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Information on Research Infrastructures in FP7 CARE Meeting, Frascati, November 17, 2006 Stefano Fontana, European Commission, DG-RTD.

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Presentation on theme: "Information on Research Infrastructures in FP7 CARE Meeting, Frascati, November 17, 2006 Stefano Fontana, European Commission, DG-RTD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information on Research Infrastructures in FP7 CARE Meeting, Frascati, November 17, 2006 Stefano Fontana, European Commission, DG-RTD

2 FP7 2007 - 2013 FP7 budget (M€) Source: revised FP7 agreed by Council + Parliament in October 2006

3 FP7: What will be new ? lEvolution, not revolution lIncrease in duration and budget lNew Structure: 4 Specific Programmes lEuropean Research Council lJoint Technology Initiatives lNew infrastructures and RSFF lSimplification & externalisation of management

4 Specific Programme Capacities

5 Definition of Research Infrastructures lFacilities, resources, and related services used by the scientific community for èConducting leading-edge research èKnowledge transmission, knowledge exchanges and knowledge preservation lIncludes èMajor scientific equipment èScientific collections, archives and structured information èICT-based infrastructures èEntities of a unique nature, used for research

6 … Research Infrastructures are at the core of the knowledge Triangle ResearchEducation Innovation Research infrastructures

7 A continuous increase of budget over successive FPs 100 0 50 150 200 300 LIP (FP2) HCM (FP3) TMR (FP4) IHP (FP5) FP6 New Infrastructures Integrated Initiatives Networks / CA RTD Projects Access eRI FP7 eRI + 30% M€ / year

8 Some information on Research Infrastructures in FP6 Facts and Figures: lTotal budget: 735 M€ èof which 222 for GRID + GEANT lNumber of projects143 lNumber of RIs supported248 lExpected number of users >20000 (2004-2010)

9 Objectives of the Community Research Infrastructures action lOptimising the use and development of the best existing research infrastructures in Europe lHelping to create in all fields of S & T new research infrastructures of pan-European interest needed by the European scientific community lSupporting programme implementation and policy development (e.g. international cooperation)

10 FP7 will continue supporting existing Research Infrastructures lIntegrating Activities to promote the coherent use and development of research infrastructures in a given field, implemented through: èA bottom-up approach for proposals open to all fields of science èTargeted approach with topics defined in cooperation with the FP7 thematic areas lICT based e-infrastructures in support of scientific research

11 FP7 will also increase support to new research infrastructures lDesign studies: to support the conceptual design for new facilities or major upgrades, of clear European dimension and interest èthrough bottom-up calls lSupport to the Construction of new infrastructures and major upgrades to existing ones èthe list of projects to be supported will be based on the work conducted by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI roadmap)

12 Existing Infrastructures Design studies New Infrastructures Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) FP7 Research Infrastructures in brief Integrating activities e-infrastructures ESFRI Roadmap Policy Development and Programme Implementation

13 Planning of calls and indicative budget Total operational budget 1630 M€ Call 1 2007 Call 2 2008 Call 3 2010 Call 4 2012 Integrating activities 275xx e-Infrastructures89115xx Design studies35x Construction – Support to the Preparatory Phase 135 x Construction – Support to the Implementation Phase RSFF (200 M€) + 100 M€ Policy Development and Programme Implementation 255xx Total per call (M€)284395

14 … in summary, an improved FP7 action for Research Infrastructures lAn increased budget for FP7 (+30%) lBetter consistency within FP7 (targeted calls) lTackling better fragmentation (Integrating Activities) lCatalysing effect towards the construction or major upgrade of Research Infrastructures lA vision for the next 10-20 years fostering capacity building and excellence

15 Existing Infrastructures Design studies New Infrastructures Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) Support to existing infrastructures Integrating activities e-infrastructures ESFRI Roadmap Policy Development and Programme Implementation

16 Integrating Activities and e-infrastructures lTo optimise the use and development of existing research infrastructures lBased on the continuation of the successful FP6 instrument “Integrated Infrastructure Initiative” (I3s) lWithin one single contract: èNetworking activities èTransnational access and/or service activities èJoint research activities

17 Networking Activities lTo foster a culture of co-operation between the participants and the scientific communities benefiting from the research infrastructures lForms of activities: èTowards the users: training, studies, feedback, coordination… èTowards good practice: exchange of personnel and visits, standards and quality… èTowards virtual infrastructures: Web-sites, common softwares, databases, data management… èTechnical workshops, forums, working groups and studies…

18 Trans-national Access and/or Service activities lProvide trans-national access to researchers or research teams to one or more infrastructures among those operated by the participants è"Hands on" access èRemote access: sending of samples, sample analysis… Managed by the contractors lProvide research infrastructures related services to the scientific community è Remote access to distributed infrastructures èServices provided through electronic means ; Data and resources management èUpgrading communication infrastructure èSupport of Grid infrastructure; support of middleware component repositories

19 Joint Research Activities lExplore new fundamental technologies or techniques underpinning the efficient and joint use of the participating research infrastructures To improve the services provided by the infrastructures (in quality and/or quantity) lForms of activities: èPrototype development èDevelopment of methods, protocols, standards… èDevelopment of software, middleware, algorithm; Database creation, upgrade, curation… èDevelopment and curation of samples

20 Integrating Activities

21 Objectives of an Integrating Activity project Structure better and integrate, on a European scale, the way research infrastructures operate and develop, in a given class: èBy opening and optimising the access to and the use of the existing research infrastructures in the different Member States and Associated States èBy better structuring and integrating, on a European scale, the operation(s) of research infrastructures, and by fostering their joint development (qualitative and quantitative)

22 Participation lAt least 3 independent legal entities established in 3 different Member States or Associated States. At least 1 of these legal entities must operate a research infrastructure providing access lOperators of research infrastructures, universities and other public research organisations as well as industry, for example equipment manufacturers

23 Main characteristics of an average Integrating Activity under FP6 lAverage number of contractors: 19 of which 7 are offering access lTypical duration of 4 years lAverage EC contribution: ~10 M€ èManagement: ~ 6% èNetworking Activities: ~ 15% èTrans-national Access: ~ 36% èJoint Research Activities: ~ 43% lList of funded projects (FP6)

24 Implementation of the Integrating Activities under FP7 lBottom up approach for proposals in all fields of science (successful in FP6, to be continued in FP7) lTargeted approach for clearly defined infrastructure needs for Europe, coordinated with the thematic priorities (new) èFP7 Call N°2 (closing March 2008)

25 What is the targeted approach? lFor existing Research Infrastructures lA list of topics for classes of infrastructures to be supported, listed in the work programme lTopics defined in line with the Cooperation Programme  Revisions of topics: list can be amended  A sufficient basis of RI’s to be networked lComplementary to other FP7 funding schemes used in the thematic priorities (Collaborative Projects, NoE’s)

26 Why a targeted approach? lTo help integrating research infrastructures for European R&D needs, defined in a priority setting process lTo create synergies and ensure consistency with the Cooperation Programme  Topics are in line with R&D topics under the Cooperation Programme lTo stimulate RI actions in specific fields that are currently not well covered under our actions

27 How will it work? lBottom up and targeted approaches will be under the same calls lSame Project type for both approaches:  Integrating activities: I3s with Transnational Access/Service, Networking, Joint Research activities lSame evaluation procedures (by independent experts), criteria, forms…

28 Possible topics for RI’s under the targeted approach  About 30 priority topics for RI’s in 8 of the “Cooperation” thematic areas lHealth (6) lFood, Agriculture and Biotechnology (3) lInformation and Communication Technologies (3) lNanosciences, Nanotechnologies and Materials (2) lEnergy (5) lEnvironment (3) lTransport (2) lSocioeconomic Sciences and Humanities (3)

29 Synergies that can be expected: one Example lPriority topic for RI: To bring together existing research infrastructures for servicing research on Smart Energy networks lLink with the Cooperation programme: Smart Energy networks, Activity Energy 2007.7.1 – 7.3 lTypical existing RI relevant to the topic: ISET Test and certification Centre, D; CEA/CENEC/LSEC Labs for storage technologies, FR; KEMA High Power and High Voltage Laboratories, NL …

30 Call for proposals N°2 – closing early 2008 lFor both bottom up and targeted approach lIndicative budget of 275 M€  25 to 30 projects to be selected lClosure: March 2008 lSingle stage procedure for evaluation  remote + panel evaluation lResults within 4 months after closure date lFirst contracts will come into force before the end of 2008

31 ICT based e-Infrastructures

32 Existing Infrastructures Design studies New Infrastructures Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) FP7 Research Infrastructures in brief Integrating activities ESFRI Roadmap e-infrastructures Policy Development and Programme Implementation

33 Objectives P romote an ICT-based environment, in which all researchers have an easy-to-use controlled access to unique or distributed scientific facilities, regardless of their type and location in the world èStrengthen collaboration between research centres and their researchers in virtual research communities, enabling worldwide sustainable partnerships in all e- Science fields èInfrastructure layer more transparent and adequately serving cross-disciplinary needs

34 Main orientations Support the further evolution and deployment of grid and networking infrastructures Support emergence of new organisational models for service provisioning in the domain of grid and data infrastructures Foster adoption of e-Infrastructures by user communities Support resource sharing policy initiatives (e-IRG…) Promote international cooperation Foster creation of a new generation of HPC facilities in Europe (petaflop scale) Procurement mechanism Promote a coordinated and federated approach in the deployment of data infrastructures

35 FP7 FP5 GÉANT 200320042005200620072008200920102011 FP6 GÉANT2 Grid infrastructures Supercomputer grid New users … upgrade … reinforce Repositories Org, policy, intern Data infrastructure … upgrade An evolutionary path

36 Call for proposals N°1 – launched early 2007 Topics: 1.Scientific Digital Repositories (€15m) 2.Deployment of e-Infrastructures for new Scientific Communities (€24m ) 3.e-Science Grid Infrastructures (€50m)

37 Call for proposals N°1 – launched early 2007 Topics: 1.Scientific Digital Repositories (€15m) 2.Deployment of e-Infrastructures for new Scientific Communities (€24m) 3.e-Science Grid Infrastructures (€50m) Support deployment of digital repositories for scientific communities by pooling existing resources at European level and supporting data storage, archiving, access, interpretation, interoperability, management & curation activities Enable scientists to effectively aggregate and combine information to generate and share knowledge, profiting from a transparent underlying data infrastructure across communities, institutions & geographic boundaries

38 Call for proposals N°1 – launched early 2007 Topics: 1.Scientific Digital Repositories (€15m) 2.Deployment of e-Infrastructures for new Scientific Communities (€24m) 3.e-Science Grid Infrastructures (€50m) Reinforce impact, adoption and global relevance of e- Infrastructure across various areas of science & engineering; Support continuous consolidation & expansion of e-Infrastr. Provide advanced applications and capabilities to more researchers, capturing commonalities, fostering interoperability, promoting open standards and federating approaches across disciplines

39 Call for proposals N°1 – launched early 2007 Topics: 1.Scientific Digital Repositories (€15m) 2.Deployment of e-Infrastructures for new Scientific Communities (€24m) 3.e-Science Grid Infrastructures (€50m) Support the further evolution and deployment of grid infrastructures and foster the pooling of more resources (across multiple scientific disciplines) in the grid Emphasize on provision of persistent, cross-disciplinary services with increased levels of interoperability, trust and security

40 Call for proposals N°2 – launched end 2007 Topics: 1.GÉANT (€95m) 2.Scientific Data Infrastructures (€20m)

41 Call for proposals N°2 – launched end 2007 Topics: 1.GÉANT (€95m) 2.Scientific Data Infrastructures (€20m) Support the further development and evolution of GÉANT in close articulation with the National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) Reinforce the provision of end-to-end connectivity and services (user-to-user) GÉANT to represent an instantiation of the “Internet of the future” by making timely use of state-of-the-art communication technologies

42 Call for proposals N°2 – launched end 2007 Topics: 1.GÉANT (€95m) 2.Scientific Data Infrastructures (€20m) Support the deployment of standardised mechanisms to store, archive, authenticate, access, transfer, preserve, curate, certify, interpret scientific data Provide an integrated set of services exploiting the middleware and grid capabilities to federate data in an ecosystem of digital resources Support the deployment of a broad European multidisciplinary scientific data infrastructure able to be easily federated with knowledge infrastructures in other parts of the world

43  Pan-European Research Network  Access to 12 000 km of dark fiber/ unlimited capacity  IPv6 enabled  400+ active elements  Hybrid Network: Photonics + IP  3700 institutes  Global dimension GÉANT (network)

44 GÉANT (global dimension) GÉANT SPONGE SEEREN ALICE EUMEDCONNECT TEIN2 North America/Japan S. Africa India China Australia

45  ~ 500 sites in 40 countries  > 60 Virtual Organisations  ~ 24 000 CPUs  > 5 PB storage  > 10 000 concurrent jobs/day  Scientific communities High Energy Physics Biomedics Astrophysics Earth Sciences Computational Chemistry Finance Fusion Geophysics Life Sciences Multimedia… EGEE (grids)

46 LINUX Power-PC LINUX SGI AIX IBM domain High Performance Common Global File System SARA (NL)LRZ (DE) CINECA (IT)FZJ (DE) ECMWF (UK) IDRIS (FR)RZG (DE) BSC (ES) CSC (FI) 21.900 processors and 145 TF in 2006, more than 190 TF in 2007 DEISA cluster of supercomputers (grids)

47 Existing Infrastructures Design studies New Infrastructures Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) Design Studies and Construction of new Research Infrastructures Integrating activities e-infrastructures ESFRI Roadmap Policy Development and Programme Implementation

48 FP7 will support the design of new research infrastructures (or major upgrades) lDesign studies aiming at the conceptual design for new infrastructures with clear European dimension and interest, not at a detailed design lCase of e-Infrastructures: to foster new organisational models in domains of grids & data lEC support likely to be smaller than under FP6, i.e. less than 5 M€ lbottom-up call… lUseful to feed the ESFRI roadmap process

49 FP7 will support the construction of new Infrastructures (or major upgrades) lThe list of projects to be supported will be based on the work conducted by ESFRI lA two-stage process: èThe preparatory phase: to check the commitment of the Member States and reach a (draft) agreement between Member States and stakeholders for the construction èThe implementation phase: the actual construction

50 The Preparatory phase lTasks focusing on: èStrategy development èTechnical work (e.g. final prototypes) èGovernance and logistical work èFinancial arrangements èLegal issues lThe first call will be restricted to the projects identified in the 2006 ESFRI roadmap lDirect EC (average) contribution around 5 M€

51 Participation to the Preparatory phase lProject consortia should involve, as appropriate : èPublic authorities or funding agencies at national and/or regional level èResearch and development agencies èOperators of research facilities èResearch centres, universities, industry lThe European Commission may act as a “facilitator”

52 The Implementation phase lDirect Community financial support will be very limited lThe European Commission may again act as a “facilitator” lThe challenge: an increased use of financial engineering

53 Financial engineering for new research infrastructures Inclusion in Specific RTD Programme(s) Inclusion in FEDER RELEX strategic plans Stakeholders incl. EIROs Member states European Commission Inclusion in national Programmes Projects EIB RSFF

54 Risk-Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF) lAn innovative financing instrument, developed jointly by the EIB and the Commission to:  Foster increased investment in research by improving access to EIB finance, thus helping overcome market deficiency  Generate a leveraging effect so that the volume of extra lending is expected to be a multiple 4 to 6 of the Community and EIB funds allocated to the instrument lRisk-sharing with EIB to allow:  Larger volume of risky lending for research  Financing of riskier, but creditworthy research activities

55 Call for proposals N°1 – closing in spring 2007 lFor design studies and preparatory phase lIndicative budget for design studies: 35 M€  7 to 10 projects to be selected lIndicative budget for preparatory phase: 135 M€  34 projects lClosure: April 2007 lSingle stage procedure for evaluation  remote + panel evaluation, with possible hearings lResults within 4 months after closure date lFirst contracts will come into force before the end of 2007

56 Existing Infrastructures Design studies New Infrastructures Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) Support to policy development and programme implementation Integrating activities e-infrastructures ESFRI Roadmap Policy Development and Programme Implementation

57 Policy development and Programme implementation 1.ERA-NETs for research infrastructures 2.Studies, conferences and coordination actions for policy development, including international cooperation 3.Coordination actions to support emerging needs 4.Network of National Contact Points (NCP) 5.Other Support actions, as appropriate Calls 1, 2, 3, 4

58 lTo step up the cooperation and coordination of national and/or regional programmes/activities towards their mutual opening and implementation of joint activities lTo contribute to the development of the European Research Area by improving coherence across Europe of such programmes/activities 1. ERA-NET for Research Infrastructures

59 lParticipants: Public authorities and agencies responsible for financing or managing research infrastructure programmes at national or regional level (e.g. ministries, research councils or funding agencies) lActivities may include:  Information exchange  Definition and preparation of joint activities  Implementation of joint activities  Funding of joint transnational activities  ERA-NET may be specific to a type of research infrastructures or more generic

60 2. Studies/conferences/ coordination actions for policy development lTo support the work of ESFRI and e-IRG lTo promote international cooperation

61 3. Coordination actions to support emerging needs lFor research infrastructures in areas where a culture of cooperation is less developed lSupport for Networking activities such as:  Development of common standards,  Protocols and interoperability  Benchmarking  Foresight studies for new instrumentation, methods, concepts and/or technologies

62 4. Trans-national co-operation among NCPs lTo reinforce the network of National Contact Points (NCPs)  improving the services provided to potential applicants  facilitating access to FP7 calls  helping to raise the quality of submitted proposals

63 Call for proposals N°1 – closing in spring 2007 lFor:  ERA-NETs  Studies, conferences, coordination actions for policy development (e-infrastructures)  NCPs and other Support actions, as appropriate lIndicative budget of 25 M€  15 to 20 projects to be selected lClosure: April 2007 lSingle stage procedure for evaluation  remote + panel evaluation lFirst contracts will come into force before the end of 2007

64 lFor:  Studies, conferences, coordination actions for policy development (not for e-infrastructures)  Coordination actions to support emerging needs lIndicative budget of 5 M€  Around 5 projects to be selected lClosure: March 2008 lSingle stage procedure for evaluation  remote + panel evaluation lFirst contracts will come into force before the end of 2007 Call for proposals N°2 – closing early 2008

65 Funding schemes and evaluation criteria

66 Existing Infrastructures Design studies New Infrastructures Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) Funding schemes Integrating activities e-infrastructures Policy Development and Programme Implementation  A combination of Collaborative projects and Coordination and support actions (I3s)

67 Existing Infrastructures Design studies New Infrastructures Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) Funding schemes Integrating activities e-infrastructures Policy Development and Programme Implementation  Collaborative projects or Coordination and support actions (whenever appropriate)

68 Existing Infrastructures Design studies New Infrastructures Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) Funding schemes Integrating activities e-infrastructures Policy Development and Programme Implementation  Coordination and support actions

69 Evaluation criteria lS&T quality: excellence of the overall project and of the specific activities lImpact: contribution of the project at the European level lImplementation: management, partnership, implementation plan and allocation of resources  Evaluation by independent experts

70 An overview of the first two calls Call 1 closing April 2007 Call 2 closing March 2008 Integrating activities (Bottom-up and targeted) 275 M€ E-Infrastructures- Scientific Digital Repositories - Deployment of e-Infrastructures - e-Science Grid infrastructures 89 M€ - GÉANT - Scientific Data Infrastructures 115 M€ Design studies 35 M€ Construction – Support to the Preparatory Phase 135 M€ Policy Development and Programme Implementation - ERA-NETs - Studies, conferences… (for e-infrastructures) - NCPs and other support actions 25 M€ - Studies, conferences … (other than for e-infra.) - Coordination actions to support emerging needs 5 M€

71 Useful links lFP7 Proposal and Capacities Specific Programme lResearch Infrastructures on CORDIS (FP6) lESFRI (Eur. Strategy Forum for Research Infrastr.) le-Infrastructures Reflection Group (e-IRG) lResearch Infrastructures in Europa (on-line soon)

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