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Organizing your work and time Susan R. Johnson, M.D., M.S. Professor of Obstetrics& Gynecology and Epidemiology Associate Provost for Faculty University.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizing your work and time Susan R. Johnson, M.D., M.S. Professor of Obstetrics& Gynecology and Epidemiology Associate Provost for Faculty University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizing your work and time Susan R. Johnson, M.D., M.S. Professor of Obstetrics& Gynecology and Epidemiology Associate Provost for Faculty University of Iowa e-mail:




5 Keep lists 

6 T Einstein’s brain T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T M How the brain works… MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMM Your Brain

7 Everything you are trying to accomplish now. List 1 Projects

8 Project List Scholarship R01 **Due Nov 1 Manuscript Review **Due May 13 Chapter revision Proteomic technique to learn Computer upgrade for lab Teaching Lecture prep - new medical student talk on HPV CME course talk on hot flashes Student exam - grade

9 Administrative Call schedule for next six months Hire new secretary Medicare time study grid completion Family picture replacement in office Home / personal Thanksgiving dinner plan Graduation party for Emma Computer backup system implementation Spice replacement Freezer - defrost

10 3. Store all files together 2. Create folders for each project 1. Keep a list of projects RO1 Abstract /SGI meeting Review article R21 progress report RO1 Abstract R21 Review article Paper Virtual E-mail Projects Project support material

11 Anything you might want to do later. List 2 Someday, maybe

12 Someday maybe list Second R01 Reorganize the clinic flow Create a new syllabus for the medical students Clean and organize the garage Learn Chinese Trip to Nepal Buy a hybrid car Second career as a florist Maui conference in 2008

13 Decide which projects should be Projects (List 1) vs. Someday (List 2) 1.It’s your job… 2.You promised 3.Related to a long term goal 4.Interesting

14 The tasks that move the projects forward List 3 Next actions

15 Plan bar mitzvah v call the caterer 888-222-1111

16 Create course syllabus v. Do Medline search on “hot flash therapy " since 2005

17 write Ro1 v. Draft Specific Aim 1

18 Source: Jeffrey Mayer

19 Keep up with your e-mail 

20 Empty e-mail inbox

21 Isolate backlogged email

22 The path to “empty” Set a time limit Look only when you can process. No skipping.

23 Decide what to do with each Delete File Needs reply –2 min  reply immediately –Not sure?  ask for clarification or information  track in “waiting for” –Defer to later  decide the next thing you need to do before replying, and note it

24 “Waiting for” = you are waiting to hear back from someone else

25 Take action, now. 

26 The 2 minute rule

27 What about “big” projects?

28 “if you are going to eat a live frog, don’t spend too much time looking at it first” --- attributed to mark twain but he may have never actually said it

29 Plan 

30 The Week Review and update: –Project List –Next action List –Calendar  next 3 weeks –Waiting for Identify foci for the week Occasionally review: –Someday Maybe List

31  Pick 1-3 critical tasks / do them early, The Day  Look at e-mail second.  Alternate between routine and important work.  Close your door for an hour


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