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Code and Asset Branching Best Practices Session 315 Philip Wolfe, Lead Developer Farm Credit Services of America.

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Presentation on theme: "Code and Asset Branching Best Practices Session 315 Philip Wolfe, Lead Developer Farm Credit Services of America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Code and Asset Branching Best Practices Session 315 Philip Wolfe, Lead Developer Farm Credit Services of America

2 Lightning Round Agenda Introduction to Source Asset Management Terms and Definitions Initial Source Control Setup Branching for Continuous Integration Branching for Team Development Branching to Support Release Activities Wrap-up

3 Introduction to Source Asset Management As you work on your product, there are different versions of the product in use – Designers have the latest version – Quality Assurance has a stable version – Delivered projects are the “old” version Source asset management outlines a way to keep the different versions organized

4 Terms and Definitions Branch (noun) – a copy of the assets – Development (Dev) Branch – A “Work in progress” version of the project – Main Branch – The most current, stable version of the project – Release Branch – A copy of the project that contains what was actually released Branch (verb) – to make a copy of a folder and the contents of that folder.

5 Terms and Definitions Merge (verb) – To overwrite the contents of a destination folder with the changes from the source folder – Merging from Dev to Main means to make Main look Dev – Features vary by Source Control software Forward Integrate (FI) – Merge from parent to child

6 Terms and Definitions Reverse Integrate (RI) – Merge from child to parent Release Vehicle – How you deliver your product to your customer – Release to Manufacturing (RTM) – A major release of your project – Service Pack – A release that all customers should apply – Hotfix – A release that fixes specific defects for customers affected by those defects (not everyone)

7 Initial Source Control Setup Project NameDEVELOPMENTMAINRELEASESource

8 Initial Source Control Setup MAIN DEVELOPMENT Merge RELEASE Merge

9 Branching for Continuous Integration Main Development Merge

10 Branching for Team Development Main Feature Team 2 Feature Team 1 Merge

11 Release 1 Branching to Support Release Activities Main RTM SP 1 RTM Merge Development Merge

12 Wrap-up Branching helps you have multiple running versions of the product at the same time Branching helps you support continuous integration Branching helps you manage releases

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