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Mrs. Faison’s Math Classes Common Core Math 7 Common Core Math 7/8 Common Core Math I Common Core Math II.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Faison’s Math Classes Common Core Math 7 Common Core Math 7/8 Common Core Math I Common Core Math II."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Faison’s Math Classes Common Core Math 7 Common Core Math 7/8 Common Core Math I Common Core Math II

2 Class Expectations  Warm Up: You will have a warm up every day except for quiz or test days. You will complete your warm ups in your personal warm up journal which will be kept in the classroom. Warm Ups will be a part of your quarterly class work grade.  Notes: You will take notes almost everyday. All notes should be written in your spiral notebook. Please use every page (front and back). Always write the title and date.  Classwork: You will have a class work assignment everyday. There will be a mix of individual, partner, and group assignments. There will be opportunities to pick your partner or group.

3 Class Expectations Homework : You will have HW everyday (Yes, including weekends). HW assignments will be written on the back white board and posted on Headmaster by 3:45 pm. HW will be graded and reviewed the day after it was assigned. Incomplete HW will be counted as a 0 unless you attend HW lab and then you can receive at most 50. Organization: Classwork and Homework should be kept in a 3 prong folder in the order that it was assigned. You will receive a new folder each quarter. All folders should be kept until the end of the year in preparation for the final exam and/or EOC. Math II students will keep their classwork and homework in a 3 ring binder.

4 Class Expectations Absences: If you miss a day of school, it is your responsibility to get the work that you have missed. There will be a folder for missing work on the corner of my desk. Also, you will need to get the notes from another student. You will have 1 day for each day you were absent to make up the work. I will not remind you about missing work, so make sure that you turn it in!

5 Class Expectations Quizzes: You will have about 5 quizzes each quarter. Most quizzes will be announced. Quizzes will range from 5 to 15 questions. Tests: You will have about 3 tests each quarter. All tests will be announced. Tests will range from 15 to 30 questions. Quizzes and tests may include multiple choice or short answer questions. Projects: You will have 1 or 2 projects per semester. You will be provided with a rubric and plenty of time to complete each project.

6 Class Expectations Textbooks: Everyone will be assigned a textbook (except Math II). Math 7: Big Ideas Red Math 7/8: Big Ideas Red Accelerated Math I: Big Ideas Purple You will be required to bring your textbook to class everyday unless told otherwise.

7 Grade Breakdown Homework – 20% Class work (including warm ups) – 20% Quizzes – 25% Tests/Projects – 35%

8 Class Expectations Behavior Expectations: Show God’s love in everything you do and say. Come to class prepared with all materials (pencils, paper, HW/CW folder/binder, Spiral Notebook, Textbook) Stay in your seat unless told otherwise. Be an active participant. Ask questions. Answer questions. Make connections. BUT raise your hand to be acknowledged! Behavior Consequences: Strike #1 – Verbal Warning Strike #2 – Name on the board. Strike #3 – Lunch Detention AND Email or Phone Call Home

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