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Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 1 Improving National Security Education: Transforming the National Defense University into the.

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1 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 1 Improving National Security Education: Transforming the National Defense University into the “National Security University” Gerard M Mauer, Jr. RDML USN Commandant, Industrial College of the Armed Forces 12 September, 2006

2 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 2 OSD(P)/Joint Staff Direction QDR - Building Partnership Capacities Roadmap –3.1.4: “By 30 June, 2006, the Under Secretary of defense for Policy, in coordination with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will present a plan to the Deputy Secretary of Defense for strengthened policy direction and oversight of an expanded National Security University (NSU).” – The plan for NSU will include the following elements: A progress report on a plan to create NSU Professional military education considerations for a NSU Relationships among NSU and other educational and outreach institutions, both US Government operated and private Factors relating to student matriculation, retention, and placement Efforts to ensure cost-sharing among parent organizations DoD command and control arrangements

3 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 3 OSD(P)/Joint Staff Direction QDR - Building Partnership Capacities Roadmap –3.1.6: “…plan of action for expanding DOD training programs to civilian planners from other US Government departments and agencies…” –3.1.7: “…concept brief for establishing an expanded National Security University (NSU)…” Under 3.1.7, Erik Kjonnerod, Director of the NDU ITEA program, will be dual-hatted as the NSU Task Force Director –Already received initial guidance from PDUSD Henry and LTG Sharp –Awaiting official authority (letter) from OSD(P) & Joint Staff to NDU OUSD(P) and the Joint Staff will work with NDU to develop a detailed proposal to establish a National Security University

4 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 4 Congressional Support The 2006 Defense Authorization Bill, Section 583: “Sense of Congress concerning study of options for providing Homeland Defense education” “ The Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, should study the options among public and private educational institutions and facilities (including using the National Defense University) for providing strategic-level homeland defense education and related research opportunities…the results of such consultation and study should be reported to the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate…including a request for any implementing legislation…”

5 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 5 Hurricane Katrina The Federal Response Lessons Learned Feb 2006 Para 113: “OPM should establish, and federal departments and agencies should implement, a career development process that mandates interagency and intergovernmental assignments as well as professional education.” Para 113a: “Each career development program should require that homeland security personnel complete interagency or intergovernmental assignments, and professional education, prior to assignments to senior managerial positions, including the Senior Executive Service (SES).”

6 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 6 Hurricane Katrina The Federal Response Lessons Learned Feb 2006 Para 116: “DHS should establish a National Homeland Security University (NHSU) for senior officials that serves as a capstone to other educational and training opportunities…The NHSU should serve as a center for homeland security and counterterrorism strategic thought and expertise for the nation. DHS should consider leveraging the infrastructure and expertise at the National Defense University by partnering with DoD to have the NHSU be a joint DHS/DoD initiative that focuses on both Homeland Security and Homeland Defense.”

7 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 7 National Security University Goals: –Improve US Government National Security Planning –Better Interagency operational planning skills –Establish a recognized national security education program that attracts the best and brightest from both the Interagency and DOD

8 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 8 Original Options (February 2006) Option 1: Enhance National Defense University (NDU) at Ft McNair and/or Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC) in Norfolk Option 2: Grow NDU Option 3: Add another college at NDU Option 4: Combination of above options CJCS Guidance: Build Phases. Do as much as possible as quickly as possible.

9 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 9 Phased Approach to the National Security University (NSU) Phase 1: NDU grows and puts key pieces in place (May – Aug 2006) Phase 2: NDU to NSU. Continued expansion of students, faculty, and programs (Aug 2006 – Jun 2007) Phase 3: Add a new college. Establish National College of Homeland Security (Aug 2007 – Jun 2008) Phase 4: National Security University (Aug 2008 – Jun 2009)

10 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 10 National Security University Major Curricula Needs Ethics, Character, and Leadership Strategic Communications – Cross culture “How to Plan” for civilian/interagency Homeland Security: –Counter-Terrorism –Law – Public, National, International, Patriot Act, Posse Comitatus –Information sharing, Interagency integration –Critical infrastructure, Best practices –Contingency operations, Crises management –Negotiation and consensus building –Military roles and issues for Guard and Reserve, NORTHCOM, Adjutants General, –Gaming, forecasting, modeling, simulation Interagency coordination at the operational level Stability and Reconstruction Operations

11 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 11 What this means? National security interests cannot be met purely by military or diplomatic efforts Leveraging the intellect and expertise of all government agencies and departments is essential to national security goals Coordination is the only way in which we (the government) can leverage our many assets Interagency education will cultivate a culture of coordination and collaboration

12 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 12 NDU – NSU Interagency Student Increases FY 06FY 07FY 08Totals NWC+16 +32+64 ICAF+6---+32+38 JFSC+23+180+47+250 New College--- +100 ITEA+160+200+400+760 SNSEE+288 +864 +2076 students

13 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 13 What This Means to NDU Organizing the NDU Task Force to discuss the transformation to NSU Linking existing curricula and programs to organizational (NDU to NSU) goals over several years Clarifying conversations on space (Lincoln Hall), National Security Officer (NSO) discussions, and curriculum modifications

14 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 14 Interagency DOD National Security University National Interagency Academy/College JPMENon-JPME DHS FSI CIA U. CIV JFSC NWC IRMC ICAF Special Programs Centers SNSEE Interagency Education Model

15 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 15 Way Ahead & Issues 1.NDU Task Force Leadership and composition NSU-related resource issues: Authorized billets, curriculum, space, POM… 2.Authorities/Resources Erik Kjonnerod: Task Force Director and ITEA Director ITEA Staff 3.Milestones NDU input to Task Force: October 2006 IPR to CJCS: November 2006 Concepts and implementation for NSU: Fall 2008 NSO: Next Administration (2009-2013) SeptJanNov Dec Tasking Letter & Resource Identification Ongoing consultations IPR to CJCS NSU Concept Development OctSeptOct Plan of Action Development

16 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 16 How does this come about? Creating clear lines of communication through NDU into the interagency community and OSD/Joint Staff Understanding the capabilities and expectations of a National Security University Exploring options for the creation of an NSO Corps –Building flow into civilian departments –Distance and non-traditional education Accept that not all departments can rotate their executive workforce into an academic environment without increasing budgetary authorization

17 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 17 Actions/Milestones: Awaiting official authority (letter) from OSD & Joint Staff to NDU Preliminary consultations with services, State Department, intel community have been positive and are ongoing Have received initial guidance from Mr. Ryan Henry & LTG Sharp NDU concept and implementation by Fall 2008 (?) Define requirements and attributes for a National Security Officer Issues: Resources: funding and people Interagency “buy in” OPR: [DASD (Policy Planning)] How close to a solution Recommendation for NSU including possible alternatives that have been coordinated with interagency partners SeptJanNov Dec Tasking Letter & Resource Identification Ongoing consultations IPR to CJCS NSU Concept Development OctSeptOct Plan of Action Development

18 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 18 Back Up

19 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 19 Original Planned Approach Phase 1: NDU grows putting key pieces in place: Gradual expansion of NWC, ICAF, and JFSC. Expansion of the School for National Security Executive Education (SNSEE), the Inter Agency Education and Analysis (ITEA), and the Institute of Homeland Security Studies (IHSS). Adjust size & composition of NWC and ICAF. Start National Security Officer (NSO) tracks. Phase 2: National Security University: Continue to expand NWC and JFSC. SNSEE gains Masters Degree credit and JPME II status. Increase and add programs, courses, and distance learning. JFSC adds National Security Studies. Continue to work legislation and POM issues. NDU becomes NSU using SNSEE, ITEA, and IHSS as foundation. Phase 3: New College: Lincoln Hall opens (Dec 2007) and provides home for new National College of Homeland Security (NCHS) by Spring 2008. Additional two seminars added to NWC and ICAF.

20 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 20 Building Partnership Capacities

21 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 21 Building Partnership Capacity

22 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 22 College of Homeland Security Potential Organization National College of Homeland Security Dept of Strategy & Doctrine Dept of Interagency Integration Dept of Counter- Terrorism Dept of Information Sharing Dept of State & Local Govn’t Dept of Critical Infrastructure Dept of Military Support Dept Of Law Strategic Gaming Center

23 Interagency Transformation, Education & Analysis (ITEA) 23 College of Homeland Security Potential Organization National College of Homeland Security Dept of Interagency Integration Dept of Strategy & Doctrine Dept of State & Local Gov’t Dept of Critical Infra- structure Dept of Military Support Dept of Counter- Terrorism Dept of Information Sharing Strategic Gaming Center Dept of Law

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