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Information Literacy Information Literacy An essential to survive in 21 st century Safia Kokab

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1 Information Literacy Information Literacy An essential to survive in 21 st century Safia Kokab

2 21st Century “Survival Literacies” (Unesco) 1.Basic or Core functional literacy fluencies of reading, writing, orally and in numeric 2.Computer Literacy 3.Media Literacy 4.Distance Education and E-Learning 5.Cultural Literacy 6.Information Literacy

3 Information Literacy: Definition A mean to “empower people in all walks of life to seek, evaluate, use and create information effectively to achieve their personal, social, occupational and educational goals” (UNESCO)

4 Information Literacy: Definition A set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information” (ACRL)

5 Information Literacy (definition) The ability to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” ALA Presidential Committee on Information Literacy. Final Report. 1989

6 Information Today: Abundant and Diverse Internet Libraries Media Organizations Text, graphic, aural, media, multimedia Easily accessible from home

7 Information Literacy & Information Technology Information literacy skills –Understanding –Finding –Evaluating –Using –Emphasis on critical discernment Information technology skills –Databases –Word processing –Spreadsheets –Presentation software –Emphasis on technology

8 An information literate person is able to: Determine the extent of information needed Access needed information efficiently Evaluate information critically Use information to accomplish a purpose Use information ethically and legally ACRL

9 An information literate person has a deep awareness, connection, and fluency with the information environment. Information literate people are engaged, enabled, enriched and embodied by social, procedural and physical information that constitutes an information universe. Information literacy is a way of knowing that universe." Lloyd (2004: 223)

10 How to be information literate with people? –When to trust people as information sources –Good ways to “search” and “browse” different kinds of people (e.g. teacher, friend, employer, unknown expert) –Comparing people sources with other sources –Working with people to share and create information

11 Web 2.0 vs. Socialization Web 2.0 may be “hook” to attract, but people need “old-fashioned” face-to-face skills too More education for collaborative information literacy e.g. co-creating documents and websites; working on information tasks together; “family” information literacy sessions

12 Information Literacy & Lifelong Learning Information Literacy Life Long Learning Information Literacy is the base of Life Long Learning

13 Lifelong Learning All learning activities undertaken through life on an ongoing basis in a variety of formal and informal settings, with the aim of improving knowledge, skills, understandings and competence, within a personal, civic, social and/or employment-related perspective. (NIACE, 2003)

14 Inter-relationship between Information Literacy & Lifelong Learning Self Actualization Self Motivation Self Direction Self Empowerment

15 Difference between Information Literacy & Lifelong Learning a set of skillsInformation Literacy is a set of skills a good habitLifelong learning is a good habit

16 Conclusion 21 st century is an era of globalization lead by ICT, Information, Communication, Technology. In order to survive in 21 st century we must be Information literate and Lifelong learner. Information literacy is essential not only in academia but in every field of life.

17 Thanks Safia Kokab MLIS-PU (2006-08) Former Lecturer Department of Library & Information Science University of Sargodha

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