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Sandro Bologna ENEA-UBC Meeting Casaccia May 8 th, 2009 ENEA's Platform for Critical Infrastructures.

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Presentation on theme: "Sandro Bologna ENEA-UBC Meeting Casaccia May 8 th, 2009 ENEA's Platform for Critical Infrastructures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sandro Bologna ENEA-UBC Meeting Casaccia May 8 th, 2009 ENEA's Platform for Critical Infrastructures Modeling and Simulation E NTE PER LE N UOVE TECNOLOGIE L’ E NERGIA E L’ A MBIENTE

2 ENEA’s Platform Architecture Knowledge base -on Tools Diesis Middleware End-User Interface Results Presentation Scenarios configuration Domain Simulators Models Repository (3rd parties) Scenarios Repository Interdep Model Repository Hardware Communication Layer Simulators Output Results Scenarios deployment and design interface Simulators Scenarios Setup Presentation Add-on Tools Orchestrator Repositories Interoperable Simulation Middleware CisiaCiabSimcip Scenario expert Decision Maker

3 Available Domain Specific Simulators Sincal (Electrical Networks Simulator) eAgora (Electrical Networks Simulator) Powerworld (Electrical Networks Simulator) Psat (Electrical Networks Simulator to be used within Matlab) NS2 (Telco Networks Simulator) Open Track (Rail Networks Simulator)

4 ENEA’s Platform Architecture Knowledge base -on Tools Diesis Middleware End-User Interface Results Presentation Scenarios configuration Domain Simulators Models Repository (3rd parties) Scenarios Repository Interdep Model Repository Hardware Communication Layer Simulators Output Results Scenarios deployment and design interface Simulators Scenarios Setup Presentation Add-on Tools Orchestrator Repositories Interoperable Simulation Middleware CisiaCiabSimcip Scenario expert Decision Maker

5 Available Network Data (1/2) Electric power transmission network (Overall Italian Network) Electric power transmission network (Detailed Lazio, Region 380 – 120 kV) Railway network – Rome area Telecommunication network – Rome area Highway and road network – Lazio Region Internet worldwide network Gas pipeline – Italy

6 Available Network Data (2/2) Water supply – Italy Seismology map - Italy Landslide liability – Italy Rivers, hydrological basins – Italy Different scenarios to be used in the “what if” activities

7 ENEA’s Platform Architecture Knowledge base -on Tools Diesis Middleware End-User Interface Results Presentation Scenarios configuration Domain Simulators Models Repository (3rd parties) Scenarios Repository Interdep Model Repository Hardware Communication Layer Simulators Output Results Scenarios deployment and design interface Simulators Scenarios Setup Presentation Add-on Tools Orchestrator Repositories Interoperable Simulation Middleware CisiaCiabSimcip Scenario expert Decision Maker

8 Available Interdependency Simulation Environments SimCIP from EU-FP6 IRRIIS Project CRESCO from the Italian National Project CRESCO DIESIS from EU-FP7 DIESIS Project (under development)

9 SimCIP Interdependency Simulation Environment (EU-FP6 IRRIIS) Siemens Sincal (Continuos Electrical Simulator) (1) loading a scenario (2) setting the failures to be simulated (3) starting a simulation (4) SimCIP interacts with NS2 simulator and gets results. (4) SimCIP interacts with Sincal simulator and gets results. (5) Simulation results are stored for results analisys EXPERIMENTER NS2 (Telecom Simulator) SimCIP Discrete Event Simulator

10 Scenario evolutions designed and executed within SimCIP simulation environment Components searching panel Events log panel Visualization controls Networks state visualisation graph Panel used to define sequence of events (scenario)

11 ENEA GRID layer CRESCO middleware Power Grid Simulator Agent-based model Entity- Resource model Telecomm Network Smulator CRESCO Simulation Platform running on the top of ENEA GRID

12 Load LevelerLSF Graphic User Interface LSF multi-cluster as integrator Telnet User programs & commercial code ICA WEB Cluster 5° ( Portici) & File System Load LevelerLSF Graphic User Interface Telnet ICA WEB Cluster 6° ( Brindisi) AFS Geographical cross platform& File System Load LevelerLSF Graphic User Interface LSF multi-cluster as integrator Telnet User programs & commercial code ICA WEB Cluster 2° (Casaccia) AFS Geographical cross platform& File System Load LevelerLSF Graphic User Interface LSF multi-cluster as integrator Telnet User programs & commercial code ICA WEB Cluster 4° (Trisaia ) AFS Geographical cross platform& File System Load LevelerLSF Graphic User Interface LSF multi-cluster as integrator Telnet User programs & commercial code ICA WEB Cluster 3° (Frascati) AFS Geographical cross platform& File System Load LevelerLSF Graphic User Interface LSF multi-cluster as integrator Telnet User programs & commercial code ICA WEB Cluster 1° ( Bologna) A Simple view of ENEA GRID


14 Custom Protocol Web Browser Application Server J2EE servlet container CLIENT ASSOCIA SIMULATOR 1 Wrapper 1 HTTP SIMULATOR 2 Wrapper 2 XML SOAP Agents based Model (CIAB) Entity Resource Model (CISIA) XML/SOAP LOGINSLA GET POST CONFIGURE SIMULATION SHOW MIDDLEWARE ARCHITECTURE

15 Preliminary results Scenarios analysis: simulations using ASSOCIA Web output input CIABCIAB CISIACISIA output

16 The Federated Simulation Paradigm

17 DIESIS Project Architecture (EU-FP7 DIESIS) Simulation Layer (Federates) I/O Data Management Scenario Configuration and Management Time/Event Synchronisation Federation Setup and Management Host Infrastructure Middleware Operating System / Network Network Support Layer DIESIS Communication Middleware Layer DIESIS Middleware Layer I/O Data Management Time / Event Synchronisation Scenario Configuration & Management Federation Setup and Management Simulator 1 Simulator N … Hardware Layer (Computer, cluster, GRID, …) Ontologies

18 The DIESIS Ontologies KBS

19 From DIESIS Proof of Concept to EISAC Trans-national Organisation EISAC NODE Vnet 0 Vnet 1 Vnet 2

20 ENEA proposal for the EISAC Italian Node ENEA CRESCO HPC Federate Simulators 1..N DIEISIS Middleware Upper Layers CC FC CE Front End i Front End j EISAC Front End

21 ENEA’s Platform Architecture Knowledge base -on Tools Diesis Middleware End-User Interface Results Presentation Scenarios configuration Domain Simulators Models Repository (3rd parties) Scenarios Repository Interdep Model Repository Hardware Communication Layer Simulators Output Results Scenarios deployment and design interface Simulators Scenarios Setup Presentation Add-on Tools Orchestrator Repositories Interoperable Simulation Middleware CisiaCiabSimcip Scenario expert Decision Maker

22 Available Add-on Tools Network Topology Analysis Tools (NAT) Leontief Simulation Tool Leontief Stochastic Chains Tool Multi Infrastructure Map for the Evaluation of the Impact of Crisis Scenarios (MIMESIS) Electrical Networks Reconfiguration Tool Telco Networks Simulator based on fluid dynamics approach Network Reliability Analyzer

23 Networks Analysis Tools (http:// /nat)

24 Leontief Model In the middle of last century, the nobel prize Leontief, introduced his celebrated matrices or tables to quantify economic sectors production dependencies. A typical example of five interdependent sectors is reported hereafter. In the picture nodes represent the sectors and arcs non trivial Leontief coefficients. 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.0

25 Time-dependent inoperabilities ENEA-Leontief simulation tool

26 Since Leontief pioneering works in 50’, a lot of efforts have been devoted to provide simple models to predict macroscopic evolutions of interdependent networks. In this perspective, simple I/O models have been introduced based on Inoperabilities. Extensions of such I/O models have been also positively explored by introducing stochasticity and inner structure macrosectors. Plain LeontiefNon interactingNetsInteracting Global Net ENEA – Leontief Stochastic Chain Tool

27 Multi-Infrastructure Map MIMESIS Tool

28 Probability of unreachability of telecontrol stations upon a 2 TLC nodes fault TERNA headquarters Topological determination of Telco and Electrical coupling at the physical layer

29 Future Developments (1/2) Repositories Continuous upgrading with new available networks data and modeling Simulators Continuously upgrading with new sector specific simulators and interdependencies simulators

30 Future Developments (2/2) Scenarios Setup Layer Development of a graphical editor, the “Scenarios Deployment and Design Interface”, trough which it will be possible to define different scenarios, making use of icons and drag and drop techniques, to be stored in the Repositories Presentation Layer Development of an advanced interface aimed to the Decision Makers, which interacting with such interface will have access to a series of scenarios and will be able to select the one to investigate for training purpose.

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