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Istituto Tecnico Commerciale, per Geometri e P.A.C.L.E. “Contardo Ferrini” The school was founded in 1950 as an Institute of Commercial Accounting and.

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Presentation on theme: "Istituto Tecnico Commerciale, per Geometri e P.A.C.L.E. “Contardo Ferrini” The school was founded in 1950 as an Institute of Commercial Accounting and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Istituto Tecnico Commerciale, per Geometri e P.A.C.L.E. “Contardo Ferrini” The school was founded in 1950 as an Institute of Commercial Accounting and Surveyors. After following the traditional curriculum it has adopted experimental curricula and it has introduced two new courses called E.R.I.C.A. for foreign language correspondents and MERCURIO for accountants with a very good knowledge of computer programming. Nowadays there are still the above mentioned courses and a new one has been introduced the Economic course.

2 The Economic course is structured as an amount of subjects which are common for every student, that’s to say they study both literary and scientific topics necessary to their general culture. Besides they have technical subjects (such as Economics, Law, Business management, Accounting management, Computer science, Planning and control, Finance, Marketing, Communication strategies) and optional ones, in modular didactic.

3 IFTS has been introduced, that’s a cooperative course of training and professional education: 1200 hours in four six-months time of which 360 hours dedicated to stage, 300 hours to distance education, the remaining ones to training experiences. At the end of the course students will get 60 benefits: it means that they can attend university without the examinations connected to above mentioned benefits.

4 “Ferrini” gives the opportunity to working people to attend evening classes and specialise in accounting. Since 1999 “Ferrini” has incorporated a professional school specialising in Tourism and advertising designer. After the third year of school, teaching is integrated with a professional training and with some periods of stage during the school time.

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