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1 Question Words: Review Question Words: Review Where, When, Why, Whose, Who, What, Which, How, How many, How much, How long, How often.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Question Words: Review Question Words: Review Where, When, Why, Whose, Who, What, Which, How, How many, How much, How long, How often."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Question Words: Review Question Words: Review Where, When, Why, Whose, Who, What, Which, How, How many, How much, How long, How often

2 2 Question Words #1 Use where to ask about places. Use when to ask about time. Use whose to ask about possession. Use why to ask about reasons.

3 3 Question Words: Where Use where to ask about places and locations. ► Where do you live?  I live in Round Lake Beach. ► Where do you study?  I study at the College of Lake County. ► Where is the College of Lake County?  It’s in Lake County Illinois. Lake County is in the northeast corner of Illinois.

4 4 Question Words: When Use when to ask about time. ► When do you go to work?  I go to work at 6:30 a.m. Monday through Thursday. ► When does the class start?  The class starts at 7 p.m. ► When did you come to the United States?  I came here 3 years ago.

5 5 Question Words: Whose Use whose to ask about possession (who has or owns something). ► Whose dictionary is this?  It’s Aracely’s. ► Whose jacket is this brown one?  I think it belongs to Ivan. ► I found a wallet. Whose is it?  I don’t know. Should we look inside for identification?

6 6 Question Words: Why Use why to ask about reasons or purpose. ► Why did you come to the United States?  I wanted more opportunity for jobs and education. ► Why are you studying English?  I want to learn how to ask my boss for a raise. ► Why is it good to have a CLC ID?  We can use the Fitness Center for free.

7 7 Question Words: Try It Put in the correct question word: when, where, whose, why ► ________ do you come to school? ► ________ books are next to you? ► ________ does the bus stop? ► ________ should drivers use a seat belt? ► ________ did you live five years ago? ► ________ does the class finish?

8 8 Question Words #2 Use who (& whom) to ask about people. Use what to ask about things, ideas, events (not people). Use which (alone) to ask about one of a group of things, ideas, events (not people). Use what or which + (kind, one, etc.) to ask about one of a group.

9 9 Question Words: Who Use who to ask about people. (In these examples, who is the subject in the question.) ► Who told you about classes at CLC?  My friend Adena told me about them. ► Who usually sits next to you in class?  My classmate Linda ► Who is the youngest person in your family?  My granddaughter Ava is the youngest. She is only 2 months old.

10 10 Question Words: Who (Whom) When we talk, we usually use who in questions like these examples. (Who is the object in these questions. In formal grammar, some people use whom.) ► Who did you talk to this morning?  I talked to my husband. ► Who would you like to visit?  I’d like to visit my aunt.

11 11 Question Words: What/Which Use what to ask about things, activities, animals, or ideas (not people). When we know the group of things, activities, animals or ideas, we can also use which (alone). ► What are you reading?  I’m reading a story about Barack Obama. ► What is inside your bag?  Some apples and a can of pop. ► Which did you take?  I took an apple.

12 12 Question Words: What/Which + (One) (Kind) Use what or which + some other word to ask about something or someone in that group. ► What kind of ice cream do you like?  I like chocolate. ► Which season of the year do you like best?  Spring is my favorite. ► What person in your family is closest to you in age?  My brother Dan. He is 2 years older than me.

13 13 Question Words: Try It! Put in the correct question word: who, (whom) what, which (Sometimes more than one answer is correct.) ► ________ is the President of CLC? ► ________ kind of books do you like to read? ► ________ is your favorite radio station? ► ________ did you talk to yesterday?

14 14 Question Words #3 Use how to ask about what way to do something. Use how many or how much to ask about amounts or numbers. Use how long to ask about distance, amount of time, or size. Use how often to ask about the number of times.

15 15 Question Words: How Use how to ask about what way to do something. ► How do you get to school?  I get a ride with my cousin. ► How do we turn on this computer?  Press the grey power switch on the keyboard. ► How did you get your job?  My brother in-law told me that there were jobs at the place that he worked, and I filled out an application.

16 16 Question Words: How Many/Much Use how many or how much for amounts or numbers. Use how many with plurals. Use how much with singular or when you don’t know if amount is singular or plural. ► How much candy do you want?  Oh, I’m hungry. Give me a whole bag. ► How many pieces of chocolate can I have?  It’s OK to take two or three.

17 17 Question Words: How Long Use how long to ask about distance, amount of time, or size. ► How long is the room?  It’s 12 feet long. ► How long is this class?  It’s 3 hours long. ► How long is the book?  It’s 300 pages. ► How long do you drive to work?  I drive about 35 miles. My drive is about an hour long.

18 18 Question Words: How often Use how often to ask about the number of times. ► How often do you eat candy?  I eat it 4 days a week. ► How often does your boss give you overtime?  Usually just once or twice a month; it’s slow right now. ► How often do you go to a movie?  I never go to a movie because I’m too busy doing my homework.

19 19 Question Words: Try It! Put in the correct question word: How, how many, how much, how long, how often (Sometimes more than one answer is correct.) ► ________ is your break? ► ________ candy does your partner have? ► ________ do you want to study grammar? ► ________ books did the teacher bring today? ► ________ can we get a CLC ID card?

20 20 Question Words: Conclusion ► Who can do it? We can! ► How can you do it? Easily—no problem! ► When can you do it? Anytime! ► Where can you do it? Anywhere! ► What can you do? Answer a lot of questions!

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