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1. Stage-1 Bootloader ENGI 3655 Lab Sessions Richard Khoury.

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1 1. Stage-1 Bootloader ENGI 3655 Lab Sessions Richard Khoury

2 Textbook Readings System Boot Boot Block Magnetic Disks Disk Structure
Section 2.10 Boot Block Section Magnetic Disks Section Disk Structure Section 10.2 Richard Khoury

3 Typical User View Press power button Wait Log on to Windows
Richard Khoury

4 What Actually Happens Press power button BIOS executes
Bootloader executes Kernel executes Log on to Windows Richard Khoury

5 BIOS First OS that runs when the computer starts
But programs can only be run in memory And the BIOS has to run at start-up! Nothing in memory No other programs to load it in memory How? Richard Khoury

6 BIOS The BIOS is in a special hardware ROM
At the beginning of the boot sequence, the CPU automatically runs the first ROM instruction Fixed, so the CPU always knows where it is The first instruction is to start executing the BIOS Richard Khoury

7 BIOS In charge of the next steps of the boot sequence
Step 1: Power-On Self-Test (POST) Check that the BIOS is ok Check main memory for corruption (memory test) Detect, initialize each device, and make sure they have the right supply of power Setup the interrupt vector Beep: once for ok, other combinations for errors Richard Khoury

8 BIOS Step 2: Look for bootable device
After POST, BIOS has a list of non-volatile storage devices The Boot Device Sequence Check each one until it finds a bootable one The BIOS checks the first sector of each device (the “boot sector”) Looking for a valid one The first one found is executed If none is found, an error message is returned Richard Khoury

9 BIOS Step 3: Load and Execute
Once a device with a valid boot sector is found BIOS loads the entire sector into memory at address 0000:7C00 Then instructs the CPU to start executing it Richard Khoury

10 Boot Sector The first sector of a storage device
Head 0, Cylinder 0, Sector 1, because no sector 0 Exactly 512 bytes long Ends with the boot sector signature Two-byte hex word 0xAA55 That’s what the BIOS looks for to check if it’s valid Name If the device is partitioned, this sector is the Master Boot Record (MBR) If the device is not partitioned, this sector is the Volume Boot Record (VBR) The BIOS does not distinguish between the two Richard Khoury

11 Boot Sector The program it contains is the bootloader
Sometimes called bootstrap loader Written in Assembly Its purpose is to load the operating system’s kernel into memory The kernel will continue the boot sequence from there Richard Khoury

12 Boot Sequence Summary Power On CPU starts executing BIOS from ROM
BIOS executes POST BIOS looks through the bootable device sequence for one with a valid boot sector BIOS loads the first bootloader found into memory and CPU starts executing it Bootloader loads the kernel into memory and CPU starts executing it Kernel loads the rest of the OS, as needed Richard Khoury

13 Today’s Lab We can’t do anything about the BIOS
Nor would we want to – it’s standard on every computer and works quite well So we will start with the bootloader For this lab, we will need A text editor Notepad works, some people also like Programmer’s Notepad or Notepad++ NASM Netwide Assembler, the most popular 80x86 assembler DD Unix utility that copies raw data from one place to another directly The command prompt We’re going old-school! Richard Khoury

14 Bootloader Fundamentals
The first thing our bootloader will need is an infinite loop JMP $ JMP is an unconditional jump $ represents the current address So this command makes the program jump in place This will be part of all our operating systems Richard Khoury

15 Bootloader Fundamentals
The bootloader must also finish with the boot sector signature DW 0xAA55 DW: Define Word We have some constraints to respect! The signature has to be the last two bytes of the block The block has to be exactly 512 bytes in size So this word must start at bytes 510 But our bootloader will be too small Richard Khoury

16 Bootloader Fundamentals
Solution: fill it up with zeros TIMES ($ - $$) db 0 DB: Define Byte $$ is the starting address of the program ($ - $$) is the size of the program 510 – (size of program) is what is missing to for our program to be exactly 510 bytes So this command will define zeros for the number of times needed to fill up the block Richard Khoury

17 Bootloader Char Display
Say we want to display will display a single character on screen The letter A, ASCII character 65 in decimal To do this, we will need to access the video card The BIOS already set up the interrupt vector for us Interrupt 10h is the BIOS video interrupt INT 0x10 It defines a set of video functions Richard Khoury

18 Interrupt 10h How does it work? Read the documentation
Ralf Brown’s Interrupt List, revision 61, HTML version: Documents every interrupt from 1981 to 2000, including otherwise undocumented features and bugs Richard Khoury

19 Interrupt 10h In a nutshell (so we can go on with the lab)
BIOS interrupts cover a large set of functions Int 10h is for “video services” Programmers specify which function and pass parameters in CPU registers Function to perform is always in AH register for basic BIOS functions Sometimes in AX register for proprietary functions of specific hardware The other registers vary depending on the function Some functions also return values in registers and CPU flags Richard Khoury

20 Interrupt 10h AH=0Eh Write to screen in teletype mode Input: Returns:
AL = ASCII value of character to write BH = Page Number (zero is the standard) BL = Text Attribute (in graphics mode only, which is not our case) Returns: Nothing Richard Khoury

21 Bootloader Char Display
Let’s set up the registers then call the interrupt MOV AH, 0x0E MOV AL, 65 MOV BH, 0x00 INT 0x10 Richard Khoury

22 Bootloader Char Display
We’ll put the display in a procedure PrintCharacter: MOV AH, 0x0E MOV AL, 65 MOV BH, 0x00 INT 0x10 RET And call it from the main bootloader code CALL PrintCharacter Richard Khoury

23 Bootloader String Display
Displaying more than just the letter A might be useful We could create a “PrintCharacter” function for each letter and symbol But that would be dumb A better option is to create a function to break a string into characters and call the “PrintCharacter” function for each one Richard Khoury

24 Bootloader String Display
Assembly’s “load string byte” command LODSB So we can define any string as bytes HelloString db 'Hello World',10,13,0 Characters 0, 10 and 13 are “null”, “new line”, and “carriage return” Null-terminated string This gives us an easy comparison test to know when we’re at the end of the string (since null won’t come up otherwise in a regular string) Richard Khoury

25 Lab Assignment – Part 1 Research the LODSB command
Write the “PrintString” function Richard Khoury

26 %include ""
We can use include files in our code We could put our “PrintCharacter” and “PrintString” functions in an included file, so we won’t have to write them again later %include "" The “%” directive includes the entire content of the external file as plain ascii directly in your program Richard Khoury

27 Much like in C/C++, we want our included file to be included only once Otherwise, having the lines %include "" would include the same functions twice, and that would be bad We can use the same technique to do this as in C/C++: define a flag and check for it %ifndef _PRINTSCREEN_INC_ %define _PRINTSCREEN_INC_ (content of file) %endif ;_PRINTSCREEN_INC_ Richard Khoury

28 Loading Other Programs
The bootloader’s purpose is to load the kernel However, there is far too much to do to load the kernel for it to be written in 512 bytes But 512 bytes is the maximum size our bootloader can have What to do? Richard Khoury

29 Loading Other Programs
Our bootloader will load another bootloader, which will load the kernel This makes it a multi-stage bootloader Stage 1: executing the code in the boot sector, which loads the stage-2 bootloader Stage 2: executing the code of the second-stage bootloader, which gets everything done and loads the kernel Richard Khoury

30 Loading Other Programs
Eventually, our second-stage bootloader will perform several functions and load an OS Kernel But we haven’t learned those yet, and we do not have a Kernel yet So we will load a simple Hello World program instead It will also include our infinite loop Richard Khoury

31 Loading Other Programs
The stage-2 bootloader will not be part of the boot sector Will not be loaded into memory by the BIOS Our bootloader will need to read the sector from the drive and put them into memory BIOS sets up Interrupt 13h for that purpose Low-level, sector-based disk read-write functions As with int 10h, this one uses register AH for function selection, and other registers depending on function Richard Khoury

32 Interrupt 13h Two-step process (two functions in 13h) Resets the drive
Forces recalibration of the read/write head Read sectors into memory Read and learn from Ralf Brown’s Interrupt List Richard Khoury

33 Interrupt 13h These functions need to know which drive you’re working with 0 or 1 for floppy A: or B: 80h to 84h for hard drives C: to F: Fortunately, BIOS has put the boot device drive number in DL already Save it at the start MOV [bsDriveNumber], DL Load it when needed MOV DL, byte [bsDriveNumber] Richard Khoury

34 Interrupt 13h These functions return information!
Carry Flag CF: Set if error, cleared otherwise We can test this flag with the JC (jump if carry) command Use this to add error checks in your code Richard Khoury

35 Interrupt 13h How to find the stage-2 bootloader?
We haven’t built file management functions yet We can only find the file if we know exactly where it is physically on the drive So we will put it in Head 0, Cylinder 0, Sector 2, right after the stage-1 bootloader in Sector 1 Richard Khoury

36 Loading a Program Load stage-2 to 1000h:0000 in memory
Segment 1000h Offset 0 BIOS left that segment as free memory for us to use Once the program is loaded into memory, the bootloader jumps to the correct memory address JMP 1000h:0000 And that’s it for the stage-1 bootloader Richard Khoury

37 Lab Assignment Part 1 Part 2
Research the LODSB command Write the “PrintString” function and “” Part 2 Write the int 13h functions to reset the drive and to load the second-stage bootloader Use a “hello world” program as a second-stage bootloader stage1.asm and helloworld.asm on the website Include a few extra code for segment initialization and file system initialization Richard Khoury

38 Compiling Using NASM from the command prompt
nasm stage1.asm -f bin -o stage1.bin nasm HelloWorld.asm -f bin -o stage2.bin Richard Khoury

39 Copying We need to copy files at specific locations DD
Stage-1 on first sector of the drive Stage-2 on sector immediately after Not possible with a normal copy operation DD Unix raw copy utility CAREFUL! DD is nicknamed the “Disk Destroyer”! Don’t overwrite and ruin your HDD or a useful drive by accident! Richard Khoury

40 dd if=stage1.bin of=\\.\d: bs=512 count=1
Copying dd if=stage1.bin of=\\.\d: bs=512 count=1 Where the USB drive is d: If you get an error 32, shut down explorer in task manager dd if=stage2.bin of=\\.\d: seek=1 bs=512 count=1 Notice the skip of one sector Richard Khoury

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