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 1. In your opinion, what was the most impactful ramification of the Protestant Reformation? Support your assertions with specific examples.  2. In your.

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Presentation on theme: " 1. In your opinion, what was the most impactful ramification of the Protestant Reformation? Support your assertions with specific examples.  2. In your."— Presentation transcript:

1  1. In your opinion, what was the most impactful ramification of the Protestant Reformation? Support your assertions with specific examples.  2. In your opinion, between 1500 and 1700 which of the following countries – Spain, Portugal, Holland, England, France, or Russia – proved most successful dominating international trade and commerce? Why? Support your arguments with specific examples.  3. In your opinion, how did the Protestant Reformation affect the cultural developments of the 16 th -17 th century Europe. Support your arguments with specific examples.  4. How would you characterize the relationship between religion and science between 1500 and 1700? Support your arguments with specific examples.

2 Analyze the film Cromwell within the context of one of the following statements/questions: 1. The middle class constituted the “critical mass” of the English revolution and civil wars.” Support your assertions with specific examples. 2. In your opinion, the main cause of the English revolution and civil wars was a) religion; b) politics; c) economy. Support your assertions with specific examples. 3. “There is an inverse relationship between the society's revolutionary potential and the regime's political legitimacy.” Support your assertions with specific examples.

3  absolutismmercantilism Erasmustransubstantiation  Peter the GreatAnabaptism  PredestinationJesuits  De Albuquerqueencomienda  Triangular tradeTokugawa  Columbian exchangePrice revolution  30 Years’ WarMilitary revolution

4  1. How do you understand the concept of “industrial revolution”? What is so “revolutionary” about it? In the long run, was it beneficial to the working class? How? Support your assertions with specific examples.   2. In your opinion, how did the Industrial Revolution affect the situation of the middle class? Support your assertions with specific examples.   3. Examine the connection between the Industrial Revolution and the rise of new political ideologies in the 19 th century. Support your assertions with specific examples.   4. Explain the basic tenets of Marxism and the reasons for its attraction to so many people around the world. In your opinion, why the Communist Manifesto ’s predictions of a proletariat revolution did not eventuate? Or did it? Support your assertions with specific examples.   5. What ideas and arguments were employed by the colonial powers to justify colonialism? In the long run, was colonialism beneficial to the native populations? Support your assertions with specific examples.   6. Explain the term “nationalism” and compare its different manifestations in the nineteenth- century Europe and Asia. Was it a progressive or regressive force? Why? Support your assertions with specific examples.

5  Einstein Nietzsche Freud  Sorel Social DarwinismZola impressionism Mexican revolution Verdun  Home front (WWI) Bolsheviks Versailles Treaty self-determinationLocarno fascism Great Depression Dopolavoro surrealism  Spanish Civil WarAppeasement  Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

6 Analyze the film “Battle of Britain” in the context of the following : On August 20, 1940 Winston Churchill stated “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few,” referring to the ongoing efforts of the RAF pilots, who were fighting a desperate battle over Britain. Traditionally, the praise is taken to refer solely to the RAF Fighter Command. In your opinion, is such interpretation of Churchill’s phrase correct? Support your argument with specific examples.

7  1. In what way, the Nazi and the Stalinist regime were different from each other?  2. Why the Blitzkrieg was so successful in 1939-1941, but failed in 1942-1943?  3. What was the turning point in the Pacific Theater of World War II?  4. Economy was the major factor that contributed to the Allies’ victory in World War II.  5. The Cold War began when World War II was still in progress.  6. The Truman Doctrine played a crucial role in fueling the Cold War.  7. How would you explain the West German economic miracle of the 1950s?  8. How popular culture reflected the profound changes in social relations in the 1960s and the early 1970s?  9. What were Khrushchev’s most visible achievements?  10. What factors contributed to the mitigation of the Cuban Crisis?  11. What were the features of the creation of the welfare state?  12. What does the term “consumer society” mean (in regards to the post-WWII period)?

8  GuatemalaBrazilVenezuela  HondurasSalvadorNicaragua  PanamaColombiaEcuador  PeruBoliviaChile  ArgentinaParaguayUruguay

9  Tokyo International Tribunal Korean War  KhrushchevSolidarity  Suez Canal CrisisCamp David Peace  Mossaddeq Gorbachev  McCarthyismBrezhnev Doctrine  Salvador AllendeBeatles  Charles de GaulleIdi Amin  NAFTAPablo Escobar

10  1. In your opinion, how successful has the European Union been in improving the continental economy? Support your answer with specific examples.  2. In your opinion, what factors have been crucial for the prevailing economic problems and fragmented politics in the post-colonial Africa? Support your assertions with specific examples.  3. After World War II but a few affluent Middle Eastern countries have established relatively stable political systems, economies and currencies, while most continue to stagnate. Why? Support your assertions with specific examples.  4. In 1980s new generation of statesmen dominated West European politics. What methods did they use to rejuvenate national economies? In your opinion, how successful they were in the long run? Support your assertions with specific examples.  5. “China and India have clearly demonstrated that large nations find their own developmental patterns, appropriate to each country’s cultural heritage and economic potential.” Do you agree with such argument? Support your assertions with specific examples.  6. In your opinion, what factors contributed to the instability and prevailing economic problems in Central and South America? Support your assertions with specific examples.

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