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The Holiday Grinch A Choose Your Own Adventure Holiday Chronicle.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holiday Grinch A Choose Your Own Adventure Holiday Chronicle."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holiday Grinch A Choose Your Own Adventure Holiday Chronicle

2 In the early morning hours of Christmas Eve, you are startled awake by a loud knocking and clatter on the roof top of your home. Though groggy eyed and tired, a sudden awareness over takes you. A noise on your roof during Christmas Eve surely could mean only one thing.

3 You are now wide awake in bed as the clanking and rattling on the roof top continues. You want to believe but surely it couldn’t be true. What do you decide to do next? Get Out Of Bed Roll Over And Go Back To Sleep

4 You Jump Out Of Bed Quickly you pull back the covers and slide out of bed. Reaching out you grab your robe and slippers as you tip toe you way out of the bedroom. The hallway is dark except for the ray of moonlight streaking in the window. The rest of your family sleeps soundly as the noise on the roof continues as you think of what to do. Climb The Attic Stairs Go Downstairs

5 The Attic You open the attic door and turn on the light switch. There at the top of the stairs you see the green figure of what can only be called a Grinch. Upon seeing you, the Grinch drops a bag of toys and dives out the open window and runs into the dark.

6 The End You look into the bag of toys and realize that you stopped the Grinch from stealing the presents that had been laid under your tree. You carry them down stairs and place them back under the tree for all to enjoy in the morning.

7 The End Despite the noise your hear, you are afraid of seeing what all the commotion is about. You After tossing and turning, you finally fall back asleep. The next morning you awake to have found that a Grinch had entered your home last night and stolen all of the presents for your family. Too sad and embarrassed that you did nothing, you spend the rest of the day in your room pouting.

8 Go Downstairs You quietly walk down the stairs to your family room. There you see that the presents, stockings, and even the Christmas tree have been taken. What do you do next? Run OutsideWake Up Your Parents

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