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Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) The roots of innovation Proactive initiative on: Global Computing (GC) Proactive initiative on: Global Computing (GC) DBGlobe IST-2001-32645 1 st Year Review, Cyprus, January 31, 2003 Evaggelia Pitoura, UoI, Greece
2 1.General Introduction 2.Dissemination and Self-Assessment 3. Individual Presentations (per WP) 4.Future Directions for Next Year Outline DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
DBGlobe: Introduction DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
4 The Vision of Global Computing: In the near future, there will be increasingly powerful computers in smart cards, telephones, and other information appliances. Smart buildings will put computers in light switches, vending machines, and home appliances. Software objects, in the form of mobile software agents, will roam the Internet. This will create a massive infrastructure composed of highly diverse interconnected mobile entities. GC INITIATIVE: The ultimate goal of the research action is to provide a solid scientific foundation for the design of such systems, and to lay the groundwork for achieving effective principles for building and analysing such systems.
5 Why DBGlobe? A Data-Centric Approach: autonomous mobile entities handle (possess, produce, need, use) data data (metadata) describe the entities Our focus: How to store, index, disseminate, discover, query data in global computing Paphos, Jan 30, 2003 DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review On the premise, global computing is a database problem: how to design, build and analyze systems that manage large amount of data The traditional database approach of storing data of interest in monolithic database management systems becomes obsolete
6 DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 In GC, autonomous computational entities, not centrally controlled activity thus massive distribution, heterogeneity, & autonomy In traditional db research, centralized or small scale distribution/relatively homogeneous, full control In GC, mobile computational entities In traditional db research, passive data and data sources, in that they remain unchanged unless explicitly updated In GC, the configuration varies over time In traditional db research, static (their location remains fixed). In GC, systems operate with incomplete information about the environment In traditional db research, exact knowledge as opposed to discovery, filtering New research problems in all aspects of data management: modeling, dissemination, storage, and querying Why DBGlobe?
7 The DBGlobe project aims at developing novel data management techniques to deal with the challenge of global computing Overview Partners: Univ. of Ioannina, GR (coordinator) INRIA, FR CTI, GR AUEB, GR Univ. of Cyprus, CY Univ. of California at Riverside, USA Subcontractors, Technical University of Crete, GR Aalborg University, DK DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
8 A quick look … Work divided in 6 Work Packages (WP) WP1: System Architecture (main system components, metadata, distribution) WP3: Data Delivery and Coordination (means to delivery data, how to coordinate execution) WP4: Querying and Information Discovery (how to discover data, how to query) WP2: Simulation Environment (provide an environment for simulation work) WP5: Proof-of-Concept (build a prototype context-aware applications) WP6: Project Management DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
9 Timeline … DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 Year 1 Year 2 36912 WP1: System Architecture 15182124 WP2: Simulation WP3: Data Delivery & Coordination WP4: Information Discovery and Querying WP5: Proof-of-Concept Prototype WP6: Management
10 A quick look … Overview per Work Package.. More on the results in the talks that will follow … DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
11 Data centric Approach mobile entities as primary data stores, mobile entities as mini-servers (computational entities) that protect and encapsulate access to their data ad-hoc distributed database systems of unprecedented scale Meta-information and services: Storage Components that hold metadata about mobile objects Server Components that provide services for and about the mobile objects. a backbone of metadata information and services to reason about and query the behaviour and state of the autonomous mobile entities. DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
12 System Architecture (WP1) DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 Objectives Specification of the requirements of the system Metadata definition Determining of policies for replicating, caching and aggregating data and metadata across the network sites of the system Overall System Design
13 System Architecture (WP1) DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 System Architectures: No centralized database server, instead, each mobile object constitutes a database of each own. PMOs (Primary Mobile Objects) PMO Data-centric PMOs as primary data stores PMOs as computational entities that protect and encapsulate access to their data Communities: clustering of data and services based on “context”, e.g., location
14 Service-Oriented Approach Data encapsulated within services Why services: interoperability respect autonomy of PMOs can be composed distributed execution security WP1: System Architecture Users interact with the system through AXML queries, Active XML incorporates calls to services and XQuery (XML query language)
15 WP1: System Architecture Semantic Layer System Layer AXML Query Ontologies/Metadata/ Semantic Context Infrastructure context (device metadata, location mangement) Indexes/replication/caching DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
16 DBGlobe architecture –Infrastructure PMOs are organized according to spatial proximity into cells Cell Administration Servers (CAS) manage sets of cells and the PMOs located within them –Middleware Community Administration Servers (CoAS): semantic grouping of PMOs and associated data and services according to context User Agents represent the user (PMO) (for example, in case of network disconnections) WP1: System Architecture DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
17 Service Creation and Discovery Composition of Services and Semantic Service Matching –Parameter ontology covering all the parameters used in the various services –Service ontology supports the structuring of services and aids service discovery WP1: System Architecture DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
18 Profile Data - User Profile Users have preferences with respect to what information they usually request, and considering mobility, as to when and to where WP1: System Architecture Profile Data - Device Profile Data that characterizes the PMO 1.The characteristics of the device itself, n e.g., screen size, memory, keyboard, processor power 2.The characteristics of the device with respect to the DBGlobe system n e.g., credentials, after registering with the DBGlobe network, a schedule for the availability of data
19 Profiles - Movement User and device profiles contain spatiotemporal data about moving objects Definition of a mobile ontology to record –the trajectory (movement) –properties of the trajectory (e.g., speed, heading) –relationships among trajectories (e.g., meet, intersect) –relationships with environment (e.g., cross) DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 WP1: System Architecture
20 Simulation Environment (WP2) Objective Build a simulator for such dynamic environments and use it to test our protocols Current Status Our current simulator supports the basic functionality of CAS Networking, mobility management, service registration and invocation DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 WP2: Simulator
21 The DBGlobe Project: WP1 & WP2 Summary Distribution of “infrastructure components” (CAS) based on geographical proximity Distribution of “middleware” components (CoAS) based on context proximity Analysis of metadata (service and parameter ontology, mobile ontology, profile and content metadata) Bloom-based summaries of indexes for distributed service discovery Initial results on content caching Replication of services (more later on AXML) Working simulator that provides basic system support and proof-of- concept implementation work on specific aspects
22 1.A. Karakasidis and E. Pitoura, “DBGlobe: A Data-Centric Approach to Global Computing”. International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing (IWSAWC 2002). In conjunction with ICDCS 2002, Vienna, Austria, July 2002 2.D. Pfoser, E. Pitoura, and N. Tryfona. “Metadata Modeling in a Global Computing Environment”. Proc. of the 10th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, McLean, VA November 8- 9, 2002. 3. S. Valavanis, M. Vazirgianis, and K. Norvag, “MobiShare: Sharing Context- Dependent Data and Services from Mobile Sources”. Submitted for publication 4. C. Ververidis, S. Valavanis, M. Vazirgiannis, G.C. Polyzos, “An Architecture for Sharing, Discovering and Accessing Mobile Data and Services: Location and Mobility Issues”, Presented at: Lobster Workshop, LBS for accelerating the European-wide deployment of Services for the Mobile User and worker, Mykonos, Greece, 4-5 October, 2002, Publications (WP1 and WP2)
23 6. P. Triantafillou and I. Aekaterinides, “Web Proxy Cache Replacement: Do's, Don'ts and Expectations”. Submitted for Publication 7. P. Triantafillou and I. Aekaterinides, “Web Proxy Cache Placement, Replacement and the Proxy Teller”, Submitted for Publication 8. G. Koloniari and E. Pitoura, “Bloom-based Filters for Hierarchical Data”, Submitted for Publication 9. G. Kastidou, E. Pitoura and G. Samaras, “A Scalable Mobile Agent Location Mechanism”, Accepted for Publication 1st International Workshop on Mobile Distributed Computing (MDC'03), May 19, 2003, held in conjunction with the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'03), To appear 2003. A paper on the overall DBGlobe architecture, by all partners, in preparation Publications (WP1)
24 Work Outline (WP3) Data Delivery/Coordination Data delivery among the system components: (a) the mobile entities, (b) the servers and (c) the users. Derive adaptive data delivery mechanisms that will combine various mode of delivery such as push (transmission of data without an explicit request) and pull, periodic and aperiodic, as well as multicast and unicast delivery. Model the coordination of the mobile entities using workflow management and transaction management techniques that have been used in the multi- agent community. DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 The DBGlobe Project: WP3
25 DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 A number of specific results in data delivery: Coherent Push-based Data Delivery Adaptive Multi-version Broadcast Data Delivery Efficient Publish-Subscribe Data Delivery D8: Data Delivery Mechanisms A taxonomy of mechanisms An outline of potential use within the DBGlobe architecture Outcomes of WP3 so far: The DBGlobe Project: WP3
26 DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 Taxonomy of Different Modes of Data Delivery pull unicast broadcast periodic aperiodic push Email list ( aperiodic, unicast, push) Publish/subscribe (aperiodic, 1-N, push) 1-N Polling ( periodic, unicast, pull) Request/Response (aperiodic, unicast, pull) The DBGlobe Project: WP3
27 The Data Broadcast Push Model Client Server Broadcast Channel The server broadcasts data from a database to a large number of clients push mode + no direct communication with the server (stateless server, e.g., sensors) “client-side” protocols Data updates at the server Periodic updates for the values on the channel Efficient way to disseminate information to large client populations with similar interests Physical support in wireless networks (satellite, cellular) Various other applications, sensor networks, data streams The DBGlobe Project: WP3
28 Ensure that clients receive temporally coherent (e.g., current) and semantically coherent (transaction-wise) data Coherent Data Delivery 1.Provide a model for temporal and semantic coherency 2.Show what type of coherency we get if there are no additional protocols 3.Show what type of coherency is achieved by a number of protocols proposed in the literature (and their extensions) The DBGlobe Project: WP3
29 The server (data source) at each cycle sends not just one value per item but instead multiple versions per item Explore multiple versions for increasing client concurrency and disconnections: develop protocols and evaluate their performance Access multiple server states at the same time: access to data series when not enough memory or Multiple data servers share the channel (multi-sensors networks), that is multiplexing data from a number of sensors Adaptive Multi-Version Broadcast The DBGlobe Project: WP3
30 Issues How should the broadcast be organized? select the order according to which items are broadcast What are appropriate client-cache protocols? We have developed broadcast organizations and client cache replacement policies that adapt to the client access behaviour We have proposed data compression schemes The DBGlobe Project: WP3 DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Report Paphos, Jan 2003
31 Subscription Framework in DBGlobe Personalized Information Delivery: Pub/Sub Systems –Subscriptions of services –Events: service calls –Match: events to all subscriptions impacted Key problems when designing and implementing large-scale publish/subscribe systems efficient propagation of subscriptions and distributed event processing among the servers of the system The DBGlobe Project: WP3 DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Report Paphos, Jan 2003
32 Contributions Motivation: Develop data structures and algorithms that can introduce significantly more efficient –subscription propagation, –event processing, and –event matching/filtering. Key idea: Summarize subscriptions and … process summaries as opposed to subscriptions. The DBGlobe Project: WP3
33 E. Pitoura and P. Chrysanthis. “Multiversion Data Broadcast”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 51(10):1224-1230, October, 2002 E. Pitoura, P. K. Chrysanthis and K. Ramamritham. “Characterizing the Temporal and Semantic Coherency of Broadcast-based Data Dissemination”. Proc. of the 9 th International Conference on Database Theory, January 2003, Siena, Italy. O. Shigiltchoff, P. Chrysanthis and E. Pitoura. “Multi-version Data Broadcast Organizations”. In Proc. of the 6th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), September 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia P. Triantafillou and A. Economides, “Subscription Summaries for Scalability and Efficiency in Publish/Subscribe Systems”, 1st Intl. IEEE Workshop on Distributed Event-based Systems, (DEBS02) July 2002. P. Triantafillou and A. Economides, “Efficient Distributed Event Processing using Subscription Summaries in Large Scale Publish/Subscribe System”, Submitted for Publication. Publications (WP3)
34 DBGlobe IST-2001-32645 Work Outline (WP4) Querying: Data exchange and computation in the background in response to cues or queries from users. On a multitude of databases (networked mobile processing entities and their data) New query language modelling abstractions that will: include a knowledge acquisition component, no exact knowledge of the data schema, information may be incomplete. High update rate (of both data values and context information) incorporate filtering, Be context-aware, to deal with the scale and complexity of the environment. Query execution models for such dynamic environments of numerous processing entities. Paphos, Jan 2003
35 AXML Documents"Toys") Pink panther …"Czech", "English", ) peer25/getAuctions([../@name])... getMyAuctions() … May contain calls to any SOAP web service,,, etc. AXML peers also offer web services. Locally defined services can be called. Are enriched by each service call's results The returned nodes are inserted as brothers of the corresponding element. Can use XPath expressions for call parameters Relative path expressions are evaluated starting from the element. Activation of calls and data lifespan are controlled frequency: when is the service called ? validity: how long is the retrieved data kept ? mode: immediate or lazy ? AXML Documents are powerful data integrators. The DBGlobe Project: WP4
36 Outline Distribution and replication –distribute the load among devices, by: Using several services Distributing documents across several devices. –replicate documents and services, to allow for “local” computation location-aware extension of XQuery to handle distributed/replicated data and services. A cost model for the global computing context, measuring the “observable performance” of each site An algorithm Security and capabilities Based on types The DBGlobe Project: WP4 DBGlobe IST-2001-32645 Paphos, Jan 2003
37 S. Abiteboul, O. Benjelloun, I. Manolescu, T. Milo and R. Weber, “Active XML: Peer-to-Peer Data and Web Services Integration (demo)”, Proceedings of the 28th VLDB Conference, Hong Kong, 2002. T. Milo, S. Abiteboul, B. Amman, O. Benjelloun, F. Dang and Ngoc, “Exchanging Intentional XML Data”, SIGMOD 2003 S. Abiteboul, A. Bonifati, G. Cobena, I. Manolescu and T. Milo, “Dynamic XML Documents with Distribution and Replication”, SIGMOD 2003 Publications (WP4) DBGlobe IST-2001-32645 Paphos, Jan 2003 The DBGlobe Project: WP4
38 Work Outline (WP5) implement a proof-of-concept prototype location-aware queries DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
39 Initial Results Exploitation of Materialized Views (implemented through mobile agents) for supporting CoAS Initial implementation of context-aware portals for wireless users DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 The DBGlobe Project: WP5
40 C. Panayiotou, G. Samaras, “Personalized Portals for the Wireless User Based on Mobile Agents: Demonstration“, Accepted for Publication, 19th International Conference on Data Engineering, Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, March 5 - March 8, 2003 - Bangalore, India. To appear 2003. G. Samaras, C. Panayiotou, "A Flexible Personalization Architecture for Wireless Internet Based on Mobile Agents", Proc. 6th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2002), September 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia. G. Samaras, C. Spyrou, E. Pitoura, “View Generator (VG): A Mobile Agent Based System for the Creation and Maintenance of Web Views”, 7th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Taormina, Italy July 2002. G. Samaras, K. Karenos, P. K. Chrysanthis and E. Pitoura. “ViSMA: Implementation of an Extendible Mobile-Agent Based System for the Materialization and Maintenance of Personalized and Shareable Web Views” (Demo). Submitted for publication Publications (WP5)
41 Management Deliverables Meetings Budget DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
42 Technical Deliverables: Year 1 July 2002D2: Metadata Management (WP1) CTI Sept 2002D3: Overall System Architecture (WP1) CTI Oct 2002D8: Data Delivery Mechanisms (WP3) UoI Dec 2002D6: Initial Simulator Prototype and Web page (WP2) AUEB DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
43 Technical Deliverables: Year 2 Apr 2003D9: Modeling Coordination Through Workflows (WP3)UoI Jun 2003D7: Final Simulator Prototype and Web page (WP2)AUEB Jun 2003D11: The Query Language of DBGlobe (WP4)INRIA Jun 2003D12: Query Optimization and Execution in DBGlobe (WP4) INRIA Aug 2003D10: Data Delivery and Querying (WP3)UoI Aug 2003D14: Location Aware Ad-Hoc Databases and Query Processing (WP5) UCY Nov 2003D13: Information Discovery and Querying (WP5)INRIA Nov 2003D15: Prototype System for Location Aware Querying (WP5) UCY DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
44 General Deliverables (WP6): Year 1 Feb 2002D1: Consortium Agreement Internal distribution Mar 2002D4.1: Project Presentation Brief presentation of the project (posted in EC websites, reports) Jun 2002D18.1 Parameters and criteria for Self Assessment Set criteria based on which the project will be evaluated Jun 2002D5: Dissemination and Use Plan Plan for the dissemination of knowledge, exploitation plan Dec 2002D18.2 Self Assessment Report Evaluation of the results based on D18.1 Dec 2002D16.1 Dissemination Results Report on the dissemination activities during the first year Dec 2002D4.2: Progress Report DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
45 General Deliverables (WP6): Year 2 Jun 2003D16.2: Dissemination Results Dec 2003D18.3 Self Assessment Report Dec 2003D16.3 Dissemination Results and Technological Implementation Plan Dec 2003D4.3: Progress Report D17: Final Report For the final project review DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
46 Three Project Meetings in 2002 Kick-off meeting, Jan 11, Athens 2 nd Meeting, May 27-28, Ioannina 3 rd Meeting, Nov 29, Athens presentations at the web page A number of Working Groups Meetings AUEB – UoI, Ioannina AUEB – CTI, Athens Meetings
47 Effort Workpackage No and TitleLead Partner Persons-months per participant for the first year UOIINRIACTIAUEBUCYUCR WP1: System ArchitectureCTI 7.0 8.011.0 -1.0 4.0 WP2: Simulation Environment AUEB 4.0-1.0 7.783.0 1.0 WP3: Data Delivery and Coordination UoI 8.0252.0- 4.352.0 1.0 WP4: Information Discovery and Querying INRIA 1.09.0- 1.981.5 - WP5: Proof-of-concept Prototype: Location-Aware Querying UCY 1.0-- 2.5 - WP6: Project Management and Dissemination of Results UoI 6.0-----
48 Dissemination Publications Web Page Events DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003
49 A. Karakasidis and E. Pitoura, “DBGlobe: A Data-Centric Approach to Global Computing”. International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing (IWSAWC 2002). In conjunction with ICDCS 2002, Vienna, Austria, July 2002 S. Valavanis, M. Vazirgianis, and K. Norvag, “ MobiShare: Sharing Context- Dependent Data and Services from Mobile Sources”. Submitted for publication C. Ververidis, S. Valavanis, M. Vazirgiannis, G.C. Polyzos, “An Architecture for Sharing, Discovering and Accessing Mobile Data and Services: Location and Mobility Issues”, Presented at: Lobster Workshop, LBS for accelerating the European-wide deployment of Services for the Mobile User and worker, Mykonos, Greece, 4-5 October, 2002, Publications (WP1 and WP2)
50 P. Triantafillou and I. Aekaterinides, “Web Proxy Cache Replacement: Do's, Don'ts and Expectations”. Submitted for Publication P. Triantafillou and I. Aekaterinides, “Web Proxy Cache Placement, Replacement and the Proxy Teller”, Submitted for Publication D. Pfoser, E. Pitoura, and N. Tryfona. “Metadata Modeling in a Global Computing Environment”. Proc. of the 10th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, McLean, VA November 8-9, 2002. A paper on the overall DBGlobe architecture, all partners, in preparation Publications (WP1)
51 E. Pitoura, P. K. Chrysanthis and K. Ramamritham. “Characterizing the Temporal and Semantic Coherency of Broadcast-based Data Dissemination”. Proc. of the 9 th International Conference on Database Theory, January 2003, Siena, Italy. O. Shigiltchoff, P. Chrysanthis and E. Pitoura. “Multi-version Data Broadcast Organizations”. In Proc. of the 6th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), September 2002, Bratislava, Sloavakia E. Pitoura and P. Chrysanthis. “Multiversion Data Broadcast”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 51(10):1224-1230, October, 2002 P. Triantafillou and A. Economides, “Subscription Summaries for Scalability and Efficiency in Publish/Subscribe Systems”, 1st Intl. IEEE Workshop on Distributed Event-based Systems, (DEBS02) July 2002. P. Triantafillou and A. Economides, “Efficient Distributed Event Processing using Subscription Summaries in Large Scale Publish/Subscribe System”, Submitted for Publication. Publications (WP3)
52 S. Abiteboul, O. Benjelloun, I. Manolescu, T. Milo and R. Weber, “Active XML: Peer-to-Peer Data and Web Services Integration (demo)”, Proceedings of the 28th VLDB Conference, Hong Kong, 2002. T. Milo, S. Abiteboul, B. Amman, O. Benjelloun, F. Dang and Ngoc, “Exchanging Intentional XML Data”, SIGMOD 2003 S. Abiteboul, A. Bonifati, G. Cobena, I. Manolescu and T. Milo, “Dynamic XML Documents with Distribution and Replication”, SIGMOD 2003 G. Koloniari and E. Pitoura, “Bloom-based Filters for Hierarchical Data”, Submitted for Publication G. Kastidou, E. Pitoura and G. Samaras, “A Scalable Mobile Agent Location Mechanism”, Accepted for Publication 1st International Workshop on Mobile Distributed Computing (MDC'03), May 19, 2003, held in conjunction with the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'03), To appear 2003. Publications (WP4)
53 G. Samaras, C. Panayiotou, "A Flexible Personalization Architecture for Wireless Internet Based on Mobile Agents", Proc. 6th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2002), September 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia. G. Samaras, C. Spyrou, E. Pitoura, “View Generator (VG): A Mobile Agent Based System for the Creation and Maintenance of Web Views”, 7th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Taormina, Italy July 2002. G. Samaras, K. Karenos, P. K. Chrysanthis and E. Pitoura. “ViSMA: Implementation of an Extendible Mobile-Agent Based System for the Materialization and Maintenance of Personalized and Shareable Web Views” (Demo). Submitted for publication C. Panayiotou, G. Samaras, “Personalized Portals for the Wireless User Based on Mobile Agents: Demonstration“, Accepted for Publication, 19th International Conference on Data Engineering, Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, March 5 - March 8, 2003 - Bangalore, India. To appear 2003. Publications (WP1, WP5)
54 Dissemination Activities (UoI) Presentation of the project at the IFIP WG 2.6 meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 15-17, 2002 Paper presentation, ICDCS Workshop, Vienna, July 2002 Paper presentation at ICDT, Siena, Italy, Jan 2003 Panel presentation, HDMS02, Athens Greece, July 2002 Keynote talk at WISE 2002 Summer School Presentation, EDBT 2002 Industry Seminars Project presentation, Air@home NoE Proposal Demo, VLDB 2002, Hong Kong, August 2002 Dissemination Activities (INRIA)
55 Dissemination Activities (CTI) Informal meeting, University of Salzburg, Austria IST-FET CODMINE project meeting, Athens Paper presentation, ACM GIS 2002 conference, McLean, USA Paper presentation, Lobster Workshop, Mykonos, Greece, October 2002 Panel presentation, SAINT02, Naras, Japan, Jan/Feb 2002 Project presentation, MB-net Workshop, Athens, Greece, June 2002 Paper presentation, ISCC 2002, Taormina, Italy, July 2002 Project presentation, ICDE, March 2002 Dissemination Activities (AUEB) Dissemination Activities (UCY) Dissemination Activities (UCR)
56 WEB Page
57 Conclusions After the first year, we are converging nicely to a unified approach … Architecture: derived a model for managing data in global computing: service-oriented relies on semantic information provides for “Community” support distribution and indexing of service descriptions, services and data
58 Conclusions Data Delivery: propose a model for coherency, protocols for adaptive push and efficient publish/subscribe Querying: Replication and Distribution of Services and Documents/Security Simulation Environment Many publications submitted and many accepted (among others in SIGMOD, ICDT, Trans. on Computers, ICDE (demo), VLDB (demo), ACM GIS )
59 DBGlobe IST-2001-32645
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