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How To Work A Career Fair Kraig Brinkerhoff and Jason Ratliff FHS Advisement Center & Career Services BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY.

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Presentation on theme: "How To Work A Career Fair Kraig Brinkerhoff and Jason Ratliff FHS Advisement Center & Career Services BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY."— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Work A Career Fair Kraig Brinkerhoff and Jason Ratliff FHS Advisement Center & Career Services BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY

2 Before the Fair 4 Identify career goals and interests (Objective) 4 Identify companies of interest 4 Research the companies (mission, goals, etc.) 4 Prepare your resume

3 Before the Fair (continued) 4 Register with eRecruiting 4 Prepare for meeting with companies - practice answering interview questions, etc. 4 Dress professionally - Business Dress- If look for Internship of Full- time - Business Casual- If attending for informational purposes

4 Work Sheets

5 During the Fair 4 Locate & visit with company representatives of your choice 4 Introduce yourself to the representative - Give the representative your resume, display a positive self-assured attitude - extend your hand (shake firmly) 4 Discuss your strengths, abilities, interests, and goals - explain how these attributes would benefit the company

6 During the Fair (continued) 4 Ask questions about career opportunities within the company 4 Ask for an “interview” and schedule it at that time – where will it be conducted 4 Ask the representative for a business card, give a firm hand shake, a genuine “thank you” and smile

7 After the Fair 4 Write the company representative a thank you note, which should include: -a statement thanking him/her for their time and consideration -a brief statement of how your goals, skills, and abilities will benefit the company -ask for an interview at their convenience 4 Attend career related programs 4 Continue your career search

8 Before the Interview 4 Review notes on company (previously researched)  Prepare yourself for the Interview (resource material is available at the CDC & web) ◦ practice answering various interview questions 4 Dress (neat, business attire, etc.) 4 Arrive to the interview early (20 minutes)

9 During the Interview 4 Be yourself 4 Be positive -remember, first impressions usually remain lasting impressions 4 What to expect -you will be asked to give specific examples of past situations -structured questioning -the interviewer may take notes

10 Example Interview Questions 4 Tell me about a time when you gave exceptional customer service 4 Describe a time when you had to juggle multiple tasks at one time and how you managed it 4 Give me an example of a situation where you had to exert leadership to get a task done or problem solved

11 Recommended Structure for Answering Interview Questions (STAR Approach) 4 S = situation (describe the situation/problem) 4 T = task (describe the task) 4 A = action (describe the action YOU took) 4 R = results (explain the results) Tell the interviewer a story, but be concise

12 Practice time!

13 Example Interview Questions 4 Tell me about a time when you gave exceptional customer service 4 Describe a time when you had to juggle multiple tasks at one time and how you managed it 4 Give me an example of a situation where you had to exert leadership to get a task done or problem solved

14 Your Career Resources Kraig Brinkerhoff Academic and Career Adviser FHSS 801-422-3541 Jason Ratliff Career Adviser 801-422-3000

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