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Photographic Historical Technologies What Started It All.

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Presentation on theme: "Photographic Historical Technologies What Started It All."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photographic Historical Technologies What Started It All

2 Double major grade Assignment – SPIRIT WEEK Spirit Week (September 28-October 2) includes the following theme days: Disney Monday, Mathletes and Athletes Tuesday, Class Battles Wednesday, Where the Wild Things Are Thursday and Purple Out/White Out Friday Bring a camera and a download device to school every day during Spirit Week. Take photos all day, capturing at least 100 shots of the best images. Be sure to utilize multiple photo composition rules, do NOT reuse photos and take no posed photographs Photos taken at evening events (pep rally and parade on Thursday, game and tailgate on Friday, dance on Saturday) will earn extra credit

3 Double major grade Assignment – SPIRIT WEEK During class if you are not actively shooting, you will need to start downloading your photos using your personal download device – Create a “[last name] spirit week” subfolder in your “photo journalism” H drive folder for storage – Create subfolders in this folder with titled “Monday”, “Tuesday”, etc., and download all photos from that day into the appropriate folder – If you shot evening events for extra credit work, create a sixth folder titled “Evening Events”

4 Double major grade Assignment – SPIRIT WEEK Using Adobe Bridge, you will need to Rate, Reject and Rename your photos. You will only turn in 20 photos per day. Photos will be renamed [last name] [day of week] [sequence number]. Be sure to batch rename using Bridge so you are not doing this one at a time! Submit the entire Spirit Week folder to Mrs. J via Google Drive by midnight on Thursday, October 8, 2015

5 Spirit week rubric CriteriaWeight Turned in using required organization10 Submitted 20 photos per theme per day10 Utilized a variety of composition rules40 Quality and effort40 Total100 Extra credit20 Total120

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