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A tool for assessing the feasibility and impact potential of Rare project plans BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview Ujung Kulon National.

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Presentation on theme: "A tool for assessing the feasibility and impact potential of Rare project plans BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview Ujung Kulon National."— Presentation transcript:

1 A tool for assessing the feasibility and impact potential of Rare project plans BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview Ujung Kulon National Park Economics Technical Cultural/PoliticalImpact & Metrics Assessment of costs, funding/revenue sources and potential income substitution factors related to the specific Barrier Removal Solution Assessment of technology availability, training required, and the effectiveness of organizational partners involved with the Barrier Removal Solution Assessment of Barrier Removal Solution drivers and barriers that arise from cultural norms and political landscape Assessment of the overall impact of the Barrier Removal Solution and the viability of current metrics to measure that impact

2 BRAVO: Executive Summary What: The main threat to the National Park Ujung Kulon/NPUK is land clearing within the Park for the purpose of opening a new agricultural area. In order to mitigate this damaging practices, there will be an introduction of an agricultural system of land intensification and an alternative economic labor development to the farmers in the vicinity of the Park (which will be prioritized to farmers who own a farming land outside the Park, but keep their activities within the Park?). The introduction of the agricultural system will be targeted at three pride campaign priority villages and it will be collaboratively conducted with the Banten Province Agricultural Agency. The development of an alternative economic labor is also a priority in order to increase alternative income. The activities include nurturing honey bee farmers and fried chips (emping) maker, and also supporting the marketing of rhino statuette handicrafts. This program is introduced due to the extensification practices within the Park that continuously done by the local community in order to increase their farming productions. They are unable to omptimalize their farming productions on their own land, due to the limited agricultural know-how and water supply during dry season. The success of these efforts are unknown in other places (in the vicinity of the conservation area), but the Banten Province Agricultural Agency has been succeeded in assisting the farmers who utilize the under-utilized land. Who: It is hoped that the introduction of an agricultural system of land intensification and an alternative economic labor development will lead to the adoption of the system by farmers in three villages, ten groups or blocks in the vicinity of the Ujung Kulon National Park, It will be collaboratively conducted with the Banten Province Agricultural Agency and the Faculty of Agricultural University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. The commitment until now ……. The development of alternative economic labor will be a collaboration with the Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA) in order to increase the competence of local craftsmen and products marketing, the commitment until now............ When: After the MOU between the Ujung Kulon National Park with the Banten Province Agricultural Agency, the Faculty of Agricultural UNTIRTA, and the Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra is agreed or validated, it is predicted that before October 2009 the introduction of an agricultural system of land intensification will be adopted by the community of three villages. Further, during dry season the under-utilized land will be utilized by the community by April 2010. The land can be utilized by community to plant palawija crops as an income alternative. For income alternative before the harvesting season, in November 2009 the community will have had training to improve their skill to run a small enterprise and to market their products. How: The budget needed for the introduction of an agricultural system of land-use intensification program is Rp.............., and will be provided by..............., the Ujung Kulon National Park and the Faculty of Agricultural UNTIRTA are committed to technically assist and monitor during and after the program. Training for skill enhancement and product marketing support will be conducted by the Ujung Kulon National Park and the Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA). The Ujung Kulon NP has committed to provide an annual budget of.............., and YDBA will assist the technical part.

3 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 3 Criteria ExplanationScore Costs Preliminary projected costs As far as practical, all costs (capital and recurrent) should be listed. Include technology i.e. stoves, traps etc; technical assistance; distribution channels, marketing (other than the pride campaign costs), micro-finance, compliance and enforcement etc. Give costs in local currency and US$. Where possible give detailed line item costs, as well as summary Predictability of cost burden 1 = Costs are ambiguous and unpredictable; 4 = Costs are predictable and manageable Provide brief narrative outlining how rigorous costs estimates in (1) are. If possible give variance where costs may be ambiguous and/or unpredictable. 1-4 Cost per behavior changed (ie per person in target audience How much will you spend per person, in your targeted audience for behavior change? For instance, if your barrier removal strategy costs $100,000 and you are targeting 1000 fishermen, than figure is $100 per fisherman. $ Average Score 1-4 BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Economics (1 of 3)

4 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 4 CriteriaExplanation Score Revenues Description of revenue streams Fundraising total: $ Sources: Earned income total: $ Sources: (Give $ figures in US dollars). The capital and recurrent costs listed in the previous slide may be sourced from grants or loans or perhaps from earned income (i.e. the sale of stoves). List existing and potential sources of funding including amount and source. Percentage of total cost available 1: 0 – 25% 2: 25 – 50% 3: 50 – 75% 4: 75 – 100% (Use 1-4 scale) In narrative list source and where firm commitments exist. Provide evidence of same in the form of pledge letters etc. “Cost available” means that money is available or has been committed in a timeframe conducive to the speedy and practical implementation of the program. If unknown, write unknown. 1-4 Likelihood of fundraising success 1 = Very low likelihood of raising the necessary funds; 4 = Likelihood of raising necessary funds almost a certainty (Use 1-4 scale) If a funding gap exists between what is needed and what is on hand rank likelihood of success and list in the narrative all potential sources and levels of engagement with each donor. If unknown, write unknown. 1-4 Fundraising timing Provide estimated time (in years and months) needed to raise funds not currently available. If timing of available funds is critical to the success of your project then write narrative of any timing issues that might be important to consider. Funding Alignment 1 = Funding timeline is not aligned with project timeline; 4 = Funding timeline is well-aligned with project timeline (Use 1-4 scale) If unknown, write unknown. 1-4 Sustainable Funding 1 = Unsustainable funding source; 4 = Very sustainable funding source (Use 1-4 scale) If sustainable funding is required, for example continued monitoring of fishermen compliance or to provide new snap traps over the long term, provide evidence in the narrative section as to sources of funding and levels of sustainability over time. If unknown write unknown. 1-4 Profit/(Loss) Difference between Revenues and Costs What is your Total Revenue minus Total Costs? Describe how you will handle the difference: Average Score 1-4 BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Economics (2 of 3)

5 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 5 CriteriaExplanation Score Income Substitution (if applicable) New income source relative to old income 1 = Income source is reduced by 20% or more; 4 = Income source is increased by 20% or more The farmers new income alternative source is the utilization of the farming land during dry season and the proceeds from sale of the alternative economic labor (the making of fried chips, ginger drink/bandrek, rhino statuette and honey bee farming). It is hoped that the community income source will increase more than 20 % by the utilization of the agricultural land during dry season and the development of the alternative economic labor. The community can sell both their palawija crops during dry season and the products of their alternative economic labor. Steps to be taken to realize all these are by providing water using the artesian well (-- may be it is better to rethink a cheaper and easier technology, therefore the adoption and the replication process can be quicker, cheaper and easier, as discussed through the telephone) and the improvement of the local craftsmen capacity other than helping them with the marketing efforts. 4 New income source sustainability 1 = New income source is unsustainable; 4 = Income source is highly sustainable The source of income of most of the community is by farming: 70 % in Sumur sub district (Desa Tamanjaya and Ujung Jaya village) and 80 % in Cimanggu sub district (Cibadak village). Agricultural crops is the pillar of the community economy. Based on the UKNP zonation review activity survey, the crops resulted from the utilization of land outside the UKNP is inadequate to support the community daily needs. The improvement of community agricultural technological knowledge will be a big support to the community to utilize their limited land without expanding their farming land into the UKNP, since the energy and the cost needed are efficient enough, of course this program will become a need to the community to work on their land, therefore once it is successful it will sustain. In order to support the accomplishments, the UKNP always provides annual budget for community empowerment through supporting the economic alternative labor improvement. There is also a need for continuous technical and budgeting assistance from the Agricultural and Husbandry Agency of Banten Province. Other than that, the UKNP can take part to monitor these activities. 4 Average Score 4 BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Economics (3 of 3)

6 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 6 Criteria Explanation Score Technology Attainability & Availability 1 = Technology and/or required assistance needed is unavailable; 4 = Technology is attainable and third-party assistance, if required, is available The technology and assistance for the introduction of an agricultural land intensification program are provided by the Faculty of Agricultural UNTIRTA and the Agricultural and Husbandry Agency of Banten Province. Other than technical assistance, the Agency commits to provide production equipments, e.g pump and field school as many as 12 times 1 planting season. The Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra will assist in training and supporting the products marketing resulted from alternative economic labor activities. But for the artesian well?, the UKNP is still looking for a partner. The Agricultural and Husbandry Agency offers an alternative by providing water pump to suck the river water, but there is no assessment on the feasibility level on this alternative yet. 3 Technology assistance 1 = Technology assistance is required, yet not available; 4 = Technology assistance is significant and available The training and assistance for the introduction of an agricultural land intensification program are provided by the Faculty of Agricultural UNTIRTA and the Agricultural and Husbandry Agency of Banten Province. This is to make certain the knowledge improvement of the farmer before they adopt the program. 4 Appropriate for circumstances 1 = Available technology is not appropriate for circumstances; 4 = Acquirable technology is suited for circumstances The introduction and the knowledge improvement of an agricultural land intensification and the construction of an artesian well is highly appropriate to be applied to the three priority villages in the vicinity of the UKNP, because there is a big number of under-utilized agricultural lands during dry season and most of the people’s livelihoods are through farming. Further, the region can become an example plot demonstration for other villages due to its strategic position. This technology is really appropriate to be introduced to the community who mostly relies on the agricultural land while they have a very limited knowledge on a good agricultural system. On the other hand, the skill improvement of the alternative economic labors is a solution to achieve an alternative income before harvesting season. 4 Average Score 3.66 BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Technical (1 of 2)

7 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 7 Criteria Explanation Score Capacity / Organizational Ability Barrier Removal Partner support 1 = BR Partner does not exist or is not willing to support the project; 4 = There exists a willing Barrier Removal Partner Barrier removal partner, i.e the Faculty of Agricultural UNTIRTA who fully supports and commits to help the human resource by providing technical assistance. While for funding, the Agricultural and Husbandry Agency of Banten Province commits to allocate their activities budget in three pride campaign priority villages, with notes that in 2009 it will only concentrate in one village because the program is progressing, but the commitment has not been put as a collaborative agreement. If the funding allocation of the Agricultural and Husbandry Agency of Banten Province too small, until now the effort that has been done is to build a collaboration with the Woman and Community Empowerment Agency of the Banten Province, Social Agency and Water Resources Utilization Agency of Banten Province, even though next year the UKNP will propose a budget allocation. 3 Barrier Removal Partner’s ability to drive change 1 = BR Partner lacks a track record of driving behavior; 4 = BR partner has a proven track record of driving behavior In line with its mission, the UKNP always strives to preserve the Ujung Kulon forest and to make it useful for the welfare of the surrounding communities. The commitment is shown by conducting proactive efforts in providing a limited and sustainable natural resources utilization access to the community, for example the formation of the cultivation groups and the construction of agreement for natural resources utilization, the introduction of land intensification agricultural system program as one of the form of the UKNP efforts to increase the community economy through the limited land utilization without encroaching the forest. The Agricultural and Husbandry Agency of Banten Province and the Faculty of Agricultural UNTIRTA are the institutions who have the technical capacity and the budget allocation for the agricultural program, and even though the result is not optimum yet, the Agricultural and Husbandry Agency of Banten Province have experiences in behavior driving in Ujung Jaya Village, Sumur sub district in 2008. The Faculty of Agricultural UNTIRTA has experiences in executing the TRI DHARMA, which is the dedication to the people in the same village in 2006, through mangrove planting activities. The YDBA, through environmental cultivation program, and UKM have been successful to drive the local community in building economic labor in East Kalimantan and Yogyakarta, through batik handicraft, plantation, carved objects and red ginger powder. 4 Budget planning and cost efficient execution 1 = BR Partner has not demonstrated sufficient budget planning skills and cost efficient execution of plans; 4 = BR Partner has proven proficiency in budget planning and cost efficient execution of past plans The Agricultural and Husbandry Agency of Banten Province is a government institution who commits to their field, and as a government institution, The Agricultural and Husbandry Agency of Banten Province is incapable to determine the budget for the coming years. The UKNP will try to allocate the budget for activity replication if the results are according to expectation and fairly uplifting. But the The Agricultural and Husbandry Agency of Banten Province have shown a high commitment to conduct the effort, due to the status of the UKNP that makes it as the world attention and become one of the world heritage center. 4 Average Score 3.66 Other Partners Other critical partners 1 = Other partners do not exist or will not be impactful 4 = Other partners are available and capable of assistance The UKNP will work together with the LATIN to form a monitoring team that will monitor the results of the community empowerment activities. This team will be highly independent in assessing an activity, using a standard determined by the Directorate of Environmental Services and Ecotourism Department of Forestry. The collaboration was initiated in mid 2009. This team can help assessing the level of accomplishment of this activity in reducing the threats caused by the expansion of new agricultural land within the Park, and for Javan Rhino population census, the UKNP allocates an annual budget, and working together with the YABI in activities implementation. 4 Average Score 4 BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Technical (2 of 2)

8 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 8 Criteria ExplanationScore Community Leadership Leaders and influencers in the community 1 = Dearth of strong leaders and influencers in the community; 4 = Visible leaders with clout to drive behavior It is not so difficult to encourage the community to adopt the PH, especially if a community leader has already adopted the PH. The most difficult matters that become the barrier to adopt the PH is to conquer the laziness within themselves. The religion of the community in the vicinity of the UKNP is 100 % Moslem. The religious leaders, the community prominent figures, i.e. the Moslem religious leaders/ustadz, jawara and the villages’ chiefs are the community influencers and they have high profile and become a role model to the community in receiving every bit of information. During the pride campaign activities, the campaign manager will collaboratively work with these prominent figures to deliver various information, so that the expected behavior changes will be realized. 4 Leadership willingness to endorse 1 = Unwilling to get on board with project; 4 = Firm commitment from leadership to help drive change efforts During the in-depth discussions and the focused interviews, the community leaders were very enthusiast to hear the offered solution. They still have to face the dilemma and the lack of self confidence to conquer the laziness to work on their agricultural land during dry season. But, after receiving the information that there will be a provision of the artesian well, they expressed an adequate support. The village chief supports the empowerment of the natural resources MOU between the UKNP and the farming community. Basically, the local leaders are really supporting the campaign efforts. 4 Average Score 4 BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Cultural/Political (1 of 2)

9 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 9 Criteria Explanation Score Political Environment Current legislative and legal landscape 1 = Legislative and legal restrictions will hamper efforts; 4 = Legislative and legal framework will aid program In the implementation of the PH, the Minister of Forestry Regulation No 19, 2004 accommodates the conservation institutions collaborative effort (which is the UKNP with its partners) for the sustainability of the conservation and the community empowerment. The coming election will probably slightly hinder the collaboration efforts. The efforts to drive the community is facing a fragility of being used by people with negative connotations. 4 Ability to drive legislative change 1 = Lack of knowledge regarding political environment and unclear timeframe for advocacy; 4 = Depth of political knowledge and ability to push for appropriate changes within a given timeframe The political environment that we are hoping for is the commitment by the local authority in putting in place the Regional Regulations law umbrella about the UKNP Buffer Zone. The Regional Regulations will organize the competent institutions to take part in the preservation of the UKNP. The Regional Regulations will also help that the involvement of the competent agencies is being integrated with the local government objectives, so that the problems occur around the UKNP become a collective responsibility. 3 Average Score 3.5 Values and Norms Assessment of norms 1 = Plan is unconcerned with political and cultural norms 4 = Plan assesses and takes into account the values and norms governing the political and cultural environment It is planned that in mid March 2009, the manager of the UKNP pride campaign will conduct a quantitative survey in ten villages in the vicinity of the Park. The purpose is to better known and to asses the political and cultural norms prevalent in the Buffer Zone of the UKNP. The results will be used to consider whether the activities conducted are appropriate within the social, cultural and political context. The pride campaign will also use the data from the social, economic and cultural assessments that conducted by the previous researchers. 4 Ability to address normative obstacles 1 = Normative obstacles are too formidable to be overcome; 4 = Obstacles are manageable and a clear tack to address them is employed Not applicable N/A Average Score 4 BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Cultural/Political (2 of 2)

10 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 10 Criteria Explanation Score Conservation Impact Likelihood of conservation impact 1 = Conservation impact is unlikely to be achieved; 4 = Conservation impact is very likely to be realized It is fairly hard to fulfill the conservation target to increase Javan Rhino population from 45 – 55 to 60 – 72 by the year 2015. Because other than the threat to the habitat of Javan Rhino (due to the land opening and logging activities), and the sex ratio factor of the Javan Rhino itself, the intenseness of human activities is also contributing to the development of Javan Rhino population (research and patrol). The wholeness of the Honje Mountain, through the pride campaign activities and strategies, will give significant result only if the community willing to adopt the offered PH. To calculate the Javan Rhino population, there will be a once-a-year Javan Rhino population census. The success of pride campaign in Honje Mountain area as the UKNP buffer zone will be measured by calculating the PH adoption by the community and counting the number of disturbances caused by the new opening of agricultural land. The improvement of community alternative economic labor will change their behavior of passing the agricultural land to their children and grand children. Because now they have the capability to properly manage the results of their alternative economic labor, for example by saving. The accomplishment will be measured by valuing the increase of community income, through the post-campaign survey. 3 Impact sustainability 1 = The conservation impact goal is unlikely to be sustained in the long-term; 4 = The impact goal should be viable in the long-term The impact of Honje Mountain conservation as a water catchment area, can contribute to the live of human being, especially the community who lives in the vicinity of the UKNP. A preserve Honje Mountain and can fulfill the daily needs of the community will impacted to the preservation of Javan Rhino habitat from the encroachment threat. The decreasing of agricultural land expansion within the Park will give an impact to the water supply for the community daily needs and the safety of Javan Rhino habitat Badak Jawa, since the community stops encroaching the forest. 4 Average Score 3.5 BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Impact and Metrics (1 of 2)

11 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 11 Criteria Explanation Score Tipping Points 1 st Tipping Point The first tipping point is the UKNP Office successfully builds a collaboration with the Agricultural and Husbandry of Banten Province and the Faculty of Agricultural UNTIRTA. These two institutions have the capacity of budget allocation and technical assistance in agricultural land intensification. The collaboration will regulate the task divisions of each agency. The metric is the signing of the collaboration agreement between the three institutions in the implementation of the agricultural land intensification program in the villages in the vicinity of the UKNP. The second tipping point is the implementation of knowledge and improvement program of the agricultural land intensification system in three pride campaign priority villages, and the provision of the artesian well which will be used for farming during dry season. The metric to determine the success level of this effort is the decline of the number of disturbances caused by the opening of new agricultural land and the percentage of crop harvested after the effort adopted, and the width of land being worked on during dry season. The third tipping point is the community receives an extra incentive to fulfill their economic necessities before the harvesting season. Even though they have an inadequate level of knowledge and education in the area of alternative economic labor, the UKNP is trying to increase their competence through training for honey bee farming, rhino statuette, fried chips and ginger drink maker and supporting the products marketing with hope it would increase their income. The metric is the number of community who capable of running a business that can be inherited to their children and increased their income. This metric will be measured during the post-campaign survey. 4 2 nd Tipping Point 4 3 rd Tipping Point 4 Average Score 4 Metrics Measurable outcomes 1 = The program lacks clear metrics or are difficult to measure; 4 = The program has established clear, measureable metrics It is easy to measure the conservation impact of this campaign. The metric is the total amount of the expansion of the new agricultural land within the Buffer Zone Honje Mountain Forest Park. The method used to measure the success of this effort is by calculating the number of the disturbances caused by the opening of new agricultural land in three priority villages, the number of farmers adopting land intensification agricultural technique. Because the less the disturbance, the more people adopt the agricultural technique and the less number of people opening a new agricultural land within the UKNP area. The metric will be independently measured at the end of pride campaign program activities by UKNP working team with LATIN. Measurable provisional steps are the improvement of extra economic income and the width of agricultural land being worked on during dry season. 4 Average Score 4 BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Impact and Metrics (2 of 2)

12 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 12 CategorySubcategoryScore Average Category Score Feasibility Economics Costs 4 Revenues Income Substitution 4 Technical Technology 3.6 3.7 Capacity / Organizational Ability 3.6 Other Partners 4 Cultural / Political Community Leadership 4 3.8 Political Environment 3.5 Cultural Norms 4 Feasibility Score 3.8 Impact Impact and Metrics Conservation Impact 3.5 3.8 Tipping Points 4 Metrics 4 Impact Score 3.8 Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview (BRAVO) Composite Score Enter average scores in the right hand column. Then take the feasibility score and enter it into Miradi and the Impact score and enter it into Miradi. Where either score is below X for either feasibly or impact, consider the strategy to be inappropriate and assess the need to conduct a second BRAVO that reviews a different strategy.

13 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 13 BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Risk Factors Risk FactorsConsequenceMitigation Strategies List any risk factors, consequences and mitigation strategies that may need to be adopted.

14 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 14 BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Authors and approvals List BRAVO authors and their affiliation

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