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1 NSS DEVELOPERS. Group Members Group Members NSS DEVELOPERS2  Anurag Sharma  Devesh Kumar Gupta  Alok Gangwar  Kuldeepak Panday Project Guide: Mr.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NSS DEVELOPERS. Group Members Group Members NSS DEVELOPERS2  Anurag Sharma  Devesh Kumar Gupta  Alok Gangwar  Kuldeepak Panday Project Guide: Mr."— Presentation transcript:


2 Group Members Group Members NSS DEVELOPERS2  Anurag Sharma  Devesh Kumar Gupta  Alok Gangwar  Kuldeepak Panday Project Guide: Mr. Deepak Gupta

3 Role Parameters NSS DEVELOPERS3  Anurag Sharma…………………………………Database Design  Devesh Kumar Gupta………………………….Design & Coding  Alok Gangwar…………………………..…Requirements & Testing  Kuldeepak Pandey……………………Security & Maintenance

4 What is National Special Squad National Special Squad is a intelligence agency, which is goverened by central government to check external activities performing against India. This Agency will use undercover agents(having no legal attachment with it) to collect information beneficial to the country. NSS DEVELOPERS4

5 Problem Statement The country secret agencies (RAW,DOD) feel themselves unable to work efficiently because of improper sharing of information along with the security reason as their information are too confidential and the leakage of such information may lead to the failure of the whole operation. This may lead to the huge loss of money and time and also support uncomfortable situation (like: terrorist activities, riots, etc.) in the society that is not good for the country and the people. NSS DEVELOPERS5

6 There are various department in Indian Government but they are no Implementation of ERP System. There are traditional approach are used to Solve a problem. Traditional approach are consist more processing & more time. No department knows that what the other department do. So they can helps other in just-in- time. In case of Security Services this is very bad. NSS DEVELOPERS6

7 Solution  We are conceptualizing this software as a solution so that Secret Intelligence Agencies and their agents can communicate through this Software for the exchange of evidences in a secure way. NSS DEVELOPERS7.

8 Phase 1 # Requirements Users of the System  Defense Ministry  Secret Agency’s Chief:  Agent  Citizen NSS DEVELOPERS8

9 Users of the System NSS DEVELOPERS9 N.S.S. Software Under Cover Agents Secret Intelligence Agency‘s chief Ministry of Defense Citizen

10 Functional Requirements Defense Ministry: NSS DEVELOPERS10 Should be able to send resources to Secret Agency. Receive reports Ability to assign cases to the Agency.

11 Secret Agency’s Chief: NSS DEVELOPERS11 Chief should be able to create/edit/view Agent’s profile Appointing of Agent to a particular case. Secure retrieval of evidences received from Agent. Access to Data Base logs. Should be able to trace Agent’s location (using IP addresses) Generate Reports Ability to store data with history (archive cases). Ability to create Digital Signature certificates.

12 Under Cover Agent: NSS DEVELOPERS12 Able to view case details. Should be able to encrypt & upload evidence or data to Data Base. Able to view resources from ministry or chief. Generate Report. Should be able to view the dynamic map of anywhere in the world. Takes helps of chief, ICA and other dept.

13 Citizen: NSS DEVELOPERS13 Ability to see Success Stories. Chat assistance from Intelligence Agency. Ability to apply for a job in Secret Intelligence Agency. Ability to give tips & suggestion

14 Non – Functional Requirements Secure access of confidential data (user’s details). SSL can be used. 24 X 7 availability Better component design to get better performance at peak time Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension. NSS DEVELOPERS14

15 Hardware & Software Requirements As a Server…., Hardware o Hard disk 100TB Software o Operating System o Server Apache o Database MySql o Language Java,J2EE, PHP o Software Packages NSS DEVELOPERS15

16 Questions………? Q1: How the chief track the location of agent? Q2: How the resources can be shared between them? Q3: which algorithm will be used for data encryption? Q4: How the video chat will be performed? NSS DEVELOPERS16

17 Phase 2 # Design To Design NSS System o Website must include following Services o mail o news o ftp o Directory o Chat o Video Chat o IP location. NSS DEVELOPERS17

18 Network Architecture NSS DEVELOPERS18

19 Web Server: 3-Tier Architecture NSS DEVELOPERS19

20 Google Map NSS DEVELOPERS20

21 How Google Map Works NSS DEVELOPERS21

22 Video Conferencing NSS DEVELOPERS22

23 How it works……! NSS DEVELOPERS23

24 Phase 3 # Implementation Software Design Web Design Server Design Installation Setup NSS DEVELOPERS24 wait


26 Phase 5 # Maintenance wait NSS DEVELOPERS26



29 Thank You…….! 29NSS DEVELOPERS

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