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Latin Root : nov (new)  novelty pl. -ties (noun) 1 the quality of being novel; newness; freshness 2 something new, fresh, or unusual; change; innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin Root : nov (new)  novelty pl. -ties (noun) 1 the quality of being novel; newness; freshness 2 something new, fresh, or unusual; change; innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin Root : nov (new)  novelty pl. -ties (noun) 1 the quality of being novel; newness; freshness 2 something new, fresh, or unusual; change; innovation 3 a small, often cheap, cleverly made article, usually for play or adornment: usually used in pl. Tamagochi, the high-tech virtual pet invented in Japan, was a ______ that lasted for 2 years before it went out of fashion. novelty Dollar shops often specialize in novelties suitable for children’s parties.

2 Latin Root : nov (new)  renovate (vt.) 1 to make fresh or sound again, as though new; clean up, replace worn and broken parts in, repair, etc. SYN. renew Other forms: renovation (n.); renovator (n.) < L renovatus, pp. of renovare, to renew < re-, again + novare, to make new < novus, new ] Heritage homes are often so costly to ________ that many property owners decide to demolish and rebuild. renovate The furniture renovator did a good job of restoring the dining set to its original glory; we were very happy with the renovation.

3 Latin Root : nov (new) innovation (in ¿€ v À¿¼€ n) ( n.) 1 the act or process of innovating 2 something newly introduced; new method, custom, device, etc.; change in the way of doing things innovate (v.); innovative (adj.); in¿nova¿tional (adj.) g An innovative mind can often innovate and create solutions that others fail to see. g There is an exhibition of innovational designs at the Science World. innovationData projection systems are a recent _________ that are still not widely seen in classrooms.

4 Latin Root : omni (all) omnivorous (äm niv ¿€ r € s) ( adj.) 1 eating any sort of food, esp. both animal and vegetable food 2 taking in everything indiscriminately, as with the intellect [an omnivorous reader] While most people are omnivores, some have opted to be vegetarians and shun meat. Chinese people are extremely omnivorous and will eat practically anything with its back to the sun. Jamie’s omnivorous reading appetite made him knowledgeable in many diverse areas.

5 Latin Root : omni (all) ° God is supposed to be omniscient as well as omnipotent; he knows and controls everything. u omnipotent (adj.) all powerful; u omniscient (adj.) all knowing. Other forms: omnipotence; omniscience (nouns) g His omnipotence allowed him to be the master of all he surveys, while his omniscience allowed him to survey and have knowledge of everything.

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