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Games, computers, and artificial intelligence NDHU CSIE AI Lab 羅仲耘.

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Presentation on theme: "Games, computers, and artificial intelligence NDHU CSIE AI Lab 羅仲耘."— Presentation transcript:

1 Games, computers, and artificial intelligence NDHU CSIE AI Lab 羅仲耘

2 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence2 Outline Games types –Puzzles –Two-player perfect-information games –Imperfect-information and stochastic games New frontiers Predicted program strengths Poker Future works References

3 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence3 Puzzles 24-puzzles –Search-space size from O(10 25 ) to O(10 12 ) Crossword puzzles –Without understanding the semantics of the puzzles’ clues. Other Interesting puzzles –Rubik’s Cube and Sokoban.

4 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence4 Two-player perfect- information games Chess –Deep blue Othello –LOGISTELLO –Improving heuristic mini-max search by supervised learning Hex –Hexy –Theorem-prover-like search

5 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence5 Two-player perfect- information games (cont’) Shogi –Have a long way to go Go –Still a weak player Others –Draughts(10x10 checker) –Lines of Action –Amazons –Octi

6 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence6 Two-player perfect- information games (cont’)

7 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence7

8 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence8 Imperfect-information and stochastic games Information is hidden. Backgammon Poker Scrabble

9 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence9 New frontiers Any topic in interactive games –Action games –RPG –Adventure games –Strategy games –“God” games –Sport games Not only Graphics but also AI !

10 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence10 Predicted program strengths

11 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence11 Poker Has a number of attributes that make it an interesting domain for AI research. –Incomplete knowledge –Multiple competing agents –Risk management –Opponent modeling –Deception –Dealing with unreliable information

12 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence12 Future works Study more references in these papers. Study related mathematics (e.g. probability)

13 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence13 References Games, computers and artificial intelligence / Jonathan Schaeffer, H. Jaap van den Herik The challenge of Poker / Darse Billings, Aaron Davidson, Jonathan Schaeffer, Duane Szafron Games solved: Now and in the future / H. Jaap van den Herik, Jos W.H.M. Uiterwijk, Jack van Rijswijck All from Artificial Intelligence 134 (2002)

14 2004/10/07Games, computers, and artificial intelligence14 Thanks for your attention!

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