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1 Regulation Reform Update Highlights from EEC’s Proposed Regulations.

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1 1 Regulation Reform Update Highlights from EEC’s Proposed Regulations

2 2 New Definitions  Educator– is the new umbrella term referring to all early education and care staff in the draft regulations.  It includes all FCC staff, all GCC staff, and all SACC staff.  The word “educator” makes it easier to read the regulations.  Individual titles are still used if a requirement (like qualifications) is specific to a certain position Lead Teacher Teacher Assistant Teacher Director I, II Program Administrator Site Coordinator Group Leader Assist. Group Leader Family Child Care Provider Certified FCC Assistant Regular FCC Assistant *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

3 3 The Proposed Regulations have Three Program Types Family Child Care Up to 10 children, infants to school-age, in a residence. Small Non-Residence Up to 10 children but not in a residence. Large Group 11+ children (up to capacity) including both group and school-age under one license. *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

4 4 Definition of Family Child Care  Current regulations for FCC limit the operation of a family child care home to an occupied residence. Family child care providers want some flexibility in this definition. Continue to allow family child care to operate in an occupied residence. Allow family child care to occur in a building attached to the residence of the licensee (garage). Allow family child care to occur in an unattached building on the land of the licensee’s primary residence The proposed regulation change will accomplish the following: Continued on next slide *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

5 Definition of Family Child Care Allow family child care to occur in a vacant unit in a duplex if the licensee resides in the other unit of the residence Allow family child care to occur in an unoccupied apartment in a residence of up to three stories (potential for three separate dwelling units) if the licensee lives in one of the units. *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

6 6 Small Non-Residence Care  EEC has developed a hybrid! Small non-residence care combines elements of family child care and group/school age child care. It creates new options for the care of a small number of unrelated children. Allows for ten or fewer children to receive care in a non-residence, such as a church, community center, or similar setting The regulations are less restrictive than group child care to reflect the nature of a smaller group Works well for the provider whose home may be unsuitable for family child care Works well for a community agency that needs a small on-site program for staff or clients The proposed regulation change will accomplish the following: Community Services *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

7 7 Group Assignment  Current regulations for GCC require that children be assigned to groups (classrooms) based solely on their chronological age. This does not always meet the needs of the children Provides the flexibility to assign children to classrooms according to their developmental needs Allows an older toddler to be moved into a preschool classroom under certain conditions Allows a child who is not ready to move into the next age group to stay in their current classroom under certain conditions The proposed regulation change will accomplish the following: Continued on next slide *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

8 8 Group Assignment Decisions for group assignment will be made on a combination of factors, including the child’s chronological age, where the child is developmentally, parental input, and the ability of the child to fit into the proposed group. Providers and parents have been requesting this flexibility…we have listened! *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

9 9 Family Groupings in Large Child Care  Sometimes children do better in a small group of mixed ages. The proposed regulations would allow limited use of “family groupings” in a large group setting (group/school age child care) and small non- residence settings. Works well for non- traditional programs, like domestic violence women’s shelters or back up child care Allows children going through a stressful period to be in smaller group with their older or younger siblings. Allows children with disabilities to grow and learn with their peers in smaller groups. Acknowledges that older and younger children can learn from each other in a family grouping setting The proposed regulation change will accomplish the following: *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

10 10 Supervision of Children in School-Age Programs  Appropriate supervision of younger school-age children (ages 5-8 years) is very different from that of older school-age children (ages 9- 13 years). The current regulations do not differentiate between the needs of these two age groups. Continue to require programs to provide developmentally appropriate supervision to all school-age children Create two new categories: “younger school-age children” and “older school-age children” Recognize that older school- age children should be allowed some independence appropriate to their age and developmental abilities. Give better guidance to programs around expectations for the supervision of the “younger” and the “older” school-age children. The proposed regulation change will accomplish the following: *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

11 11 Alignment of Ratios and Groupings Current school age child regulations require a 1:13 staff to child ratio. Current group child care regulations require a 1:15 staff to child ratio for children 4 yrs. 9 mos. of age or older but not yet enrolled in school. EEC is proposing to align these ratios by requiring 1:15 ratio for school age children. However, EEC is also proposing a 1:10 staff to child ratio if it is a mixed age range grouping of preschool and young school age children (up to age 9). Align the staff to child ratios across preschool and school age programs. Give programs that serve both preschool and school age children more staffing options. Create a new transitional grouping that meets the needs of older preschoolers and younger school age children. The proposed regulation changes will accomplish the following: *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

12 12 Educator’s Qualifications Will Stay the Same For Now Currently EEC is not making any changes to any of the required qualifications for educators. EEC is still in the early stages of developing competency-based qualifications as well as a system for on-going professional development. Qualifications will not be changing at this time for educators working in group, school age, or family programs. *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

13 13 Building a Foundation for the Early Education and Care Workforce As new IT systems become operational over time, EEC is proposing mandatory enrollment in a workforce registry to recognize the professionalism in our field and provide much-needed data about our workforce. EEC is proposing enhanced professional development hours Family child care would need 10 hours per year Group and school age staff would need 5 to 20 hours per year depending on how many hours they work. EEC is proposing a required orientation for all staff entering the field. *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

14 14 There will be Two Ways to Give EEC Feedback By mid-May There will be an on-line survey specifically set up for this informal review process. Draft Regulations will be available on-line at And: There will be a special e-mail box Tell us what you like about these draft regulations or point out areas you would like EEC to review and consider. *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

15 15 Regulation Review Process Timeline Board provides input on alignment approach December 2005 EEC develops draft regulations January 2006-April 2007 Intensive informal external review process May-June 2007 Draft regulations will be available on-line at Board vote to send out for public comment Fall 2007 Implementation preparation Fall 2007 Board vote on final regulations after revisions Winter 2007 Technical assistance/training Spring/Summer 2008 New regulations take effect Fall 2008* *Some regulations may be phased in over time *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

16 16 We Will Move Forward Together! EEC is dedicated to moving forward with the early education and care community. This is an opportunity to give us guidance on the draft regulations. Your informal comments add value by improving the draft regulations. Our common goal is to begin the formal comment period this fall with the best possible draft regulations! Thank you. *PLEASE NOTE: These are DRAFT proposals for further review and discussion over the next 6-8 months.

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