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We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Year 3 and to outline some of the exciting activities to come and general procedures for the forth.

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Presentation on theme: "We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Year 3 and to outline some of the exciting activities to come and general procedures for the forth."— Presentation transcript:

1 We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Year 3 and to outline some of the exciting activities to come and general procedures for the forth coming year. General Information This year there are two classes: Mrs D James - 3J and Miss R Wilford - 3W. Mrs Dickenson will provide individual pupil support. Assessment Assessment is an important part of the curriculum and the children will be assessed throughout the year 3 in English, Maths and Science. Additional whole school reading tests will take place in the summer term. At the end of the year the parents will receive an end of year report and will be offered an appointment to discuss their child’s progress throughout the year. Monday ArtWelsh Tuesday P.E I.T Wednesday Thursday Friday Games Year 3 Timetable The Year 3 timetable reflects all areas of the National Curriculum and is flexible apart from allotted times for P.E, games, I.T, welsh and art. Assemblies Year 3 children will take part in a year3/4 Christmas Production in December and will also present their own year group assembly during the school year. Parents and friends are very welcome to attend these events.

2 Curriculum The Year 3 curriculum is very exciting and captivating. We study a range of topics throughout the year and here are just some: English – ‘ The Hodgeheg’ by Dick King Smith. ‘James and the Giant Peach’ by Roald Dahl and Welsh myths and legends. Science –Light and shadows, Materials, teeth and healthy eating, circuits and conductors. Mathematics – Place Value, Multiplication and Division Strategies, Real Life problems, Mathematical Investigations. History – The Romans Geography – Travelling to School and a comparative study to life in Botswana. School Trips We have several trips planned for this academic year. All trips are curriculum based and from previous experience enhance the curriculum greatly. Costs are an approximate guide and further information and permission slips will be provided nearer the time: Caerleon Linked to history - to develop and understanding of the Roman way of life. Dan - y - Graig Church - Linked to R.E in order to develop an understanding of the Christian way of life. Also there may be a possible trip linked to our topic work. PE / Games PE will be undertaken on a weekly basis and our PE day is Tuesday. Kit will be required on this day every week. The PE kit consists of a plain t- shirt and plain shorts / tracksuit bottoms. Games is undertaken on a weekly basis where children. Our Games day will be Friday and we advise that kit is brought into school every Friday. Kit consists of plain t-shirt or long sleeve sports top in Winter, Plain shorts or Tracksuit bottoms and a pair of trainers. PE and Games are a statutory requirement of the National Curriculum and therefore all children must participate. Children can be excused for medical reasons only on receipt of a note from parents. If a note is not received children will need to participate. All notes are kept as a record of attendance. Homework Mathematics: Task usually given on a Friday and due on the following Monday. Further tasks may be given during the week on occasions. The homework given will usually mirror what has been undertaken during the week. Children may use any strategy they find beneficial and please feel free to explain any strategies that you may have for completing the work. Literacy: Spellings will be given out every Friday and the test will be on the following Friday. A spelling task may accompany the spellings in the form of sentences etc. D&T: We will be undertaking various projects throughout the year and we would appreciate it if children could bring in objects such as: Small clean containers(plastic/cardboard), old wrapping paper, tubes (plastic/cardboard), buttons, off cuts of fabric and wool.

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