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IBM - CVUT Student Research Projects SecondLife Extensions Procházka Václav Mikoláš Pavel

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Presentation on theme: "IBM - CVUT Student Research Projects SecondLife Extensions Procházka Václav Mikoláš Pavel"— Presentation transcript:

1 IBM - CVUT Student Research Projects SecondLife Extensions Procházka Václav (‏ Mikoláš Pavel (

2 IBM - CVUT Student Research Projects 2 SecondLife SecondLife is a 3-D virtual world created by Linden Lab and opened to public in 2003SecondLife Linden Lab Nowadays around 40 000 residents on-line Everything is build and owned by its residents Residents can sell, buy or trade items or land In-word currency is convertible to US dollar and back

3 IBM - CVUT Student Research Projects 3 Goal Explore possibilities Create or add objects and other content Add dynamic behaviour by scripting objects Try possible object reactions on other residents Combine all previous and create robot- avatar which will react on other residents

4 IBM - CVUT Student Research Projects 4 What is it good for On-line worlds offers new experience Framework for various activities, all in one package Education - museums, galleries Entertainment - meeting friends, creating communities, areas turned in to games Business - advertising real goods, creating virtual, conferences, presentations

5 IBM - CVUT Student Research Projects 5 Possibilities Textures, sounds, avatar's animations and clothing are created in external applications and then uploaded to SecondLife Objects are created in-world, cannot be easily brought in or out Scripts can control object appearance, movement and behaviour Scripts can communicate with another scripts, avatars or with real world

6 IBM - CVUT Student Research Projects 6 Possibilities Reactions on written speech are easy, on gestures complicated Voice isn't available (currently in beta test)‏ But even then no built-in voice recognition or text speech features It possible do that - external application interfacing SecondLife and Microsoft Speech API exists

7 IBM - CVUT Student Research Projects 7 Making use of possibilities Our robot-avatar is an animal breeder Walks along predefined path with random stops or direction changes, avoids collisions React on what nearby residents say, thought simple dialogue lends a pet Pets are flying or walking around its master After touched they make a noise

8 IBM - CVUT Student Research Projects 8 Video and screenshots Screenshots and video capturing behaviour of animal breeder and his interaction with another avatar Created pets: dog, cat and mouse

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