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Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back Weekly Study – on Wednesday nights at 6:30 This.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back Weekly Study – on Wednesday nights at 6:30 This."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back Weekly Study – on Wednesday nights at 6:30 This week: Joel, Obadiah Jesus expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself … And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures Luke 24:27,45

2 Joram Johram Ahaziah Athaliah Jehu 840800760700680740720750730710690670830770780790810820830 Jehoahaz Joash Jehoash Jeroboam II Zechariah Shallum MenahemPekah Pekahiah Hoshea 722 bc Assyrian Captivity Ten Tribes of Israel Amaziah Uzziah Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah Manasseh ObadiahJoel JonahAmosHosea Isaiah Micah

3 Obadiah Obadiah means “servant of Yahweh.” EDOM: REMOVED BY GOD (1:1–16) Why: Their proud heart (1:1–9)


5 Obadiah Obadiah means “servant of Yahweh.” EDOM: REMOVED BY GOD (1:1–16) Why: Their proud heart (1:1–9) What: Their treacherous hand (1:10–14) When: Their punished head (1:15–16) JACOB: RESTORED BY GOD (1:17–21)

6 Joel Joel means “Yahweh is God.” The Present Calamity (Ch 1) Described v.1-4


8 A small swarm of locusts can eat as much food in a day as 2,500 people




12 Joel Joel means “Yahweh is God.” The Present Calamity (Ch 1) Described v.1-4 Awake (v.5-7) Lament (v.8-12) Seek the Lord (v.13-20)

13 Joel Joel means “Yahweh is God.” The Present Calamity (Ch 1) Day of the Lord Pictured (Ch 2) Terrible day (v.1-11)

14 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Matthew 24:21

15 Joel Joel means “Yahweh is God.” The Present Calamity (Ch 1) Day of the Lord Pictured (Ch 2) Terrible day (v.1-11) Now…turn to the Lord (v.12-17) Then…(v.18-22) (v.32)

16 Joel Then…(v.18-22) The Lord will be zealous for land, people He will defend her (v.20) He will bless her (v.21-24) He will restore (v.25-27) He will pour out His Spirit (v.28-29)

17 “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and heed my words. For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: Acts 2:14-16

18 Joel Then…(v.18-22) The Lord will be zealous for land, people He will defend her (v.20) He will bless her (v.21-24) He will restore (v.25-27) He will pour out His Spirit (v.28-29) He will show wonders (v.30-31) He will bring many to Himself (v.32)

19 Joel Joel means “Yahweh is God.” The Present Calamity (Ch 1) Day of the Lord Pictured (Ch 2) Terrible day (v.1-11) Now…turn to the Lord (v.12-17) Then…(v.18-22) After Those Days (Ch 3) He will bring back His people He will judge the nations

20 He shall judge between the nations, And rebuke many people; They shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore. Isaiah 2:4

21 Joel Joel means “Yahweh is God.” The Present Calamity (Ch 1) Day of the Lord Pictured (Ch 2) Terrible day (v.1-11) Now…turn to the Lord (v.12-17) Then…(v.18-22) After Those Days (Ch 3) He will bring back His people He will judge the nations He will dwell in Zion


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