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LITTLE BOXES Controlling size of boxes Box model for borders, margin and padding Displaying and hiding boxes.

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Presentation on theme: "LITTLE BOXES Controlling size of boxes Box model for borders, margin and padding Displaying and hiding boxes."— Presentation transcript:

1 LITTLE BOXES Controlling size of boxes Box model for borders, margin and padding Displaying and hiding boxes

2 CSS TREATS EACH HTML ELEMENT AS IF IT LIVES IN ITS OWN BOX  Control the dimensions of your boxes  Create borders around boxes  Set margins and padding for boxes

3 BOX DIMENSIONS  width, height  chapter-13/width-height.html

4 LIMITING WIDTH LIMITING HEIGHT  min-width, max-width  chapter-13/min-width-max-width.html  min-height, max-height  chapter-13/min-height-max-height.html

5 OVERFLOWING CONTENT  Overflow  chapter-13/overflow.html  Hidden  scroll



8 WHITE SPACE & VERTICAL MARGIN  The padding and margin properties are very helpful in adding space between various items on the page

9 BORDER WIDTH  border-width  chapter-13/border-width.html  thin medium thick  border-top-width  border-right-width  border-bottom-width  border-left-width

10 BORDER STYLE BORDER COLOR  chapter-13/border-style.html  border-style  Solid dotted dashed double groove  chapter-13/border-color.html  border-top-color  border-right-color  border-bottom-color  border-left-color

11 SHORTHAND PADDING  border  chapter-13/border-shorthand.html  padding  chapter-13/padding.html  padding-top  padding-right  padding-bottom  padding-left

12 CENTERING CONTENT CHANGE INLINE/BLOCK  chapter-13/centering-content.html  Display  chapter-13/display.html  inline  block  inline-block  none

13 HIDING BOXES  Visibility  chapter-13/visibility.html  Hidden  visible

14 CSS3 BORDER IMAGES ~ BOX SHADOWS  border-image  chapter-13/border-image.html  box-shadow  chapter-13/box-shadow.html

15 CSS3: ROUNDER CORNERS  border-radius  chapter-13/border-radius.html  border-top-right-radius  border-bottom-right-radius  border-bottom-left-radius  border-top-left-radius

16 CSS 3: ELLIPTICAL SHAPES  border-radius  chapter-13/elliptical-shapes.html

17 SUMMARY  CSS treats each HTML element as if it has its own box.  You can use CSS to control the dimensions of a box  You can also control the borders, margin and padding for each box with CSS.  It is possible to hide elements using the display and visibility properties  Block-level boxes can be made into inline boxes, and inline boxes made into block-level boxes  Legibility can be improved by controlling the width of boxes containing text and the leading  CSS3 has introduced the ability to create image borders and rounded borders

18 LISTS, TABLES BAND FORMS  Specifying bullet point styles  Adding borders and backgrounds to tables  Changing the appearance of form elements

19 BULLET POINT SYTLES  list-style-type  chapter-14/list-style-type.html  Unordered Lists none disc circle square  Ordered Lists

20 IMAGES FOR BULLETS  list-style-image  chapter-14/list-style-image.html

21 POSITIONING THE MARKER  list-style-position  chapter-14/list-style-position.html  Outside  inside

22 LIST SHORTHAND TABLE PROPERTIES  list-style  chapter-14/list-style.html  width  padding  text-transform etal  chapter-14/table-properties.html

23 BORDER ON EMPTY CELLS  Show  Hide  Inherit  chapter-14/empty-cells.html

24 GAPS BETWEEN CELLS  border-spacing, border-collapse  chapter-14/gaps-between-cells.html  collapse  separate


26 STYLING TEXT INPUTS  font-size  Color, background-color, border, border-radius  :focus  :hover  chapter-14/styling-text-inputs.html

27 STYLING SUBMIT BUTTON  Color, text-shadow, border botto, backroundc-color  :hover  chapter-14/styling-submit-buttons.html

28 STYLING FIELDSETS & LEGENDS  Width, color, background color, border, border-radius, padding  chapter-14/styling-fieldsets-and-legends.html

29 ALIGNING FORM CONTROLS: PROBLEM  chapter-14/aligning-form-controls-problem.html  chapter-14/aligning-form-controls-solution.html

30 CURSOR STYLES  Cursor chapter-14/cursor.html  auto  crosshair  default  pointer  move  text  wait  help  url("cursor.gif");

31 WEB DEVELOPER TOOLBAR  1: Outlines  2: Structure  3: CSS styles

32 SUMMARY  CSS properties specifically used to control the appearance of lists, tables, and forms  List markers can be given different appearances using the list-style- type and list-style image properties.  Table cells can have different borders and spacing in different browsers, but there are properties you can use to control them and make them more consistent  Forms are easier to use if the form controls are vertically aligned using CSS.  Forms benefit from styles that make them feel more interactive


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