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CLASSES REVIEW: HREF, CONTEXT, FILE STRUCTURE. BIG CAVEAT Never cut and paste from a Powerpoint slide Punctuation is not the same Note that the “ is curly.

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Presentation on theme: "CLASSES REVIEW: HREF, CONTEXT, FILE STRUCTURE. BIG CAVEAT Never cut and paste from a Powerpoint slide Punctuation is not the same Note that the “ is curly."— Presentation transcript:


2 BIG CAVEAT Never cut and paste from a Powerpoint slide Punctuation is not the same Note that the “ is curly. It should not be in HTML

3 PUBLIC_HTML STRUCTURE onyen public_html comp101 index.html project1 index.html project1.css

4 HREF FORMATS (HREF=“ “) To referenceUse Another file in the same folderfile.ext A file in a subfoldersubfolder/file.ext index.html in a subfoldersubfolder A file in a containing folder../file.ext An anchor point on this page (need an id!)#anchor The top of this page# An anchor point on another page in same folderfile.ext#anchor An external page (target=“_blank”)http://www.complete.url

5 CSS IN CONTEXT HTML used to structure the context Use that structure to format Structure tags: header, nav, main, div, section

6 MULTIPLE STYLES: CLASSES HTML: class=“name” Use names to imply content, not style Multiple ways to define Style that applies to only one element Style that applies to many elements

7 CLASS FOR ONE ELEMENT Name the declaration set for a specific selector (tag) HTML: class=“name” CSS: div.intro{ text-align: center; }

8 CLASS FOR MANY ELEMENTS HTML: class=“name” Particularly useful for maintaining consistency.intro{ text-align: center; color: red; } Header 1 Header 2

9 USING CLASS AND PSEUDO p.intro:first-letter { color: red; } a.highlight:hover { color: red; }

10 NESTED SELECTOR Only applies within context Avoids putting class= everywhere! Useful for formatting lists HTML: class=“name” only for encompassing CSS: tag ul.horizontal { list-style-type: none; } ul.horizontal li { display: inline; }

11 SHORTHAND: MULTIPLE SELECTORS h1 { text-align: center; } h2 { text-align: center; } h1, h2 { text-align: center; } Two forms have same effect Good way to maintain consistency

12 REFERENCING IDS id can also act as a class But notice that you can only use it once on any page Can repeat it on multiple pages To reference an id in CSS #idname instead of.classname All the same forms (one element, any element, context) Or limit ids to location and classes to format can have both

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