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Wide Area Augmentation System Steve Jackson TERPs Standards Development Specialist Flight Procedure Standards Branch AFS-420 Oklahoma City, OK.

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Presentation on theme: "Wide Area Augmentation System Steve Jackson TERPs Standards Development Specialist Flight Procedure Standards Branch AFS-420 Oklahoma City, OK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wide Area Augmentation System Steve Jackson TERPs Standards Development Specialist Flight Procedure Standards Branch AFS-420 Oklahoma City, OK

2 Final Approach Integrity Comparison LNAV/VNAV (556 m by 50 m) LPV (40 m by 50 m) GLS (40 m by 12 m)

3 WAAS Scaling for LPV Length shortened for illustration purposes

4 A Comparison of Lateral Obstacle Clearance Criteria (LNAV/VNAV vs. LPV) -15000 -10000 -5000 5000 10000 15000 -5000 15000 2000025000 30000 35000 Distance from Runway Threshold (ft) Distance from C/L (ft) 5000 10000 0 LNAV/VNAV OCS LPV OCS

5 Relative Minima Achieved LNAV ILS 3o3o LNAV/VNAV LPV

6 Existing GPS Procedures WAAS receivers can fly existing RNAV (GPS) procedures –Receiver may provide descent angle on existing LNAV procedures Can fly the LNAV/VNAV minima line without approach certified Baro-VNAV –Temperature and altimeter restrictions don’t apply

7 Vertical Descent Angle vs. Glide Path Vertical Descent Angle was added as an aid in making a stabilized descent to the MDA on non-precision approaches (LNAV) –”the published angle is for information only – it is strictly advisory in nature” (AIM 5-4-5, h) –Published angle is from FAF altitude to threshold at TCH, if published –May be published from a step down rather than FAF, if the step down would penetrate the path from the FAF –Does not change any rules for non-precision approach, or MDA –Does not provide additional obstacle protection below the MDA over an approach without the angle –Equipment is not required, can compute and use VVI Glide Path (LPV, LNAV/VNAV) –Obstacles assessed from the PFAF to the runway using sloped surfaces –Decision Altitude allows dip down –Flight inspected

8 WAAS Procedures Plan to develop WAAS LPV minima for all suitable IFR runway ends –Provide near precision approach with glide path –Developing ~300 LPVs per year

9 Charting with LPV minimum line LPV Minimum Line WAAS Channel Number WAAS Approach ID W=WAAS 24=Runway 24 A=1 st WAAS Approach To Rwy 24 Temperature Restriction Does Not Apply to WAAS Equipment

10 Airport Requirements Paved runway over 3200ft No WAAS ground hardware required Airport infrastructure needed for lowest minima –Parallel taxiway –Medium intensity runway lights –Non-precision runway markings Survey

11 LPV Candidate Airports (Runway ends 3200’ or greater)

12 WAAS avionics allow use of RNAV approaches as filed alternates –Alternate flight planning based on non-precision weather requirements and the LNAV minima line –Removing NA from GPS approaches unless required for another reason Does not change the requirements for basic GPS at an alternate WAAS At Your Alternate

13 WAAS UNAVAILABLE WAAS UNRELIABLE Inverse on the approach chart Possible frequent short outages of the vertical Vertical NOTAMS not provided Flight plan based on LNAV only Can fly vertical guidance if it is available upon arrival WAAS NOTAMS

14 Vertical Coverage Sample, Mar 28, 05 Additional WRS’s will improve vertical coverage

15 Antenna Sensor (Beta) Navigation Computer Database Controls Position Integrity Alerts Deviations Steering Displays Autopilot WAAS Class Gamma Configuration

16 Antenna Sensor (Beta) Navigation Computer Database Controls Position Integrity Alerts Deviations Steering Displays Autopilot WAAS Class Beta Configuration

17 Antenna Sensor (Beta) Position Integrity Alerts Deviations Steering Displays Autopilot Controls Database Navigation Computer WAAS Class Delta Configuration

18 WAAS Capabilities Why invest in WAAS? –Enhances en-route navigation performance and non-precision approach capability over GPS alone –Allows WAAS equipped users to fly over 700 published LNAV/VNAV procedures to minimums as low as 250 feet (typically higher based on terrain) –Allows WAAS equipped users to fly new LPV procedures which provide near precision approach capability to runways where there is no ILS These can be flown to minimums to as low as 250 feet –Can be used at an alternate (flight plan based on LNAV only) –Advanced missed approach and departure procedures Better Than 99.99% Availability Of System WAAS Specific Approaches (LPV) Published –72 published to date Comes with fault detection and exclusion (FDE) Takes advantage of GPS Selective Availability being discontinued (higher RAIM availability)

19 CRITERIA/POLICYLPV SURVEYPROCEDURE PRODUCTION FLIGHT CHECKNFDCNACOINDUSTRY 8260.50 (9/6/02) 8260.19 (draft) [AFS-420/Tom Schneider]  8260.44 (DPs – later) 7110.65 (will initially be a notice) [ATP-104/Gary Powell] 8200.1 (RNAV Chg or order? will initially be a memorandum) [AVN- 230/Dan Burdette] AIM – Aug 02 input/Feb 03 publication [AFS-420/Steve Jackson] NTAP [AFS-420/Steve Jackson]  AFS-200 orders [AFS-200/Streeter] -800 ops specs -600 tests 7910.3 NOTAM [ATP-300/Gary Bobick] AC 150/5300-13 Appx 16 (surveys; infrastructure) [NFDC/Pat Fair] Airway Facilities Mx & Cert. (6700.XX?) [Mike Etchart]  AC 90-94B? (WAAS) [AFS-410/Hank Cabler] FAA Order 7350.6 [NFDC/Toni Tapscott] APS-1 [AND-720/Dave Peterson] Chart Legend [AFS-420/Steve Jackson] IACC [Valerie Watson] RAPT Order (8260.43A) [AFS-420] (work these concurrent­ly) Nat’l Reference System  Ellipsoid vs. Geoid Need to know what survey standard is (Spec 405 (plus any interim guidance); AC 150/5300-13, Appx. 16) [AFS/AAS/ATA/ AVN are working issue] 8260.LPV (draft) 8260.19 Chg 3 (draft) 8260 Forms (-3, -5, -7, -9 & -10)  Electronic forms (AVN-40/Barbara Cordell; AVN- 100/Marv White?)  Leg type  Flyover/Flyby  Turn direction  Channel num­ber (get from NFDC)  Approach ID(RPI) (assigned by AVN- 100) CRC wrap  procedure trans­ mission (FAS data)  FAS data block [82.60.19 & 8260.10] (Alarm limits? HAL/ VAL data­base vari­ ables in FAS?) [YES] ARINC-424 data provided to box manufacturers Hand enter number checksum (Auto entry? Need software packing tool) Redo LNAV/VNAVs? (Ohio University study recommends develop­ing a software screen­ing model to deter­mine which LNAV/ VNAVs have ade­quate GEO coverage and can be ap­proved w/o an initial flight inspection; Mitre Corp. has a software program and is cur­ rently evaluating existing LNAV/ VNAVs) Equip aircraft NFDD (Paper/ Electronic) Transmittal letter (TL) Federal Register (8260 Forms) NASR Transfer of data (Paper/Electronic) Charts Database 8260 Forms IACC Specs  Channel number  Approach ID LPV minima line Test of electronic data transfer  ARINC 424  CRC  Receiver database MAJOR PLAYERS – LPV NFDC ATA-110 AVN-100 -200 -500 -40 AFS-400 AIR-130 DoD Database Vendors Receiver Manufacturers

20 Questions You can find more details on our website at: Procedures information can be accessed at:

21 Telephone: 703.528.8278 Fax: 703.528.0552 1520 N. Court House Road, Arlington, Virginia 1 block from Courthouse Metro (Orange Line) Corner of N. Courthouse Rd. & Wilson Blvd.

22 Slides after this are backup

23 Current GEO Service Inmarsat III Main Problem Is Single Coverage Over the Majority of CONUS INMARSAT 3 AOR/W 54  W INMARSAT 3 POR 178  E

24 New U.S. GEOs Provides dual GEO coverage over CONUS and Alaska Telesat 107  W PanAmSat 133  W

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