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Background NMR: 19/1000 (57% of IMR) ; Neonatal Infection is the 3rd major killer ~ 54% home delivery, low access of newborn care, cultural & geographical.

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Presentation on theme: "Background NMR: 19/1000 (57% of IMR) ; Neonatal Infection is the 3rd major killer ~ 54% home delivery, low access of newborn care, cultural & geographical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Country Team Action Plan Scaling-Up Management of Neonatal Sepsis in Indonesia

2 Background NMR: 19/1000 (57% of IMR) ; Neonatal Infection is the 3rd major killer ~ 54% home delivery, low access of newborn care, cultural & geographical barrier Midwives are the front line health providers at community (55%) IMCI algorithm adopted & implemented, Health center with BEONC & hospital with CEONC implemented as referral services Completed Manual of Pediatric Service in Hospital Schedule for postnatal visit: NV1 (6-48 hours), NV2 (3-7 days) & NV3 (8-28 days) Decentralized health system at district (489 districts)

3 Intervention Improving case management of neonatal sepsis at community level through home visits Midwives Nurses Community health cadre Content of Slide: Desired levels of accomplishment Country Team Goal Best Practice Chosen for Scale-Up and Its Components (TRACK 2) TRACK 1: Flipchart Titles for Session 1 and 2: “Desired Accomplishment” “Country Team Goal” TRACK 2: “Country Team Goal” and “Final Selection of Best Practice for Scale-Up” – elaborate on the various components of the best practice package

4 Evidence of effectiveness community based newborn care
Global evidence in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan of community based newborn care Joint statement WHO/UNICEF on community-based newborn care Management of birth asphyxia by community midwives in Cirebon, West Java (SNL) Indonesia IMCI (include diarrhea & pneumonia)

5 Stakeholders involve in scaling up
MoH, Provincial & District Health Office Professional organizations (Pediatrician, Obgyn, Medical, Perinatologist, Midwive, Nurse, Public Health, Nutritionist) Institutional academics National Family Planning Board, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Women Empowerment & Children Protection, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Religion) Local NGOs International agencies (Unicef, USAID, WHO, World Bank, ADB, GTZ, AusAID, JHPIEGO, Mercy Corps, WVI, Save the Children, etc) Media

6 Policy Implication Task shifting: review role of nurses & midwives, community health cadres, and TBAs to identify and manage neonatal sepsis Legal authority: delegation of authority from and among professional organizations Funding resources: to provide operational cost for home visits from central, provincial, & district/ municipalities budget Logistic issue of supply chain management of antibiotic Trainings: pre- & in-service for health providers Community mobilization to increase demand for newborn care

7 Pilot Project Area Suggested criteria of choosing pilot project area:
Public health development index, child health & nutrition problem Financial capacity Geographical Health workers availability: health staff -midwives, nurses- or non-health staff/cadres, FP workers Possible resources: budget, human resource in health, supervisions. Local government leadership Urban/rural considerations

8 Piloting Project Areas
Scenario for intervention, different areas: Availability of midwives &/ nurses No midwives but nurses available No midwives and no nurses available, CHWs exist Possible areas: Serang – West Java (Java) Bireun – Aceh (Sumatera) Kutai Timur – East Kalimantan (Kalimantan)

9 Monitoring & Evaluation
Using MNCH local area monitoring system (LAMAT) Robust and regular M & E Good documentation

10 Action Steps Steps and Actions PIC Timeline Preparations
Cross-sector coordination MOH, NGOs and professional organizations Form technical working group on child survival Preparation of pilot project areas Discussion on policy implication Developing manual of community-based neonatal sepsis case management. Developing manual for FP-MNCH services integration MoH TWG April 2010 May 2010 Aug 2010

11 Steps and actions PIC Timeline 2. Pilot project implementation Dissemination and advocacy in pilot areas Cross-countries learning System analysis to identify the existing model to integrate the neonatal sepsis case management In-service trainings Pre-service trainings (curriculum development and integration) Monev trainings IEC development Review possible new inovations & diversifications MoH Donors TWG PHO/DHO Aug 2010 Oct 2010 Feb 2011 Dec 2010

12 Steps and actions PIC Timeline 3. Monitoring and Evaluation Pilot project monitoring and evaluation (competency, coverage, quality, access, logistic, community uptake) Refining the strategy  program design adjustment based on evaluation findings Evaluation Documentation for scaling-up TWG Start June 2011 June 2012

13 Terima kasih

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