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CHAPTER 12 Section 1. FIRST BATTLE OF BULL RUN After the states of the Upper South (VA, NC, TN and AK) seceded the Confederates shifted their capital.

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1 CHAPTER 12 Section 1

2 FIRST BATTLE OF BULL RUN After the states of the Upper South (VA, NC, TN and AK) seceded the Confederates shifted their capital from Montgomery, Alabama to Richmond, Virginia. The Union thought that capturing the capital would bring a quick end to the war. Union General Irvin McDowell’s troops were mostly volunteers who were not fit for a battle but President Lincoln ordered them into Virginia to take the town of Manassas. The Confederate forces were camped along Bull Run, a small stream four miles north of Manassas. It took the Union forces four days to march 25 miles to Manassas (they were followed by a huge crowd of reporters, politicians and others from Washington) which allowed the Confederate forces to send around 11,000 troops via trains.

3 FIRST BATTLE OF BULL RUN After hours of fighting the Union appeared to be winning, but some Virginian troops led by General Thomas Jackson refused to give up and when other troops saw this they rallied behind him. This is were Jackson got the nickname “Stonewall” Jackson. Tired and discouraged the Union troops began to fall back and then a trainload of Confederate troops arrived. The Union retreat fell apart and hundreds of troops dropped their weapons and started to run north trampling sightseers. The Confederates were disorganized and tired and did not follow the Union soldiers back into Washington. The Union suffered 2,900 casualties while the Confederates suffered fewer than 2,000

4 STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES North: The North had more than double the South’s railroad track. This made moving troops, food and supplies quicker and easier. There were twice as many factories in the North. This made creating ammunition, guns, shoes and other items easier. Two thirds of the nation’s population lived in the North making it easier to have manpower for the army and still have a working force at home. South: Seven of the eight million colleges were in the South, a majority of the trained officers were Southerners. The South did not need to attack to win the war. They just needed to not lose the war. This put pressure on the North to attack/win and create unity again.

5 WAR STRATEGIES Union: The Union used a naval blockade of the ports in the South along the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico in order to stop cotton from being shipped to Europe. This would also stop the importation of manufactured goods. They would also use gunboats and troops to gain control of the Mississippi River. This plan was called the Anaconda Plan because it was planned to squeeze the South and make them want to rejoin the Union without a bloody war. This idea was not accepted very well by Northern newspapers.

6 WAR STRATEGIES Confederates: The South simply prepared and waited. The planned a war of attrition. This is where one side inflicts many losses on the enemy in order to wear them down. The South counted on their forces being able to beat the North but they did not account for the massive advantage the North had in resources. The South produced almost 75% of the world’s cotton. Many Southern planters stopped growing cotton in order to get Great Britain and France to support the south. This did not work because they got cotton from Egypt and India

7 TACTICS AND TECHNOLOGY ADVANCES The creating of bullet-shaped ammo was created in the 1860’s. This helped shots to drift less as it flew threw the air. Rifling, a spiral groove cut inside the barrel of a gun, would allow bullets to spin and fire further and straighter. Older muskets could travel around 100 yards. Rifles could travel around 500 yards. Cannon balls were replaced with shells, a device that explodes in air or when it hits something. Canisters were also created, this was a shell that was filled with bullets. With these creations commanders still ordered their soldiers across open fields leading to many troops being slaughtered. It took a while for tactics to be fixed in order to keep up with new weapons.

8 WAR IN THE WEST- FORT HENRY & DONELSON General Ulysses S. Grant was the most successful Union leader in capturing AK, LA, MS and TN. Fort Henry and Doneslon: Grant’s goal was to capture Fort Henry and Donelson-located in the Confederate Tennessee- these forts protected the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. Grant captured these forts and created rejoicing in the North because of victory. The South was worried that the loss would expose much of the region to attack

9 WAR IN THE WEST- BATTLE OF SHILOH Battle of Shiloh: Grant and his troops marched toward Corinth, Mississippi, an important railroad center for the South. Grant and his troops stopped 20 miles north in order to wait for more Union troops to arrive. Confederate General Johnston decided to attack before the forces grew any larger. Johnston’s troops surprised some of Grant’s troops who were camped at Shiloh Church. Fighting quickly spread along a battle line six miles long. By the end of the first day the Southerners had driven Union forces back and even made some of Grant’s officers advise to retreat. During the night the troops arrived to help Grant and the Union. The next day they attacked and defeated the Confederates. The cost of this battle was high- 13,000 Union casualties and 11,000 Confederate casualties. This was the bloodiest single battle that had taken place on North American soil to that time. It showed it was going to be a bloody and long war.

10 THE MONITOR AND MERRIMACK In order to end the blockade of Virginia’s coast the Confederates created a secret weapon. The Merrimack resembled a floating barn roof. The wooden steamship had iron plates bolted to it which allowed bullets to bounce off of it. This ship allowed for the Confederates to sink or heavily damage three Union gunships. Fortunate for the Union early reports spread of the creation of the Merrimack and President Lincoln had ordered the construction of a similar ship called the Monitor. The ships faced off in March with neither ship able to do any serious damage to the other. The Merrimack finally withdrew. It was blew up by the Confederates to keep it out of Union hands. The Monitor sank in a storm. Their encounter changed water warfare because wooden navies would become extinct.

11 LEAD UP TO THE SECOND BATTLE OF BULL RUN Union general George McClellan was the leader during the fight between the Monitor and Merrimack. He was an excellent strategist and organizer but was also very cautious. With orders to avenge the loss at Bull Run, McClellan sent 100,000 troops south of Richmond, VA. He also asked President Lincoln for more troops. After a battle at Seven Pines, Robert E. Lee would become the commander of the Confederate army. While McClellan’s forces waited close to Richmond Commander Lee divided his troops sending several thousand to Stonewall Jackson in order for him to act as if he was going to attack Washington DC. This caused Lincoln to cancel McClellan’s order for more troops. Jackson then slipped away and joined Lee as they together fought McClellan’s army. McClellan decided to retreat.

12 THE SECOND BATTLE OF BULL RUN With McClellan failing Lincoln turned to General John Pope whom was stationed in Washington. McClellan’s troops were ordered back to Washington where Pope was put in command. Lee knew he must draw Pope’s army out before McClellan’s troops arrived. Lee split his troops sending Jackson’s troops north to get behind Pope’s army. Pope ordered his army to attack Jackson after they destroyed some supplies. Lee then attacked Pope and his forces while they were engaged with Jackson. The Confederates won and Lincoln placed McClellan back in command.

13 BATTLE OF ANTIETAM With another victory and the Confederate capital no longer threatened Lee decided it was time to invade the North. He was hoping to get support from Europe and turn northern opinion of the war. Union leader McClellan had no idea of Lee’s plan until it was found wrapped in cigars at an abandoned Confederate camp. McClellan delayed his decision 16 hours allowing Lee time to prepare after learning that McClellan new his plans. The two armies met at Antietam Creek with Lee having around 40,000 troops and McClellan having 75,000 with nearly 25,000 more in reserve This would turn our to be the bloodiest day of the Civil War with the Union losing around 12,000 troops Confederates losing around 14,000 during the first day. The next day Lee would retreat losing a third of his troops. McClellan was telegraphed to “Destroy the rebel army if possible” but did not take advantage of his opportunity.

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