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Paul McKenna Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Fellow A review of high-intensity laser-driven ion acceleration and induced nuclear phenomena LEIF Meeting,

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Presentation on theme: "Paul McKenna Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Fellow A review of high-intensity laser-driven ion acceleration and induced nuclear phenomena LEIF Meeting,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul McKenna Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Fellow A review of high-intensity laser-driven ion acceleration and induced nuclear phenomena LEIF Meeting, June 2003

2 Introduction Accelerating gradient ~TV/m

3 Laser-driven proton acceleration

4 CPA pulse Target CCD camera Protons 0.1mm 0.25mm 0.5mm 1.0mm BACK Cu activation stack Front Back Front Proton acceleration on Vulcan petawatt

5 Proton beam quality measurements Normalised emittance  N < 0.5  mm mrad at 40 MeV (c.f. CERN Linac2, protons ~50 MeV:  N ~1.7  mm mrad) Film Cu filters 10  m structure 50  m Au 45 mm ~28 MeV ~35 MeV 1 cm Structure after substracting the general intensity rise in the middle Source size:~40  m for 40 MeV; :~150  m for 4 MeV

6 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) 14 N + p  11 C + 4 He 11 C20 mins 13 C + p  13 N + n 13 N10 mins 15 N + p  15 O + n 15 O2 mins 18 O + p  18 F + n 18 F1.7 hours

7 Laser driven PET isotope production


9 Automated FDG Synthesis 1. 18 F ions are trapped on a cartridge and enriched water [O 18 ]H 2 O is recovered 2. 18 F used in labelling reaction

10 Laser-driven heavy ion acceleration

11 Heavy ion acceleration measurements Target foil Pinhole Thomson parabola spectrometer Activation material VULCAN pulse CR39 Ions 2.5cm 220cm 5cm References: Clark et al., Phys.Rev. Lett., 85, 1654 (2000) Krushelnick et al., IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 28, 1184 (2000)

12 Nuclear activation: Experiment arrangement Activation samples Resistively heated target Iodine samples Laser pulse

13 Ion-induced reactions: Typical gamma spectrum 860  C Main target: 100  m Fe, Activation target: C

14 Fusion-evaporation reactions observed Fusion-evaporation reactions: 56 Fe + 12 C  67 Ge + n 56 Fe + 12 C  66 Ge + 2n 56 Fe + 12 C  66 Ga + p + n 56 Fe + 12 C  65 Ga + p + 2n 56 Fe + 12 C  63 Zn +  + n 56 Fe + 12 C  62 Zn +  + 2n 56 Fe + 12 C  61 Cu +  + p + 2n 56 Fe + 12 C  60 Cu +  + p + 3n PACE2 – calculated cross-sections

15 Typical deduced ion spectrum Protons: 63 Cu(p,n) 63 Zn Cold: 16 kBq 860  C: 100 Bq Fe ions: E max > 7 MeV/nucleon N ~ 5 x 10 11, C ~ 0.5  C I ~ MA (~ ps pulse)

16 Laser-driven photo-nuclear reactions

17 Nuclear activation: Experiment arrangement Activation samples Resistively heated target Iodine samples Laser pulse

18 Photo-induced transmutation 129 I is a nuclear waste product Half-life = 15.7 million years 129 I( ,n) 128 I 128 I: Half-life = 25 minutes

19 KWD Ledingham, P McKenna, J Yang, S Shimizu, T McCanny, L Robson, R P Singhal Personnel General Review: K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna and R.P.Singhal, Science, 16 th May 2003 K Krushelnick, MS Wei, P Nickelson, S Mangles RJ Clarke, PA Norreys, KL Lancaster, S Karsch J Galy, J Magill R Chapman, K Spohr J Zweit, J Gillies Paterson institute for Cancer Research M Zepf M Roth, E Brambrink, M Hegelich

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