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Published byDwayne Rose Modified over 9 years ago
W O R L D L I N E S S G O D L I N E S S Vs.
Tattoos & Body Piercing
W O R L D L I N E S S Gambling Modern Dancing Social Drinking Smoking Immodesty Homosexuality Pornography Tattoos & Body Piercing G O D L I N E S S
W O R L D L I N E S S What About Immodesty?
The World Is An Alluring Place
What Does It Mean To Be A Christian? Is It All About: What I like or prefer? What I think is best? My opinion on the matter?
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God Requires His Children To Be Modest! I Timothy 2:9-10, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in MODEST APPAREL, with SHAMEFACEDNESS and SOBRIETY; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 But (which becometh women PROFESSING GODLINESS) with GOOD WORKS.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God Requires His Children To Be Modest! I Timothy 2:9-10, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in MODEST APPAREL, with SHAMEFACEDNESS and SOBRIETY; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 But (which becometh women PROFESSING GODLINESS) with GOOD WORKS.” A Woman’s Adornment Must Be: MODEST (Strong’s Gk. Dic., # 2887) - “well arranged, seemly, modest.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God Requires His Children To Be Modest! I Timothy 2:9-10, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in MODEST APPAREL, with SHAMEFACEDNESS and SOBRIETY; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 But (which becometh women PROFESSING GODLINESS) with GOOD WORKS.” A Woman’s Adornment Must Be: SHAMEFACEDNESS (Strong’s Gk. Dic., # 127) - “a sense of shame or honour, modesty, bashfulness, reverence, regard for others, respect.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God Requires His Children To Be Modest! I Timothy 2:9-10, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in MODEST APPAREL, with SHAMEFACEDNESS and SOBRIETY; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 But (which becometh women PROFESSING GODLINESS) with GOOD WORKS.” A Woman’s Adornment Must Be: SOBRIETY (Strong’s Gk. Dic., # 4997) - “soundness of mind, self control, sobriety.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God Requires His Children To Be Modest! I Timothy 2:9-10, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in MODEST APPAREL, with SHAMEFACEDNESS and SOBRIETY; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 But (which becometh women PROFESSING GODLINESS) with GOOD WORKS.” A Woman’s Adornment Must Be: PROFESSING (Strong’s Gk. Dic., # 1861) - “to announce upon, i.e. (by impl.) to engage to do something, to assert something respecting oneself.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God Requires His Children To Be Modest! I Timothy 2:9-10, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in MODEST APPAREL, with SHAMEFACEDNESS and SOBRIETY; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 But (which becometh women PROFESSING GODLINESS) with GOOD WORKS.” A Woman’s Adornment Must Be: GODLINESS (Strong’s Gk. Dic., # 2317) - “devoutness, i.e. piety: - godliness.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God Requires His Children To Be Modest! I Pet. 3:2-4, “While they behold your CHASTE CONVERSATION coupled with fear. 3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a MEEK and QUIET spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God Requires His Children To Be Modest! I Pet. 3:2-4, “While they behold your CHASTE CONVERSATION coupled with fear. 3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a MEEK and QUIET spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” A Woman’s Adornment Must Be: CHASTE (Strong’s Gk. Dic., # 53) - “pure from carnality, chaste, modest.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God Requires His Children To Be Modest! I Pet. 3:2-4, “While they behold your CHASTE CONVERSATION coupled with fear. 3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a MEEK and QUIET spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” A Woman’s Adornment Must Be: CONVERSATION (Strong’s Gk. Dic., # 391) - “manner of life, conduct, behavior.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God Requires His Children To Be Modest! I Pet. 3:2-4, “While they behold your CHASTE CONVERSATION coupled with fear. 3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a MEEK and QUIET spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” A Woman’s Adornment Must Be: MEEK (Strong’s Gk. Dic., # 4239) - “mildness of disposition, gentleness of spirit, meekness.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God Requires His Children To Be Modest! I Pet. 3:2-4, “While they behold your CHASTE CONVERSATION coupled with fear. 3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a MEEK and QUIET spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” A Woman’s Adornment Must Be: QUIET (Strong’s Gk. Dic., # 2272) - “quiet, tranquil.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel Public Nakedness Is Shameful!
Jn. 21:7, “Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher’s COAT unto him, (for he was NAKED) and did cast himself into the sea.” NKJV, “...when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he PUT ON his OUTER GARMENT (for he had REMOVED IT) and plunged into the sea.” NASB, “…when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put his OUTER GARMENT on (for he was STRIPPED [for work]), and threw himself into the sea.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel Public Nakedness Is Shameful!
Jn. 21:7, “Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher’s COAT unto him, (for he was NAKED) and did cast himself into the sea.” A Person’s Body Must Be Covered (Gk. # 1131): NAKED (Vine’s, p. 781) – “clad in the undergarment only (the outer being laid aside), John 21:7 see clothing.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel Public Nakedness Is Shameful!
Jn. 21:7, “Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher’s COAT unto him, (for he was NAKED) and did cast himself into the sea.” A Person’s Body Must Be Covered (Gk. # 1131): CLOTHING (Vine’s, p. 201) – “A person was said to be ‘naked’ (gumnos), whether he was without clothing, or had thrown off his outer garment, e.g., his ependutes, (No. 6, below), and was clad in a light undergarment, as was the case with Peter in John 21:7.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel Public Nakedness Is Shameful!
Jn. 21:7, “Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher’s COAT unto him, (for he was NAKED) and did cast himself into the sea.” A Person’s Body Must Be Covered (Gk. # 1131): NAKED (Arndt and Gingrich, p. 167) – “without an outer garment, without which a decent person did not appear in public, Jn. 21:7...poorly dressed.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
In Our Culture, Almost Anything Goes! When French designer Louis Reard introduced the bikini in 1946, Parisian models would not model it. He hired a nude dancer to unveil the swimsuit.
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
In Our Culture, Almost Anything Goes! When French designer Louis Reard introduced the bikini in 1946, Parisian models would not model it. He hired a nude dancer to unveil the swimsuit. In Some Cultures, And At Certain Times, Almost Any Show Of “Skin” Is Considered Immoral Sultaana Freeman of Winter Park, Florida wanted to be photographed for her driver’s license while wearing a veil because, she said, her religion dictates modesty in public. In certain fundamentalist Islam societies women must be completely covered.
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God’s Standard Has NOT Changed Since the Beginning! Gen. 2:25, “And they were both NAKED, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God’s Standard Has NOT Changed Since the Beginning! Gen. 2:25, “And they were both NAKED, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” NAKED (Heb. # 06174) (Brown-Driver-Briggs’ Definition) – “bare, naked.” (Strong’s Heb. Dic., p. 91) – “from 6191 (in its original sense); nude, either partially or totally:--naked.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God’s Standard Has NOT Changed Since the Beginning! Gen. 2:25, “And they were both NAKED, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” This Innocence Ended in Gen. 3:1-6 Gen. 3:7, “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were NAKED; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves APRONS.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God’s Standard Has NOT Changed Since the Beginning! Gen. 3:7, “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were NAKED; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves APRONS.” APRONS Strong’s (Heb. Dic., # 02290), “from 2296; a belt (for the waist):-apron, armour, gird(-le).”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God’s Standard Has NOT Changed Since the Beginning! Gen. 3:8, “And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and ADAM and his WIFE hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.” Gen. 3:9-10, “And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, WHERE ART THOU? 10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I WAS NAKED; and I HID MYSELF.” Cf. v. 7
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God’s Standard Has NOT Changed Since the Beginning! Gen. 3:9-10, “And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, WHERE ART THOU? 10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I WAS NAKED; and I HID MYSELF.” Cf. v. 7 Gen. 3:11, “And HE (God, jhb) said, who told thee that thou wast NAKED? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God’s Standard Has NOT Changed Since the Beginning! Gen. 3:9-10, “And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, WHERE ART THOU? 10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I WAS NAKED; and I HID MYSELF.” Cf. v. 7 Gen. 3:7, 10, 11, NAKED (Heb. Dic., # 05903) New Wilson’s Old Testament Word Studies, p. 284, “naked, either as without clothing or stripped of the outer or peculiar garment...”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God’s Standard Has NOT Changed Since the Beginning! Gen. 3:9-10, “And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, WHERE ART THOU? 10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I WAS NAKED; and I HID MYSELF.” Cf. v. 7 Gen. 3:7, 10, 11, NAKED (Heb. Dic., # 05903) Gen. 3:21, “Unto ADAM also and to HIS WIFE did the LORD God make COATS (NKJV, TUNICS; NASB, GARMENTS) of skins, and CLOTHED THEM.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God’s Standard Has NOT Changed Since the Beginning! Gen. 3:21, “Unto ADAM also and to HIS WIFE did the LORD God make COATS (NKJV, TUNICS; NASB, GARMENTS) of skins, and CLOTHED THEM.” COATS (Heb. # 03801) (Gesenius, p. 420; Harris, I:459; BDB, p. 509) - “a tunic…generally with sleeves, coming down to knees, rarely to the ankles”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
God’s Standard Has NOT Changed Since the Beginning! Fred H. Wight Manners and Customs of Bible Lands, 91 “The tunic (inappropriately translated ‘coat’) was a shirt which was worn next to the skin. It was made of leather, hair-cloth, wool, linen, or in modern times, usually of cotton. The simplest form of it was without sleeves and reached to the knees or sometimes to the ankles. The well-to-do wore it with sleeves and extending to the ankles. Women as well as men wore it [see Cant. 5:3, A.R.V.], although there was no doubt a difference in style and pattern in what was worn by the two.” Gen. 3:21, “Unto ADAM also and to HIS WIFE did the LORD God make COATS (NKJV, TUNICS; NASB, GARMENTS) of skins, and CLOTHED THEM.” COATS (Heb. # 03801) (Gesenius, p. 420; Harris, I:459; BDB, p. 509) - “a tunic…generally with sleeves, coming down to knees, rarely to the ankles”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel The Levitical Priesthood
Ex. 20:26, “Neither shalt thou go up by STEPS unto mine altar, THAT THY NAKEDNESS BE NOT DISCOVERED thereon.” Ex. 28:40-42, “And for Aaron’s sons thou shalt MAKE COATS (tunics, Heb. # 03801)...42 And thou shalt MAKE them linen BREECHES (Heb. # 04370, ‘drawers’, i.e. underware; jhb) to COVER their NAKEDNESS; from THE LOINS EVEN UNTO THE THIGHS they shall REACH.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel The Levitical Priesthood
Ex. 28:40-42, “And for Aaron’s sons thou shalt MAKE COATS (tunics, Heb. # 03801)...42 And thou shalt MAKE them linen BREECHES (Heb. # 04370, ‘drawers’, i.e. underware; jhb) to COVER their NAKEDNESS; from THE LOINS EVEN UNTO THE THIGHS they shall REACH.” BREECHES - (Heb. # 04370, ‘drawers’, i.e. underware) (G. Rawlinson, Pulpit Commentary, Vol. 1, p. 293) – “Ex. 28:42, unto the thighs - i.e. to the bottom of the thighs where they adjoin the knee.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
Our Nakedness Must Not Be Revealed In Public (Figurative Language) Isa. 20:4, “So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives, young and old, NAKED and barefoot, even with their BUTTOCKS UNCOVERED, to the shame of Egypt.” Isa. 47:2-3, “…remove your veil, take off the skirt, uncover THE THIGH, pass through the rivers. 3 Your NAKEDNESS shall be uncovered, yes, your shame will be seen…” Cf. Nah. 3:5 Ezk. 16:7, “…thou art come to excellent ornaments: THY BREASTS are fashioned, and thine hair is grown, whereas thou wast NAKED and BARE.”
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
Our Nakedness Must Not Be Revealed In Public (Figurative Language) Things Which Should Not Be Publicly Seen The Buttocks (Isa. 20:4) The Thighs (Ex. 28:42; Isa. 47:2-3) The Breasts (Ezk. 16:7) Exposing Any of The Above Is To Reveal Your “Nakedness” Revealing One’s Nakedness Is Immoral/Ungodly!
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
“Nakedness” Can Be A Stumbling Block! Mt. 5:28, “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Cf. II Sam. 11:2, “And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon.” Cp. w. Gen. 39:7, “And it came to pass after these things, that his master’s wife cast her eyes upon Joseph; and she said, Lie with me.” Cf. Job 31:1
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
“Nakedness” Can Be A Stumbling Block! We Must Be Considerate Of Others - Phil. 2:3-4 Questions We Should Ask Ourselves: Will My Clothing Cause Any To Stumble (Lust)? Mt. 18:7; I Cor. 8:12 Will My Clothing Hinder My Influence? Mt. 5:16; Phil. 1:27; 2:14-15
Worldliness Versus Modest Apparel
Reasons Offered By Those Seeking A Compromise: You Can Not Draw A Line Where Modesty Ends And Immodesty Begins (Rom. 14:23; Cf. Isa. 5:20) It Is Hot And It Helps Me Stay Cool (II Tim. 3:1, 4) Everybody Does It (Ex. 23:2; Mt. 7:13-14) It Is Popular (Jas. 4:4; I Jn. 2:15-17) It Is Fashionable (Rom. 8:29; 12:1-2) Nobody Notices Me (Mt. 5:16; Phil. 2:16) What Is Modest In One Culture May Not Be In Another And Vice Versa (Jer. 10:23; II Cor. 10:12) I Can’t Help It If Others Have A Filthy Mind (Mt. 18:7) My Husband / Wife Likes It (Mt. 10:37; Lk. 14:26, 33)
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