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913.888.0772 | Email Marketing Renovation Andrea Ganier and Josh Bourdon.

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Presentation on theme: "913.888.0772 | Email Marketing Renovation Andrea Ganier and Josh Bourdon."— Presentation transcript:

1 913.888.0772 | Email Marketing Renovation Andrea Ganier and Josh Bourdon

2 Meet your email product owner “Do ya like dags?”

3 Sally Ann and Milo Brendan and AtlasFred, Jane, and Stella* #DontTellFred *not pictured

4 Meet your email product owner


6 I N T J

7 Meet your email product owner An idealist and cynic Everything open to questioning Curious, focused Imaginative, strategic thinker Clueless in romance

8 Why does email matter? Goes everywhere (mobile) How we stay informed Connects back to you Performance reflects constituent engagement Cost effective one to many communication

9 What matters about email? Email must…

10 Emails must show up. If an email is not delivered, nothing else about it matters.

11 Emails must be relevant. Time sensitive / time specific email messages can bridge distance between a constituent and the campus community.

12 Emails must measure Time.

13 Email System Renovation Goals Improve delivery Enhance scheduling options Replace reporting

14 Improving Email Delivery If an email is not delivered, nothing else about it matters.

15 Improving Email Delivery September 22, 2015 Enhancing sender reputation protection More flexible and reliable infrastructure

16 Improving Email Delivery What is Sender Reputation? A bad sender reputation hinders your ability to get content to the constituents who want to hear from you.

17 Improving Email Delivery ISPs grant strong sender reputation for Low bounce (kickback) rates Very few spam complaints Sending to valid email addresses Consistent mailing volume

18 Improving Email Delivery Block Spam Folder Inbox User Filtering Sender Outbound Mail Server Internet Inbound Mail Server Check MX Record DNS Authenticate SPF, DKIM, DMARC ISP Decides

19 Improving Email Delivery New Reputation Protection Features Granular reputation monitoring Dynamic IP load balancing Private IP (optional) SPAM Report tracking

20 Improving Email Delivery New: Granular Reputation Monitoring Every site / GID will have a reputation score The score will be visible in new reporting UI

21 Improving Email Delivery New: Dynamic IP load balancing Traffic volume will balanced between IPs Campus IT: white list new email sending IPs

22 Improving Email Delivery New: Private IP option Isolates sender from reputation of other iModules clients sending on the same IPs Purchase private IP for whole site or an individual sub-community / GID

23 Improving Email Delivery New: Spam Report Tracking Know if a constituent reports your email as Spam Gmail addresses are excluded

24 Improving Email Delivery Spam report tracking on profile

25 Improving Email Delivery New spam reports will also show on the exception report

26 Improving Email Delivery Difference between SPAM / Unsubscribe? Spam reports significantly impact reputation Unsubscribes do not influence reputation. Client administrator can clear unsubscribes.

27 Improving Email Delivery How are SPAM reports cleared? Constituent authenticates to clear Spam Report Application Support clears Spam report if a client provides dated opt-in documentation

28 Enhancing Email Scheduling Options Time sensitive / time specific email messages can bridge distance between a constituent and the campus community.

29 You shall not pass! Today, emails can only be sent or scheduled at the top of an hour. Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

30 Enhancing Email Scheduling Options Starting September 22 Send Immediately Schedule for any time Dr. Who “The Waters of Mars” (2009)

31 Enhancing Email Scheduling Options


33 Exceptions to new scheduling options Emails with dynamic content send on the hour Recurring emails cannot be sent immediately

34 Replacing Email Reporting #Sizzler15 EXCLUSIVE

35 Replacing Email Reporting Until now, this was the only way to get juice from an orange.

36 Replacing Email Reporting Until now, this was the only way to get juice from an orange. You mean there’s a better way?

37 Email Reporting: Faster We believe in email reporting that conserves your most limited resource: time.

38 Email Reporting: What / where you need We believe in reporting that aggregates and distributes metrics.

39 Email Reporting: Educates We believe in reporting that helps you understand your constituents.

40 Email Reporting: Illuminates We believe in email reporting that reveals the effectiveness of your marketing strategy.

41 Email Reporting: Cluing for Looks We believe in reporting that supports experimentation and discovery.

42 Email Reporting: Tagging  Trending Add a pre-existing label. Newsletter

43 Email Reporting: Tagging  Trending Create custom a sub-label. Solicitation End of Year

44 Email Reporting: Tagging  Trending Add as many as apply. Event Homecoming Voting Survey

45 Email Reporting: Tagging  Trending 1) Select a time frame 3 months 2) Select a metric Conversions 3) Explore trends

46 Email Reporting: Tagging  Trending Use it or lose it. If you don’t tag, we can’t build trends.

47 Email Reporting: Beta for all Conduct business as usual within the current email reporting interface Try out new features in “beta” before launch

48 913.888.0772 | Questions?

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