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Dubrovnik Conference 25 th – 26 th May, 2007. The Project Description Ivica Završki Vlasta Vizek Vidović.

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Presentation on theme: "Dubrovnik Conference 25 th – 26 th May, 2007. The Project Description Ivica Završki Vlasta Vizek Vidović."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dubrovnik Conference 25 th – 26 th May, 2007

2 The Project Description Ivica Završki Vlasta Vizek Vidović

3 Structural problems - technology development - increasing of the amount of information and knowledge - dynamic of labour market - inconvenient demographic situation - small amount of people with university degree

4 Needs analysis - the need for rethinking of the position of universities in regard to LLL - LLL should become an integral part of the mission of the universities

5 Project objectives:  to learn from the examples of the best practice of EU partners about the general strategy, organisation and development of LLL  to strengthen the capacities of the universities for the strategic planning and implementation of the LLL activities  to assess the scope of the LLL activities already in place (survey)  to develop a policy for the support of LLL activities across university  to disseminate the information about the approaches to the management and provision of the LLL activities in Croatian HED  to establish long-lasting network between project partners

6 Expected outcomes and outputs  Raised awareness of university managers and academic staff of the need for the integrated approach toward the implementation of life-long learning and continuous professional education activities  Acquisition of new understanding, knowledge and skills needed to implement LLL strategy based on examples of best practice  Drafting policy document outlining the university strategy for implementation of university services in the domain of LLL

7 Expected outcomes and outputs -  Information package based on the results of survey of the LLL activities & CPD programs by the Croatian partners (web document)  Proceedings from the Dubrovnik seminar offering examples of good practice of EU partners  Dissemination of information on approaches to LLL across Croatian higher education (project web page)

8 Project partners Danube University of Krems, Austria, c.p. Eva Cendon, Ada Pellert University of Zagreb, Croatia, g.c. Ivica Završki University of Split, Croatia, c.p. Snježana Knezić University of Dundee, UK, c.p. Ian Ball University of Graz, Austria, c.p. Andrea Waxenegger University of Pecs, Hungary, c.p. Balazs Nemeth Technical University of Helsinki, Finland, c.p. Heikki Hallantie Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland, c.p. Colin McLean

9 Project activities - Zagreb Kick-off Meeting - Study visits to EU partners - Survey on LLL activitis that are already in place - Information package - Web page - Dubrovnik conference - Proceedings - Final consortium meeting in Split


11 Thank you very much !

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