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A Pediatrician Can Make a Difference!!!!. CATCH Program Mission CATCH supports pediatricians to collaborate within their communities so that all children.

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Presentation on theme: "A Pediatrician Can Make a Difference!!!!. CATCH Program Mission CATCH supports pediatricians to collaborate within their communities so that all children."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Pediatrician Can Make a Difference!!!!

2 CATCH Program Mission CATCH supports pediatricians to collaborate within their communities so that all children have access to needed health services and a medical home.

3 It Takes A Village….

4 More Background Information Program of the Community Pediatrics Council of the American Academy of Pediatrics Provides seed funds for programs aimed at improving children’s health A pediatrician or pediatric resident need to be program leader Asks for development of community partnerships

5 More Background Information cont. Grants awarded twice a year (Fall and Spring) Planning and Implementation grants fund 6 month long projects $ 12,000 and $ 3,000 awards for pediatricians and residents Application is straightforward!!! Local and national technical support is readily available

6 CATCH Evaluation Highlights 401 funded grants from 2006 to 2012 (731 eligible applications) 58% grantees spend 100% of their time in general pediatrics Non-profit community health center is single largest employment setting

7 CATCH Evaluation Highlights 85% projects are completed 87% projects still exist in some form two years after funding 63% awardees still involved in their project 29% report CATCH funds helped to leverage additional funding

8 CATCH Evaluation Highlights 72% have sustained most community partnerships 64% formed new community partnerships after funding ended 64% success at increasing access for children 41% have mentored others in obtaining a CATCH grant or conducting a CATCH project

9 Some Examples Youth in transition health care Oral Health Maternal Depression Care coordination for CSHCN Mental Health Access Asthma Health Literacy Teenage pregnancy

10 YES, YOU CAN!!!!

11 Contact Information Massachusetts CATCH co-facilitators Dr. Anne Nugent ( Dr. Giusy Romano-Clarke ( District I CATCH Resident Representative Dr. Megan Schultz (

12 Contact Information AAP CATCH Program Manager Dana Bennett-Tejes ( Community Pediatrics Website CATCH Website

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