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Limiting Sales of Unhealthy Foods in Schools By: Jessica Trott.

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Presentation on theme: "Limiting Sales of Unhealthy Foods in Schools By: Jessica Trott."— Presentation transcript:

1 Limiting Sales of Unhealthy Foods in Schools By: Jessica Trott

2 Table of Contents Slide 3: Healthy Vs. Junk Food Slide 4: California Study Slide 5: The pro’s of having healthy food in schools Slide 6: The effects healthy eating has on kids Slide 7: The con’s of having healthy food in schools Slide 8: The costs healthy food vs. unhealthy Slide 9: Conclusion

3 Reflection Page I became interested in this topic of limiting junk foods in schools when I learned more of the effects of junk food on kids in itself. I know that it is not good for kids but before researching I didn’t understand the such depths why it is not.

4 Healthy Food Vs. Junk Food In Schools We hear about the benefits of healthy food just as we hear about the negatives of junk food, but how often do we see how healthy food over junk food affects students? Rarely. One school in California found just why limiting junk food and promoting healthier food choices in one school proved to be highly beneficial. They found that these students in this school ate about 160 fewer bad calories a day and their performance scores increased. banned-school/

5 California Study

6 The Pro’s of Having Healthy Food It encourages a healthier lifestyle for students than having junk food easily accessible does. Lack of nutrition can impair learning. Eating healthier could translate into classroom performance. Repeated exposure to healthy foods for students at school can help children to become more well rounded eaters. benefits-of-healthy-school-food/


8 Con’s of Healthy Foods in Schools Healthy food is more expensive Some believe that it is not the schools job to teach students about eating healthy. It takes more to teach students about a healthy lifestyle than just limiting what is available at school for them to eat. food-costs-idUSTRE7734L620110804

9 Healthy Foods are more Expensive

10 Conclusion It may cost more but the benefits of healthy good verses junk food proves to be far greater than the price tag. With obesity on the rise in America though it is not the schools job to teach students to eat healthy it is as a society, within households, and in schools there is an obligation for kids to learn a healthy lifestyle. banned-school/ JS9uoTa67YCFWQ6QgodphUAnQ

11 Final Reflection After researching this topic I learned more about why it is important to promote healthy eating starting at a young age. Obesity is on the rise for children in America. It is going to take more than changing what is available to students to eat at school however that is a step towards the right direction. During my research I also learned the benefits that healthy eating has on kids and students and realize more now that it is crucial and important.

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