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Published byMyron Logan Modified over 9 years ago
“From policy to practice” INTRODUCTION Cabinet approved the National Sport and Recreation Plan on 3 May 2012. Cabinet described the NSRP as a major milestone for the country as it paves the way for the first time for South Africa to have a unified sports sector. The NSRP is the implementation plan of the policy framework for sport and recreation as captured in the revised White Paper. Much progress was made in the first 10 months after the approval of the NSRP in implementing the 262 activities, 99 outputs, 58 performance indicators and 31 strategic objectives as outlined in the NSRP. In this process progress was also made in addressing the resolutions adopted at the national Sports Indaba as will be reflected in this presentation.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION - Recreation Resolution There has to be government initiated and funded recreation programmes/campaigns to encourage and promote participation in sport as a life long activity. Progress A Recreation Committee was appointed by the Minister in May 2012. Events such as the Indigenous Games; Active Aging Games (Golden Games) and the Big Walk did take place in 2012. 60 South Africans participated in the 2012 World Indigenous Games. The Indigenous Games will be re-positioned as a family festival with a vibrant carnival atmosphere in September 2013.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION - Recreation Progress In 2012 the Move for Health event was held in the Western Cape attracting a large number of participants and increasing the interest in sport and recreation participation. The Move for Health day was celebrated at the Johnson Ngwevela sports community center that is situated in the KwaLanga Township. In 2013 there will be support of the Move for Health Day which is an international event created in 2002 by the World Health Organization to promote physical activity.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION - Recreation Progress Good progress is made in the development and/or refurbishment of children’s play parks by facilitating discussions between the relevant municipalities and organizations wishing to invest with corporate social investments. An announcement in this regard is expected in September 2013. To further encourage participation, SRSA will appeal for the delivery of community gyms by municipalities that can be used in open spaces within communities. The provision of these community gyms will link with the community sport project to deliver recreation to the community.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION - Recreation Progress The Department has also initiated the Cycle for Life project to stimulate broad community participation in recreation programmes. The World Day for Physical Activity will be celebrated on 6 April 2013 with the theme “no barriers to physical activity”. The 2012 Big Walk event hosted in Pretoria attracted 3 000 participants. The Big Walk will be staged again in October 2013 encouraging participation in physical activity. The Golden Games will continue to include competitive events for older persons with the conviction that people can significantly improve the quality of their later years by staying active and fully engaged in life.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION – Infrastructure Resolutions Hubs must be established to promote participation in sport and recreation within communities where there is no sport and recreation taking place. Sports councils should act as interface to support the linking of hubs/clubs with federations, municipalities, civil society structures and NGO’s to ensure integration of sports programmes and to avoid duplication of resources. Where clubs are non-existent, hubs will work jointly with federations to support the creation of clubs.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION - Infrastructure Progress A new concept for hubs was developed in 2012. This concept does not need expensive buildings, but recreational environments with basic facilities that can function as community hubs. SRSA will now conduct a comprehensive audit of clubs in 17 of the 60 NFs supported and determine what their primary needs are. A system to classify and grade clubs will also be developed. A lot of work was done regarding a new approach for the development of clubs. Club support and development will be offered on the basis of an amended franchise system with selected national federations being provided with expertise regarding club governance and the provision of standardised documents.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION - Infrastructure Progress The concept of a franchise system will be piloted initially in two sites in 2013. Key deliverables for 2013 will include the production of a club toolkit and a framework within which to establish and support clubs and the initiation of the amended club franchise system. These clubs will focus on supporting athletes to progress through the development pathway as opposed to social and recreation clubs which will be catered for within the mass participation component.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION – Community programmes Resolutions Hubs should serve to provide outreach programmes for vulnerable and marginalized groups. Hubs must be funded by government and capacitated by 2-3 coordinators who will be employed by government. Progress A successful outreach programme was held at the Vuyani Primary School in Gugulethu. More than 600 school kids were given an opportunity to cycle in the Velokhaya Academy Outreach Programme in Khayelitsha. 19 Bicycles, 10 helmets and 8 hand gloves were provided to the Cycling Academy.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION – Community programmes Progress Sport for Social Change and Development has been repackaged and expanded and sport will be used as a vehicle to catalyze change in the following areas: the environment; HIV/AIDS, sport against crime, and so forth. In addressing the priority of rural development SRSA will support a rural sport improvement programme under the guidance of the National House of Traditional Leaders. The programme will involve a ministerial outreach to rural areas to distribute sports equipment. Specific youth leadership and healthy lifestyle programmes targeting young participants will be delivered in school sport events nationally, junior sport federation championships, community recreation activities and youth camps through loveLife.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION – Community programmes Progress The first Youth Camps were hosted during the school holidays at the end of September 2012. SRSA will again assist provincial sport departments to ensure that the delivery of the National Youth Camp in September 2013 is a success. The purpose of the camp to be held in all nine provinces, is to teach young people leadership and life skills, national pride and practical lessons on social cohesion in a rural, outdoor environment through adventure and other fun activities.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION – School sport Resolutions A programme to roll out the 17 school sport priority codes must be developed by federations for implementation in schools. Further consultation must take place with DBE for Physical Education (PE) to become a stand alone subject in the school curriculum. Engagement with Higher Education with regard to training of educators in PE to ensure a supply of quality educators. An MoU must be signed with Department of Health to develop programmes on nutrition to overcome obesity amongst learners and enforce healthy meals in schools. Guidelines on parent behaviour at school sport events must be developed and made available to parents.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION – School sport Resolutions Saturday leagues must be introduced by federations to encourage parental involvement. Clear reporting lines in relation to all stakeholders must be followed to facilitate the smooth and efficient delivery of both school and community sport. Progress School sport policy finalised. MOU was signed with the DBE, Sixteen school sport priority codes identified and supported. Physical Education reintroduced in schools. Training programmes aligned with the SA Coaching Framework. Various schools developed a code of conduct on parent behaviour.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION – School Games / SA Games Resolutions The National Top School Games and the SA Youth Olympic Games should be rolled out from Jan 2012. These Schools Games will serve as a platform for talent identification as well as selection for international participation. All schools (private, public and state aided), including schools catering for learners with a physical disability and special educational needs, will participate in the school games. The Safety at Sport and Recreation Events Act will have to be implemented to ensure the safety of participating children at all sports events. Talented athletes who emerge and display potential to win medals will be given full support.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION – School Games / SA Games Progress School sport leagues activated. Of the 24 365 public schools, a total of 10 345 schools registered by the end of June 2012. This process has created an opportunity for schools to be included in the league programme. All provinces have completed the district selections for the Top Schools League Programme in 2012. SRSA supported the hosting and delivery of the first National Top Schools Finals together with DBE. The top primary and secondary school teams in Netball and Football from all 9 provinces participated. The event was a culmination of the school league programme. The 1 278 school children who participated in this event included girls, boys and LSEN learners.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION – School Games / SA Games Progress The first SA National Schools Championships were held in December 2012 in Pretoria, with 3 272 participants. They will be held again in December 2013. Participants include those with disabilities and special educational needs. SRSA provided financial support for the first joint Athletics South Africa (ASA) Junior Championships and the SA Schools Athletics Championships. The event included learners from mainstream and LSEN schools. The focus of this event was talent identification within age groups and 2700 learners participated in this event. SA Games replaced with the Youth Camps and the SA School National Championships.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVE NATION – School Games / SA Games Progress The concept for the Sport Focus Schools was endorsed and accepted by all stakeholders for implementation. Talented athletes with potential to win medals were identified for placement in sport focus schools. These learners will receive bursaries from the Department. The SA Schools National Championships is focussing on individual talented athletes who will compete with talented athletes from other areas. Initiatives are underway to establish a ministerial sports bursary to offer talented children identified at the national multi-coded age group tournaments an opportunity to study at sport focus schools.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ENABLING ENVIRONMENT – Sports Councils Resolution We need to build the capacity of Sports Councils to be operational and functional and to enable them to leverage existing commercial avenues and to build their own strong, independent and viable brands. Progress In the 2013/14 financial year 3% of the Conditional Grant is earmarked to assist Provinces with the establishment of Provincial Sports Councils.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ENABLING ENVIRONMENT – Facilities Resolutions Agreement was reached that 15% of the MIG grant will be ring- fenced for the building of sport and recreation facilities. In this regard the Minister of Sport and Recreation will sign a SLA with SALGA. Further debate with SALGA is required regarding the possibility of transferring the ring-fenced grant from MIG to the budget of SRSA. An integrated approach is required when new schools are built with sports facilities (multi-coded) that must be part of the plan or a cluster approach must be followed. All relevant stakeholders must interact to review existing delimiting rules and agree on how to ensure the optimal shared usage of facilities. Municipal facilities bye-laws and tariffs must be reviewed to allow accessibility to all communities.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ENABLING ENVIRONMENT – Facilities Resolutions Provincial governments and municipalities must assist to conduct a comprehensive audit of leases with a view to develop practical options for the future use of these facilities. In the design and planning of new sports facilities municipalities should be encouraged to build multi-functional sports facilities. The national government needs to initiate a forum with the relevant municipalities to develop a way forward for the effective coordination, monitoring and management of the 2010 stadia to ensure the optimum accessibility and sustainable utilization of these facilities so as to maintain the legacy of 2010.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ENABLING ENVIRONMENT – Facilities Progress Negotiations regarding the 15% MIG earmarked for facilities in progress. A comprehensive audit of all existing facilities is being planned for 2013/14, leading to classification and grading of facilities. This grading and classification framework will be used to inform the updating of the current facility norms and standards which will be gazetted to ensure compliance. A Geographical Information System (GIS) is anticipated by September 2013 to assist with a database on facilities and the development of the plan.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ENABLING ENVIRONMENT – Facilities Progress A municipal conference on sport and recreation was hosted successfully on 28 and 29 May 2012 at which occasion the NSRP and the role of municipalities was thoroughly discussed. It is envisaged that the National Facilities Plan will be finalised in 2013. Considering the substantial financial investment made in building and refurbishing of the 2010 FIFA World Cup stadia, the Department will ascertain how these stadia are being maintained and used and will produce two status reports per year.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Transformation Resolutions The quota system still has a role to play in the transformation of South African sport. This will be implemented using a developmental approach as contained in the revised Transformation Charter. As time goes, the quota system needs to be reviewed within a process of creating an enabling environment for a winning nation that will support merit in the long run. Further resolve: To adopt the Transformation Charter as part of the National Sport and Recreation plan. To adopt the scorecard as a monitoring and evaluation tool for transformation.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Transformation Resolutions SASCOC will partner with federations to refine the generic scorecard for each specific code of sport, for implementation immediately after the Indaba. Implementation of the scorecard must be underpinned by funding. SRSA and SASCOC will take responsibility for overseeing transformation. There is no need for specific legislation and regulations on transformation at this point in time.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Transformation Progress Transformation Charter and Scorecard finalised and adopted. EPG appointed by the Minister in May 2012 to oversee the implementation of the Charter. Transformation was the theme of the first ThinkSport symposium that took place on 22 Nov 2012 and will also be the theme of the second edition of the ThinkSport journal.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Amateur vs Professional sport Resolutions There must be a sport specific regulation to support young athletes who are moved from their homes as part of contracts with sports agents/organisations. The protecting of young athletes from professional sport needs to be investigated by a panel appointed by the Minister of Sport and Recreation. Progress This issue will be dealt with as part of revising the legal framework of SRSA.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION National emblem and colours Resolution There is a strong call for our national teams to participate with a standardized emblem and colours to enhance social cohesion, facilitate nation building and further that intellectual property be utilized for income generation in aid of sports development. Progress Work in progress, on-going.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Participation Promotion Campaigns Resolution Role-players in sport and recreation must promote active participation in sport and recreation by initiating and implementing innovative campaigns at all levels of engagement. Progress Various campaigns were hosted in support of our national teams, i.e. the Olympic and Paralympic teams. Ministerial sessions took place with the private sector to support sport and recreation activities. The first briefing meeting was held in Kempton Park on 13 Feb 2012. The second meeting took place on 8 March 2012 in Cape Town.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Participation Promotion Campaigns Progress SRSA has established an inter-departmental league system and is competing against various other Gov departments. Within the public sector an inter-departmental league will be formally established in August 2013. The league will expand to include additional sporting codes as it develops but it will initially focus on football and netball.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Academy system / Recognition system Resolution The development of South African sport must be supported through a coordinated Academy System. Progress A Strategic Framework was developed by SASCOC that will provide guidance for the implementation of the academy system. Resolution There is acknowledgement that achievements of exceptional performances of athletes, coaches and administrators and technical officials should be recognized through the establishment of the Sport Awards. Progress A very successful sports awards event took place on 4 November 2012 and this will now take place annually in November
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Sport as a tool Resolution The important role of sport and recreation is recognised in tourism, development and peace, environmental issues and supporting the priorities of National Government. Progress First draft of a national Sports Tourism Strategy developed in 2012. International action plan developed with major contributions from SA and adopted by the UN member states of the Sport for Development and Peace International Working Group. Sport sector contributed to Outcome 12 (b) of the POA.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Ethical environment Resolution All participants and sport practitioners must endeavour to adhere to high values and ethical behaviour as contained in the national code of conduct on sport and recreation. Progress Code of Conduct for SA sport developed. SA played a major role during 2012 in the field of drug-free sport with the Minister; Dep Min and DG serving in leader capacity in word anti-doping organisations. A signing ceremony towards the WADA Conference on anti doping to take place in SA in 2013 took place on 26 April 2012 in Sandton.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Sports information Resolution We need to empower the sport and recreation sectors with relevant information through a well-equipped Sports Information Centre. Progress Sports information centre operational within SRSA. SRSA launched a Sport Research Programme on 29 Nov 2012 comprising 3 pillars: (1) Applied Research Programme; (2) Action Research Programme; (3) Post-Graduate Development Programme. SRSA successfully hosted the 30th SASRECON in November 2012.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Sports House / International Relations Resolution Through the medium of a Sports House NFs must be provided with administrative and governance support. There is a need to establish sports houses also in the provinces to serve as an operation base for federations and sports councils. Progress The concept of a Sports House is part of the Department’s investigation when moving to a new building. Resolution We need to ensure that South African sport and recreation benefit from strategic international relations. Progress SRSA has reviewed its international policy to fulfill its responsibilities in line with the NSRP.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION Athletes and Coaches Association Resolution Athletes must have a fully representative forum to address their needs and South African coaches must be supported and empowered. Progress The SA Coaching Framework was launched at a coaching conference hosted by SASCOC in Nov 2012. An MOU was signed with CATHSSETA who have committed to providing resources to fund the Coaching Framework. An addendum was finalised to include among other, areas of research and bursaries for post graduate studies.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ROLE DEMARCATION – Governance Resolutions There is a need for a coordinated, integrated and aligned national sport and recreation system within which all component parts are aligned with the NSRP to be subjected to a regular, objective monitoring and evaluation framework. Government must be responsible for policy, infrastructure and creating an enabling environment for all South Africans to participate in sport and recreation. The Confederation and/or Sports Councils must implement the policy and create programmes to that effect within a system of good governance. Federations and associations are responsible for the delivery of a development system, the delivery of national, provincial and local teams, and to ensure that technical rules and regulations, the system of competitions and clubs in various communities are in place and accessible.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ROLE DEMARCATION – Governance Resolutions The areas of responsibility of government in implementing the NSRP must be clarified in terms of the different spheres of government. The departments responsible for sport recreation in the provinces will need to be reviewed to ensure alignment with the NSRP and the agreed outcomes of the Indaba. There is a need to review the role of MINMECS and MUNIMECS to be effective custodians of the NSRP and to monitor and evaluate the implementation. The constitution and role of SASCOC requires review in order for it to fully carry out its responsibilities in terms of the NSRP and to become the effective and efficient home of the sport movement. There should be no Government representation on the SASCOC Board, however SASCOC and SRSA must meet quarterly.
“From policy to practice” NSRP - IMPLEMENTATION ROLE DEMARCATION – Governance Progress The role of SRSA as outlined in the NSRP is captured in its 5- year Strategic Plan as well as the Annual Performance Plan. SRSA also made inputs that was incorporated into the National Development Plan based on the guidelines of the NSRP. Cooperation regarding the implementation of the NSRP between National and Provincial Government are dealt with at all MINMEC and HEADCOM meetings. The Conditional Grant Framework is formulated to ensure delivery on the key indicators of the NSRP Continuous negotiations are taking place with SASCOC. SRSA is facilitating one-on-one as well as a conference with NFs to monitor the implementation of the NSRP. A SRSA task team is leading the process of revising the Act to ensure that SRSA is empowered to fulfill its responsibilities.
“From policy to practice” Thank you!
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