training Solutions

2 22 Overview

3 33

4 44

5 5 Shipyard Hazards 33

6 66 Shipyard Specifics

7 77 What’s Wrong With This Picture?

8 88 Lesson One

9 9 Walking Working Surface-Overview

10 10 Statistics Shipbuilder's Council of America Quarterly Illness and Injury Survey for 2006 Slip,Trip, Fall

11 11 Slips

12 12 Friction and Traction

13 13 Trips

14 14 Falls

15 15 Falls

16 16 Prevention

17 17 Guarding Deck Openings & Edges

18 18 Guarding Deck Openings & Edges

19 19 Working Surfaces

20 20 Walking and Working Surfaces

21 21 Gangways

22 22 Housekeeping

23 23 Housekeeping Continued

24 24 Housekeeping Continued

25 25 Illumination

26 26 Illumination Continued

27 27 Best Shipyard Practices

28 28 Best Shipyard Practices Cont.

29 29 What’s Wrong With This Picture?

30 30 Walking and Working Surfaces

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