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Welcome to Mrs. Halton & Mrs. Somers Curriculum night August 15, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Halton & Mrs. Somers Curriculum night August 15, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Halton & Mrs. Somers Curriculum night August 15, 2013

2 Tonight’s Agenda More about your teachers What is Common Core? ELA Math IFG time Social Studies Science Specials Communication Homework Questions

3 Meet Your Teachers Mrs.Halton Mrs. Somers

4 What are Common core Standards? Academic standards are important because they help ensure that all students, no matter where they live they will be held to the same standards A clear roadmap for learning for teachers, parents, and students. Having clearly defined goals helps families and teachers work together to ensure that students succeed. Standards help parents and teachers know when students need extra assistance or when they need to be challenged even more

5 ELAEnglish Language Arts Third Grade Curricular Goals Advanced Word Study – prefixes, suffixes, multisyllabic words Reading with Accuracy and Fluency to support comprehension Balance of Informational and Literary Texts Using evidence from the text to support answers in writing and in speaking Engage in collaborative discussions about various topics and texts Grow vocabulary in reading, writing and speaking Writing: 3 Text Types: Narrative, Informative, Opinion – Writing across subject areas Develop and strengthen writing by planning, revising, and editing

6 What You can Expect during our Literacy Block… Comprehension strategy instruction Vocabulary routines Word study (using phonics patterns, syllable types, root words, prefixes and suffixes) Building stamina for reading independently at appropriate level of difficulty Rich discussions in and about texts (Using text as a basis for our answers) Written response Use of Harcourt Trophies & Trade Books for Reading Workshop

7 3 Signs of Reading Fluency The child reads with expression. The child reads at an appropriate rate (sounds like they are speaking) The child is accurate in their reading The child reads aloud and then retells the story or content of the selection. Listening comprehension and reading comprehension are at the same level.

8 Mathematics Operations and Algebraic Thinking Numbers in Base Ten Number and Fractions Measurement and Data Geometry

9 A Sample of What Your Child Will Be Working on in 3rd Grade Math Multiplying and dividing up to 10 × 10 quickly and accurately, including knowing the times tables from memory Solving word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division Understanding fractions and relating them to the familiar system of whole numbers (e.g., recognizing that 3⁄1 and 3 are the same number) Finding areas of shapes, and relating area to multiplication (e.g., why is the number of square feet for a 9-foot by 7-foot room given by the product 9 × 7?)

10 What you can expect during our math block… Math Routine Math lesson based on the Common Core standards to include the following: – Whole group teaching – Problem solving – Math games Sharing of strategies District Adopted Curriculum

11 What is IFG time Instructional Focus Group Student will be split up based on their learning needs into all 3 rd grade classrooms Your child will get 30 minutes of intense instruction at their learning level 4 days a week Team will meet on an on-going basis to review student data and move groups as needed

12 technology Develop Essential Skills Conduct Research Apply technology to everyday learning Kyrene Educational Resources

13 Social studies American History- European explorers and discoveries in the new world, Civil War era, Civil Rights leaders, and current events. World History- Ancient Greek philosophers, political and military leaders and from Ancient Rome, and the exploration of Canada. Civics and Government- national symbols and monuments, how communities work together, national holidays, branches and levels of government, how laws are made, citizenship, and character traits Geography- maps, characteristics of maps, locate features on maps, species and environments, and change over time Economics- resources and where they are made, ways to earn money, and costs and benefits of personal spending

14 Science Rocks Erosion and Weathering Living Things Ecology, biomes Light and Sound

15 Special areas Monday: Library (don’t forget to have students return books to school with them on Mondays) Tuesday: Art Wednesday: Computer Lab Thursday: Music Friday : PE (Don’t forget PE shoes that day)

16 Blue folders This folder will contain your child’s… homework (on Friday) academic and behavior log (please initial each evening) important school information this is also where you should put lunch money in a labeled envelope Please look at your child’s folder each day.

17 Communication log  We will use a daily chart for behavior and school work for each student.  Parents should read and sign the log each day.  Ongoing communication is a help to everyone!  Agendas Please look at your child’s folder and sign the log each day.

18 Homework Frequency: Students will be given homework assignments on Friday and they are due back the following Thursday Quality: The expectations for quality homework time are… *The student works continuously for a minimum of 15 minutes. *The student works in an environment with minimal distractions (ie.TV, radio, toys). *The student gives their best effort and the work is neat and complete

19 Parents as Homework Partners The balance between homework and play/family time is important Parents are encouraged to monitor the length and quality of homework time. If your student is spending an excessive amount of quality time on homework, the parent has the option of ending the homework session and communicating this with the teacher.

20 Other Tidbits Please always email both of us: – Visit our website often for updated info – We look forward to going over your child’s progress at Parent-Teacher conferences in October and February Please remember to send your child with a snack each day Parent Volunteers

21 Questions More information about Common Core Standards can be found: mber=2583 the-common-core-standards

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